Main Dev. Thread -- Regeneration and The Elixir

Then again someone run Elixir with Regeneration for a period of time then run Elixir or Limit Destroyer and Total Breakdown.

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In terms of running two Ultimas I feel BLU and LD would work well together possibly


I’m doing my custom which has khan stage 1, regeneration, elixir, and rebirth.

So far I’ve done everything but Elixer and it’s been awesome. Will report more after elixer and another round of regeneration.


agreed, I think Exec, BLU, and LD are the three that will stack best together, or some permutation of 2-3 of those.

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I didn’t consider LD and Executive. That might work so someone doesn’t procrastinate out of self doubt or second guessing themselves

I believe it would give people the ability to execute now, not just on current commitments and what needs to get done, but on what they want to do and create that may not have seemed possible before.

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This all made perfect sense and clears it up thank you. Question is which is right for me. Seeing as I already have Elixir… that may answer that lol. But actually, we can all heal from faulty programming from the past so that should be my focus. I wonder if I should drop Rebirth and go straight for Elixir. Been running Rebirth for a week with good results.

You convinced me that Elixir and LDU would be a winner combo, but man I already want to run Executive when I need to get shit done. Libertine before a date. True Social before hanging with my circle. Commander before work to make deals. GLM because why not :joy: Good problems to have I suppose


Heavy is the burden of all these magical possibilities :slight_smile:

My philosophy now is start small, build up, I can’t run everything I want at the same time, but I can run…more than I think :wink:

The latest I read from Saint to paraphrase-was some titles he can only do 2 of other 3-4 with no issue-start with the recommendations and expand beyond to see how it goes.

I’ll personally be doing 3 major titles/customs and 2 Ultimas for the next month or so

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The elixir and regeneration is where it is at. Literally, they were made for each other.


These are questions I am asking you for the answers. :wink:

All I need now is custom ultima and we are set.

Is this a healing custom?

lol no, my grammar was off and misleading.

I meant I am currently running my custom, which has Khan stage 1, stacked with rengergation Q, and the two Ultimas Elixer, and Rebirth

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In case it is still relevant, I mostly agree with what has already been stated. Elixir heals the past making you whole, LD paves the road towards the future so you can boldly go where no you has gone before™.


Don’t overcomplicate things, everyone. Limit Destroyer is specifically focused on internal limits and will work conjunction with your stack. If you’re running a wealth focused stack, it’ll primarily focus on internal wealth ceilings. Fitness stack? Limits regarding weight loss and fitness.

Elixir is broad spectrum and focuses on more than just limits. It focuses on emotional and mental traumas as well.


There is definitely a downside to running Regeneration and Elixir Ultima. You rapidly become aware if you aren’t already as to how fucked up other people are and possibly yourself.


I don’t get that feeling.
Since I am running RegenerationQ and the Elixir Ultima I am feeling soooooo goooooood inside myself, whole and fresh, alive and relaxt


Yeah I feel pretty positive after I listen to both of those.


It’s probably just me then or I have a metric fuck ton more to work on than I thought. Or both


You would think it was the other way around. seeing your own damage first. Then again, maybe for some people it is easier to see their damage reflected in/by others. Interesting idea.