Main Disc. / Dev. Thread - Love Bomb Ultima Mk. II Prototype

What I love about this Club is that I find ppl like you with whom I can talk about this on this high level.

To come back to @James 's situation: then it is solely these 7 limiting beliefs running in his system ^^ Though the 741Hz for sure will help (I trust my intuition & Higher Self 100%) :slight_smile:


Same here, actually it was a really nice conversation

you are so pleasant to speak with and can also think beyond things

I think also I was very certain about my first response but then what you said made me think more and look at the nuances of this situation more

Glad we could have this chat!

Imma go listen to some awesome sounds hehe

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Do not take Emoto’s work too seriously.
His experiments have not been reproduced by anyone else.



To be honest I find I can replicate it (minus the lab stuff) even in my personal life
hold the water in your hand and try it and compare it with a control water, you may notice a difference Simon

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Sure. I used to do that in my teens. Even more fun when you ruin someone else’s soft drink. :smile:

Look, I have recommended Pam Grout, Lynne McTaggart, etc on this forum. I’m not against the logic. Just saying that Emoto is highly questionable.


Metal music might be positive for @James.

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As a metalhead myself, I can testify to this! :rofl:

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Also in regards to the LB Mk. II… I’ve used it a couple of days and have noticed a slight shift in people’s attitudes towards me. Strangers light up and smile now as I walk the dogs… and also a (albeit still small) positive shift in my spouse.

The largest shift however is that I’ve started to love myself and my world a whole lot more. Maybe because I feel more loved? It’s a curious piece of subliminal tech, indeed!


This for sure. I’m not sure if it’s from running RICH or Love Bomb but I don’t feel the negativity that used to hang over me like a cloud


I guess until I started running Dragon Reborn I didn’t see how the pessimism, anxiety, fear , envy , and contempt were putting blinders on me that kept me paralyzed, stuck, and unable to see the opportunities often right in front of my face.


after listening to Love Bomb, even the first time, tell yourself “positive mind”, “positive mindset” etc … and you will see the power of this sub ! Anytime you feel negative, think of “positive mind”…


I do feel the same! :open_mouth:

And on a parallel note… I don’t mean to encroach or patronize, and I do apologize if it comes across as such… but I was thinking that maybe this sub could be useful for you @Lisa? In times of hardship, self-love is paramount :blush:


A book I just purchased

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Dragon Reborn , Love Bomb and RICH also help me deal with and deflect the endless negativity and criticism thrown at me by my landlord.


How Da Bomb Overnight stack is


Now don’t even try to tempt me to add R.I.CH to the stack.

Okay fine you win!

ITU, LM, RICH tonight while I sleep


@mecharc I am running Love Bomb currently. I ran a loop each earlier of RICH and Executive

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How’s the combo of live bomb and rich?


I definitely feel far more optimistic although my wifi has decided to be difficult but that’s temporary

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Bro. That’s nice. How many loops though?