Main Disc. / Dev. Thread - Love Bomb Ultima Mk. II Prototype

Pfffff that’s bullshit, only if the “shaman” and medicine are weak. :grin:

Hahaha! That makes sense! Thanks man!

I’d guess that that’s less about the strength of the shaman, and more about the readiness of the person who is going to see the shaman.

Seems like it could make the person readier to accept whatever medicine the shaman’s giving. Then again, there are a million systems and traditions out there. There are some that require you to get intoxicated or to have sex in order to get into their process.

It is what it is.


Look it has some truth to it.
1.The medicine has les work to do and can penetrate deeper
2.the medicine don’t need to fill you up as much

Other perspectives are

Never saw a strong shaman working with weak medicine

You can be as ready as you want, when the med. And Sha. Are weak then it’s pointless and you end up there:WEAK

We have 1 mapacho ( tabak without filter) next to your vomit basket ready.Douring the Ceremony It’s there in case the medicine it’s to strong.
The Mapacho dulls you down for 30 min

I had to test it once in our camp and said I want 3/4 of a shot glass medicine, I ended up 2 hours with my head in the toilet smoking 10 mapacho vomiting the shit out of me to the point it wasn’t funny anymore :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

We don’t do more than maximum a half shotglass, and you always choose how much you want

My best Frend and owner of the Center even smokes Weed the same day

The only rules are

No medication
No Coke
No Alkohol
During the Trip
And the day we Drink stopping the food 8 hours before.

But if you want to know, I go in March :wink: join me if you like

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Where are you from?

From Orion
And you :grin:

I live in Switzerland

How did the interview go?

Hey the are willing to offer me twice than what they offer usually for this position. They directly told me that they really like me and they want me. @aaa


In contrast, today I met old friends after almost half a year.
Being consistent with my current stack for some time now, I was expecting I would be different around them. Have having heard a loop of Ultima I was expecting some different behaviour from them too. Unfortunately, none what do ever.

I was still treated as the indifferent person. They couldn’t care less if I was or wasn’t there.

I’m saving off a few points from love bomb.

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Must suck being judged for someone your not anymore @mecharc. What is it that you like about your old friends? b.t.w your change is awesome, you changed so much( incase you are wondering, I used to read more along than joining in haha). Also from my impression you seem to be more secure about yourself, is that true? Sometimes with friends, it is so comfortable for them to hold on to the old impressions. it takes some time to accept the new you. Don’t give up on them yet man(if they are true friends)!

Personally I have this problem too, especially with my cousin’s. They still see me as this lazy asshole and they still only care about themselves. Sometimes it seems like I am not interesting at all. It is so hard to not judge them. Sometimes I think it is easier to just start fresh and distance myself from them and gang with other cousins that don’t know me that we’ll. Easier to be the new me around them!

Nothing really broo. Although it’s my fault to begin with. I would like it when they took me very seriously, but started hating it when they stopped doing so.

But I realise that I’m to blame for that.

I always pretended to be someone I am not. Initially I faked it well. But eventually the reality comes out.

Today, one thing different was that I was myself, I didn’t smtry hard to fit in. I just went with the flow.

100 percent.

I really interested to know how you figured that out.

Replace cousin with friends , and that’s the story of my life.
However, after a certain age you can’t really find new people. But at the same time, the old people aren’t there as well

All this talk about cousins reminds me that I noticed something similar during my first loop of this sub. For the last few weeks, I had been thinking about these two cousins and their spouses, and how messed up they are, not sure why. I was able to figure out what the problem was the other day. The thought just came to me. I also knew that I had to let them go for good. Problem solved, I can go on never even having to think about them again. There are no hard feelings. Life goes on and not everyone I know should be in my life, nor should I be in theirs.


Now this here is a bad belief if I’ve ever seen one :wink:


Try Inner Circle. Not only does it work. It works surprisingly fast.


Please share your experiences @lrw

@mecharc I can attest to IC working very fast. A few hours after running one loop I ran into some guy I hadn’t heard from in a few years. Turns out he works at the same company as me, and helped me out with a certain task I needed to get done.

Now imagine when IC is at Q+ and is updated with THE latest manifestation tech. THAT will be something. It’s going in my next custom.


The first time I listened to it was on a Friday. I listened to it again on Saturday morning. I was planning on getting work done that Saturday, but I had this urge to go out. I’m not sure which sub caused this urge. I went out and a woman got manifested. She was like a mentor. She gave me information that would be very helpful to me in my line of work. I did not ask her about it, I did not talk to her or even make eye contact with her. She just really wanted me to know this information that turned out to be really helpful to me. I doubt that I will see her again, but you never know. I’m running Inner Circle after all :wink:


@Leandros, I’m from Andromeda and I had this feeling you somehow are from Peru.

Inner Circle with Transcendental Connection and Yggdrasil!


Ich komm auch von Orion :slight_smile:

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Methinks thou doth needeth some introspection and healing, kind sir :wink:

On a serious note, what experiences do you have which hold up this belief?