Main Dev. Thread - Updates to Older Programs

Any possibility to improve Daredevil by adding to it some relevant elements of True Sell and Chosen so that you can become insanely socially magnetic?


Ah i see. Thanks.

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Do you think if i purchase The Legacy now i will receive Legacy of the spartan later

Or it will be a totally different title?

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Here’s the answer:

Legacy of the Spartan has not yet been released. The time up until it is released is considered as ‘the past’. So, if you buy it now, you’ll get Legacy, and then you’ll have the free upgrade of Legacy of the Spartan once that has been released. Just like everyone else who has purchased Legacy in the last few years (like me! :crazy_face: ).

If you’re very eager to use Legacy in the next few days, then go for it. Or if you think you really want the old-school version. Most likely though, once Legacy of the Spartan is released, that’ll be the one you’re using all of the time. But you know better than I do.


@Theacrobat - to add to @Malkuth 's answer:

Basically, Legacy will be replaced by Legacy of the Spartan. It’s like Legacy is updated by Legacy of the Spartan in both name and scripting and hence if you purchase (or have already purchased) Legacy, you will get Legacy of the Spartan when it gets upgraded.

Really generous upgrades that you only get at SubClub!


So if you really want the Legacy version of Legacy then purchase it now. But if you only want the non-Legacy Legacy then you can purchase Legacy of the Spartan when it’s released (probably later this week).

So, do you want Legacy Legacy, non-Legacy Legacy, or both Legacy and non-Legacy Legacy?

It’s a simple question! :dizzy_face: :dizzy_face: :dizzy_face:


@Lion @Malkuth

Thanks, excellent news


Alternately, if what you’re really after is creating your own legacy, then purchase Emperor: The House of Medici.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, Exhibit A: Stress Humor.


Search the Renaissance Man v2 thread, I think it was mentioned there.

EDIT: Err, just checked. It wasn’t.

@SaintSovereign please tell us what changed :slight_smile:


Do you know when Seductress will be upgraded to V2 same with Emperor fitness?

Asking for my girl and well EF for me lol


Pretty sure EF is zp2, file name updated in account. Did you check? Unless this isn’t zp2


Oh lol ooops

Well than just seductress


I guess the news about The legacy of the spartan being the first version of the popularly kown as “Wanted Black” didn’t reach to many people.

Otherwise there would be more hype

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I am in the hype but trying to maintain a low profile

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We are using subs not frequency audios

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Astral Projection X and Remote Viewing X has been upgraded as well… i just downloaded mine.


Will the ZPv2 update to Sex Mastery X2 include improvements from the current focus on skill-based titles?


I hope so!!

What frequency? There’s no frequency to adjust…

I believe he meant how frequently the user plays the sub – more or fewer days than the Official Guidelines.


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