Main Dev. Thread -- Regeneration and The Elixir

These are questions I am asking you for the answers. :wink:

All I need now is custom ultima and we are set.

Is this a healing custom?

lol no, my grammar was off and misleading.

I meant I am currently running my custom, which has Khan stage 1, stacked with rengergation Q, and the two Ultimas Elixer, and Rebirth

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In case it is still relevant, I mostly agree with what has already been stated. Elixir heals the past making you whole, LD paves the road towards the future so you can boldly go where no you has gone before™.


Don’t overcomplicate things, everyone. Limit Destroyer is specifically focused on internal limits and will work conjunction with your stack. If you’re running a wealth focused stack, it’ll primarily focus on internal wealth ceilings. Fitness stack? Limits regarding weight loss and fitness.

Elixir is broad spectrum and focuses on more than just limits. It focuses on emotional and mental traumas as well.


There is definitely a downside to running Regeneration and Elixir Ultima. You rapidly become aware if you aren’t already as to how fucked up other people are and possibly yourself.


I don’t get that feeling.
Since I am running RegenerationQ and the Elixir Ultima I am feeling soooooo goooooood inside myself, whole and fresh, alive and relaxt


Yeah I feel pretty positive after I listen to both of those.


It’s probably just me then or I have a metric fuck ton more to work on than I thought. Or both


You would think it was the other way around. seeing your own damage first. Then again, maybe for some people it is easier to see their damage reflected in/by others. Interesting idea.


you rapidly become aware of what is causing subtle or overt emotional anguish under the surface-in your case that may be how fucked up you perceive other people to be and/or possibly yourself.

For me it was the subtle feeling I’m selling myself out, and that everyone leaves or can’t be trusted.


When I ran elixir a couple of hours ago it made me aware of how much I need connection and need tenderness toward myself. And now I feel like it. I forgive myself,love myself and accept myself more.

I already have blue skies also, so It’s working together.


I ran elixir and regeneration last night, and today was a bit rough. On one hand I felt great, but all my concerns were coming up, I wasn’t identifying or thrown off by them, they were just occupying my consciousness until I kept actively feeling them and letting them go. It did slow down performance a bit, but that’s ok for now. I feel more whole and complete.


Exactly @James
And some people that i once liked now really irriate the hell out of me. I can also see lots of flaws on people lol


I’m wondering if throwing in SanguineU for the other part of the day would help. Like ElixirU/Regen before bed…sanguineU in the afternoon.

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I ran Regeneration for a couple of loops last night ,QL Stage one for a couple of loops as well , and ran Elixir Ultima for one loop in between. Seems like the perfect stack for me at the moment to work on my trauma and faulty beliefs and behavior because of that trauma. I am curious if running Rebirth Ultima on alternate days is overkill? I feel at times I am so desperate to get over all of this silly shit so I can get on with my life. My only concern at this point is with doing all this healing that I become the epitome of Generation X sarcastic and apathetic. Listening to plenty of death metal is incredibly cathartic as well. I think tonight I may run Elixir for three to five loops while I sleep.

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Listens to Regeneration, which acts like a soothing Classical Aria to the subconscious.
Listens to Death Metal to balance it out.

I think that’s what the US considers enhanced interrogation. :slight_smile:


Currently running Total Breakdown to balance it out even more

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Bro what in the world… just ran my first loop. This is legit! First 10 minutes were weird. I didn’t feel like finishing my workout and I didn’t feel on

Just finished and I’m out here dancing in my house, humming, laughing at myself in the mirror. Feels like I took drugs lmao. I feel very sexual too. Like if Megan Fox walked in right now and I’d be completely at ease and in the moment. That’s genuinely how I feel right now. Which is huge for me and how I grew up.

Rebirth in the AM, Elixir in the PM it seems like. This morning I experimented with Commander and I was somewhat irritated and very subtlely aggressive at work. Like from the outside looking in you’d have no idea, but internally the reconciliation made me way less productive. Reminds me of Saint’s post of why he doesn’t run T or T2. I can’t afford to not be productive. Rebirth makes me feel really good. I don’t get nearly as much reconciliation on it.