Main Disc. / Dev. Thread - Love Bomb Ultima Mk. II Prototype

@Dare2fly Raphael gives good practical advice please follow what he has to say.


@Lion if i stop my complete stack and just listen to only one sub which is the lovebomb for two weeks, can this sub alone get women to fall in love with me,?which is what @TheBoxingScientist said it can do.
Or can i add just one wantedQ sub?

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@Brandon I have the LBV2 which isnt giving me results.

The subs don’t “give you” results, remember. You go out and get them. The subs are there just to help you but you gotta show up for it.

Libertine still requires you to go out, and Love Bomb is built from Libertine. SaintSovereign semi-joked that he took the Libertine scripting and did a copy/paste to change all references of sexual aura to one of love.

And Love Bomb won’t “make” people fall in love with you. It helps increase your odds of becoming “fallinlovewithable”


Try with Love Bomb alone for 2 weeks and let us know. After that you can add WANTED.

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I tested Love Bomb Mk2 last week and ended up making out with my ex‘s best friend. Interestingly, she always kinda „hated“ me.
I asked her what changed for her this night and she replied „She needed some love“ haha.

Love Bomb and Libertine seem to attract different kind of girls depending on their internal state and what they are looking for. Love or Lust. I wish subclub would combine the auras of Libertine and LoveBomb in one product as the synergy of those products combined in one could be amazing.


@SaintSovereign @Fire

Do you think that is a possibility one day?


I bet you’d need to load up on food to fuel the resulting aura lol

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one of our stark users will have to come up with a healthy version of one of those mass gainer protein shakes for use on the day of and after using the ultimate libertine love bomb synergistic ultima.


MCT oil to fuel them ultimas, or a bucket of sugar, if you don’t mind the crash


To me it does like Q or Ultima need lots of energy to fuel them. Sugar definitely helps with the energy but the healthier choice is MCT oil lots and lots of it.

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Raw meat and raw eggs is the only thing you need


You didn’t reply back :no_mouth:

Who didn’t?

Friday it was, he just replied!

“drastically reduced willingness to be harsh towards others”
I agree on that, same experience :+1:

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Hi @Dare2fly dont think to deeply into what to listen to. The subs will do 30 % of the work you must do the heavy lifting. I kmow you are already taking action so just listen to love bomb and keep on doing what you are doing.

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Cut it out. The sales pages are written in an interesting manner, but based completely on the script and expected results.


If you have purchased Love Bomb, why would you ever listen to the prototype over the actual production release? Let’s not overthink or make this complicated, gents.

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Raw meat? Isn’t that dangerous?

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