Please note, @DarkPhilosopher is our official forum ambassador and moderator. Please treat him with the same respect that one would treat myself or @Fire.

For now, the concept is on hold as we pour all of our resources into our underlying subliminal technology. While the superchargers are unique and exciting, many people were unable to receive the expected results. That’s something the Ultima concept can address. Eventually, we will return to creating new superchargers, but for now, we’re sticking with Ultima.


How many different ultima products could one use? With superchargers i used to use 2-3 depending on the situation i was going to be involved. One before each time. For example i want to work out i used Legacy. I wanted to work i used Beyond Limitless. Since the burn out is stronger in ultima. Do you recommend only one product or two would be fine?

It sounds like two is the limit

I mean really two is probably the limit for most people but it really depends how subs tax you in general. Everyone is different and what may work for you may not work for me, i could use 2-3 maybe while you maybe only able to handle 1-2. The same thing goes for Q generated subs some people can handle more then others.

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I use the supercharger at the end of a A + (Filler) + B + (Filler) + A + (Filler) + SC stack. It was to frame the 5 hours of listening into a mental frame, as a form of NLP, since NLP is concious language.

If there is no frame, its harder to look back and passively compartmentalize blocks of time in relation to each other.
Another issue is guided meditation vs indirect meditation. Indirect is more useful to trigger subliminal states days and weeks after listening, without needing to listen to the audio track.

How this works is the audible linguistics only have a vague correlation to the hidden subliminal, but allows the subject to be more profound and long lasting since the user can expand vagueness much greater than guided commands. The listener thinks the phenomena is more profound and meaningful than it really is.

This is abit akin to why music is so popular to embed a subliminal track, the combination of ear bug phenomena, the listener is trying to subconsciously figure out the lyrics. The feedback loop of vagueness allow the brain to continuously wonder about this figurative black hole. When the brain thinks of the song, you are also thinking of the physical states you experienced while listening.

Another ear bug phenomena is present not only in music but film as well. Watch the movie Dark Knight Rises chant “Fish pasta, pasta, Fish pasta.” This ruined a good portion of the film for me, I cannot derive any deep meaning in relation to the film, and it will never leave me.

My sense is that it’s not about limiting the number of Ultima products. It’s actually about managing recovery times.

They are short-term state boosters. Meant to be used in specific periods of time. This is in contrast to the other subliminal programs that are meant to be used over a long-period of time to bring about enduring life changes.

So, my sense is that you use an Ultima supercharger and it boosts and charges a particular state. You use that, experience it, benefit from it. And then it passes.

Then you recover from the intensity of that experience and return to a (relatively) neutral state.

Once that happens you are ready to use any other Ultima program.

(Yes, as some point out, there will be a kind of sense memory created that will be carried with you after the experience. So it is likely that there will also be a certain type of longer-term effect as well.)

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Would Ultima really be a temporary state though? It parallels the experience we all have moving around the physical world , as the phenomena of the objective world is filtered through our subjective reality.

This film is objectively incomprehensible since there is no collective reality we can share with the ideas and emotions that can occur.

I wonder what could be stronger in reinforcing a previous subliminal belief system? A constant refresher in the structural absolutes behind ideas and beliefs, AKA A > B > C.

The listener should already have this pattern down through memorization, I argue that rehearsing the sequence becomes weaker over time. If one could summarize and compact the standard sequence into something stronger, through the utilization of “Signifiers”

The video I posted above represents pure signifying, with no structural basis to understand. If one could scatter signifiers for the listener to rehearse alongside the standard sequence, it would look more like A > # > B > @ > C. Afterwards the listener can excise to compact the subliminal session, to look more like # > @. Instead of 5 elements we reduced it to 2.

Simplification of concepts is the end result of truth in its purest form, the duality of destruction and construction.

By this do you mean repeatedly listening to a subliminal stack containing 3 tracks A, B and C?
If so, why would it become weaker over time?

My argument would be the easier something is to integrate, the less willpower your unconscious is willing to rehearse something. The integration of extraneous novel information into the unconscious will take precedence. The problem is you do not know what you are integrating at any moment of time.

To short circuit this, I theorize the abstraction of known information into subjective signifiers, such as emotions or objects will block out competing strong but insignificant phenomena that we all experience day to day.


I think so.

I would say conversely without any certainty though, its possible that the effect could be permanent but transient, it would have to be unnaturally triggered and reinforced in some manner.

My hope being that there would be some personal agency in controlling this effect.

I’d look at it like this. You wrote the above post in English, a language you probably learned in your childhood. At this point after much daily rehearsal, reading, and practice, you can spontaneously improvise and express abstract, highly complex concepts in English, as you demonstrated.

For you to get to the point where you could express similarly complex concepts in Japanese, would take some time (assuming you haven’t already learned that language).

On the other hand, to learn a few phrases would only take 5 minutes. And a few cleverly selected phrases could even give you a real window into the culture and allow you to have something like a genuine interaction.

Nevertheless, without practice over time, you will not be writing your above post in Japanese.

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Yes, I am not going to pretend I know the implications of how ultima is supposed to pan out individually or even for a new user. Since ultima is advertised as not as useful for long term growth, it is not supposed to build a complex structural base for the new listener.

But I wouldn’t discard the notion that the listener will not create permanence with continued use, the main difference here is the convergence is not through advanced subliminal structuring and rehearsal through NLP, but through more traditional casual phenomena that everyone experiences in everyday life. This would make ultima without guidance and structure, not weaker or impermanent, but simply diffuse and transient.

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You wrote some interesting stuff that we all can digest.


@user9437773791397760 Do those numbers mean anything by the way?

Not really, its just user9 and random numbers. I use that so there is no search engine can compile my internet presence, but someone would possibly associate my posts if they wanted.

@Hermit Am thinking of throwing this challenge to Hermit to tell us the significance of this number at this point of time.


Maybe it will prove that coherence within chaos is more useful than a structured but superficial reality divorced from chaos.

Definitely agreed. Consistent engagement in short-term but intense subjective states will contribute to long-term internalized changes. For sure.

As for some of your other points, they are very interesting and actually seem like they might be related to principles of developing effective subliminals in general. (i.e., the logic of communication with the unconscious and principles of pattern reinforcement, etc.)

The original question though was about how many different Ultima programs one person would be able to use. Here it is, reposted:

I’m still positing that the answer could be: ‘There is no limit as long as enough recovery time is allowed between sessions’.

The average person maybe goes through 3-4 major emotion states per day. The average professional actor might go through 10 times that many. We can accommodate a great many different subjective states. But we need time to stabilize ourselves so that we don’t subjectively or objectively ‘fall apart’.

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Ran two loops of beast Unleashed supercharger today and I was feeling like I was on meth during workouts. What a perfect name, beast unleashed indeed :grin:. I feel the app is really underrated


Wait until we get around to creating the LIFEcharger version of it.