Main Disc. / Dev. Thread - Love Bomb Ultima Mk. II Prototype

I haven’t felt any stress today. I even dealt with a toxic person who normally provokes all kinds of negative feelings. This lack of stress has helped me to get a better understanding of the situation with that toxic person and I’m able to see what I need to do to improve things. I also have the courage to do it. I can see that this program will not turn me into a pushover.


Sorry man, just found I had this sub in my downloads and read the thread, saw people way earlier worried about “friend zone” and the concept of “love” being weak.

What you wrote is spot on! I’ll stop using those antiquated terms from the pua community. What I’m experiencing is anything but simping. Who knows, maybe that is my subconscious ridding itself of that concept that I struggled with way back in my younger days. Thanks for pointing to it lol

Did I mention I Love this sub??


No problem lol. Those who call love weak are ignorant (unaware) of what is truly is.


Yes! Love just might be what I was missing all my life haha

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This sub is actually beginning to shift my misanthropic mindset. I’m actually starting to see the good in people again. I also seem to be attracting kindness from others, sometimes excessively. Had an older woman the other day tell me that she loves my “spirit”. I assume she meant the positive vibes I was putting out.

This occurred at a gathering. My oldest sister never got to meet her Father. She found out where he lived two weeks after his death. I went with her to meet with her Dad’s side of the family, after she connected with her siblings from his side. They never knew my sister existed. Basically all went well and even though I’m not related to them, they chose to accept me as a member of their family right along with my sister. They treated us as if we all grew up together.


You’d be shocked at how true this seems for many people that I’ve met.


I used to think that whole " friend zone " thing was bad but now I realize how liberating it is. No expectations. Makes you question if and why you may have oneitis.


There is this person who I don’t believe is truly toxic, but sure comes across like they are. The person is highly organized, more so than the average person, yet this person uses disorganization and other nonsense to prevent progress and to cause all kinds of stress on everyone around them. I had to deal with the chaotic aftermath of their poor decision making first thing in the morning. The person wasted half the day at work full of stress, telling me how overwhelmed they were, running around like a chiken without a head and NONE of that stress got over on to me. lol


I doubt that. Keep in mind it’s only Libertine script modified.

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Whatever else you’re running is fine by me. In my own testing, no matter what I’m running, Ultima seems to get through.

@Davisnwc Could you elaborate? Some people think they “know what’s up or are being realistic”… then have an experience… then they re-evaluate that when they thought about their attittude about “knowing what’s up or seeing things realistically”, they realized they were misanthropic. Did something like this happen to you?

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This is why I’m taking more rest days than the standard recommendations.

Basically what I meant by that is, I was reaching a point mentally where I couldn’t stand mankind as a whole. Borderline general hatred of the human race. I constantly saw the negative in others and even when I was shown kindness, I always felt it came with ulterior motives. Showed a cold and hard exterior constantly. Although part of me knew that humans aren’t all bad in general, my views were becoming borderline irrational. Emperor hastened that process, although it was not the cause of me developing that mindset.

Did only 2 loops of love bomb since it’s dropped, and my view on humanity is lightening up. Going from pessimistic back to a healthy realism. Mentally I’ve been more at peace with the world we live in (at peace but not a fan of it). Accepting that life itself and everything in it is a wildcard. Love bomb opened the gates with me to be more accepting of the world, but still intolerant of many things such as poor treatment from another.


Happened to me too. I actively avoided watching or reading any news because of this.

That’s a good effect from Lovebomb. I also felt uplifted and more positive.


I know exactly how you feel


I believe Dragon Reborn addresses this.


Not yet. There will be if we decide to actually release it as a standalone product. Not sure if we will until we get more information.

I understand. I was told if I go to do a big cleansing with a shaman, then for 1 week before … no :beer:, no :smoking:, and no :woman:

No emojis for a week?

WOW! Thank you for the explanation!

I think I have a membership in that club too.


:rofl: and no emojis for drugs. :smile: