Can I use more superchargers just like subliminals? - Elixir in the morning and the upcoming Dreams supercharger while falling asleep at night?


Yes, you can.


Will there be a supercharger to catalyze Ultimate Artist?


Which supercharger do you feel goes best as a companion to Emperor at this point? Any plans for a new supercharger that may be more synergistic with Emperor?


Beyond Limitless is definitely very compatible with UA.


The Legacy.

Potentially. We’re planning to expand the supercharger line extensively.


No advertising competitors, gents. Thanks much.


@SaintSovereign Any update on Journeys? Looking forward to an Ascension supercharger.


The concept for Journeys became Beyond Limitless.


Ah, good to know thanks!


@SaintSovereign But what about a supercharger for Ascension? Is that in the works?


Yep, there’s one called The Commander on the roadmap.


I really liked the idea of dreams, any plans on upgrading it?


Maybe my primal self is a horn dog :joy: I feel like I’m deprived and starving when I see women pass by especially attractive women in yoga pants … that’s my weakness. Every women turns me on, all I can think about is women while on primal haha. I do feel a love for women and a appreciation for feminine energy as well while running it. I want to connect with women emotionally and spiritually as well but there’s a huge part of me that just wants to have sex with every women and get off. I’ve read comments on here in the past how some said they felt nothing on primal. I’m really surprised tbh. I guess if Your sexually repressed or had sexual shame growing up because of family, religion etc primal will be the most potent for these kind of people


Reading the first post by saint brought a tear to my eye.


So is the Supercharger concept dead? Ultima does not exactly fit the Supercharger niche.

There was something appealing about having a ten minute or so track to listen to on a daily basis and use the guided meditation as a point of focus.

I realize we still have the original superchargers, but with all the advancing tech it would be nice to have the supercharger concept maintain a life and an evolutionary path. I think this was a useful niche and the superchargers served a purpose.


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What about the superchargers do you really miss? The guided visualization? Because the other component is the ultrasonic backing track. And Ultima definitely has that down.

They are both “boosters” even if one is called a supercharger. But in the case of the supercharger the conscious mind is used to align and amp yourself up. In the case of Ultima, the Boys of the Board have possibly found a way to use directed scripting to create the same effect of amping you up.

So although they take different approaches, they are essentially the same.

Don’t get me wrong, I too will miss the guided visualizations (and the music), but considering that none of the “advancing tech” can be used to create a supercharger, meaning it will continue to need a ton of human resources to make, it is understandable SubClub is finding a way back to its “roots” and creating a subliminal instead. One that does fit within the new technology.

So, isn’t Ultima technically the next step in the “evolutionary path” of the superchargers? One where we no longer need the support of vocals? It may not look that way from outward appearances, but neither did humanity before it evolved from an ocean-dwelling amoeba onto a land-dwelling creature. For those that believe in the theory of evolution.

Except Fire, he evolved from inter-galactic stardust that crashed to Earth and killed off the dino’s. :wink:

PS Just realized my name wasn’t called. Leaving now…

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You could have gone away before typing so many words.

Please note, @DarkPhilosopher is our official forum ambassador and moderator. Please treat him with the same respect that one would treat myself or @Fire.

For now, the concept is on hold as we pour all of our resources into our underlying subliminal technology. While the superchargers are unique and exciting, many people were unable to receive the expected results. That’s something the Ultima concept can address. Eventually, we will return to creating new superchargers, but for now, we’re sticking with Ultima.


How many different ultima products could one use? With superchargers i used to use 2-3 depending on the situation i was going to be involved. One before each time. For example i want to work out i used Legacy. I wanted to work i used Beyond Limitless. Since the burn out is stronger in ultima. Do you recommend only one product or two would be fine?