Main Dev. Thread - Power Can Corrupt (Now Available!)

Nice! - I’m considering something somewhat similar to this, but I’m not sure if I have room for it in my stack.

Can you tell me if this custom feels light or dense and how many you have in your entire stack?

I wanna ask about your experience with alpha of alpha

I used it for six months, do you feel like every single man looks up to you?

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I don’t think this Custom in particular is that dense since PCC and Inner Circle to me are light cores. I’m using it with Dragon Reborn ST2 and another Spirituality Custom. My stack is not focused, since it has healing, social and spiritual. If yours is more focused towards something, I’d say it’d be a good addition. I don’t care if I get slower results using this stack since I plan to use it for a long time, your use case may be different.

Spirituality Custom
Mind’s Eye
Sage Immortal
Remote Viewing
Current Invoker
Divine Will
Faith Unyielding
Arcane Mastery
Intuition Enhanced
Awakened Perception
Dream Traveler
The Flow
Depths of Love
Emotions Unfettered
Blue Skies

Tough to say since I haven’t been able to go out much due to where I live. I would intuitively say I receive slightly more respect for now, I’d say 20% maybe? I would say you’re more experienced in this since I ran it for only a few weeks.


I’ve yet to really use PCC. Would stacking it with sex/seduction subs make it work more on how men interact with women?

Or is it topically different enough that they would dilute each other?

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It’s both, I’ve stacked PCC with PS in customs for months. It definitely had me see how the dynamics are unfolding and how to best engage a situation with woman.

It also helps with charisma, influence, and attractiveness even without sex/seduction subs.

It’s a double edged sword though because for me it had me it had me not waste time with particular woman and let go of others when things could have been just a fun, but relatively unhealthy lol, physical relationship…on a pure seduction sub I might have simply pushed through or kept those things going.


I’m considering a lot of options for customs to fix my shit. I was thinking PCC with Daredevil or PCC with HS/Wanted might be good

I’m not up to speed on your situation, what shit do you need to fix? Maybe I can help.

It’s a long story. for another thread perhaps. Not tonight though. Suffice to say, I need to exercise and strengthen my will

Sounds good, tag me whenever.

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I read the whole Commander thread a few times and I really wanna try that one. It seems that helps with will. A commander needs a strong will so that his commands will be obeyed.

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When updating PCC to ZP, are you going to include scripting from „The Laws of Human Nature“? That would be awesome!


@SaintSovereign if you get chance to read his new book daily laws do so, it a culmination of all his books

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Subliminal Club should make a program for the Laws of Success.

A program which is based upon making out of you a person that makes a success out of anything he endeavours. One that becomes the cornerstone for all users who need training into the principles of Life and how to be successful at it, founded upon the Natural Laws and how to use them for you benefit instead of your destruction.

Without this, ultimately no person can reach the goals he desires — without the knowledge, understanding and most importantly the application of such very simple but wise life principles.

You should put it on the roadmap.

But are you referring to any laws in particular? Whose laws?

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Hermetic Laws, but truly they are Natural Laws like the the same Laws you’d have in physics now oriented around the metaphysical world.

By knowing these Laws you can easily build principles that will guarantee you success.

And a little encouraging understanding that any goal whatever goal you set will eventually be attained if you perserve and never give up until final attainment is achieved.

Most people give up too early, you can see this everywhere in the world because they lack Desire and Willpower to keep them going and those who are interwoven.

Anyway this is just one example.

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@noaha, I added it to the roadmap go upvote it now!

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Laws of Human Nature from Robert Greene would be cool to have incorporated into this


I recommend this as general reading for anyone interested in effectively understanding, cultivating, and utilizing ‘external’ Power.

While the title lends to career, the principles are very practical in any social hierarchy situation, including running/advancing your own business (once performance and basics are covered) or even independent fundraising.

I do believe there is a distinction in internal power, and obviously ‘spiritual power’ to the kind of power talked about here and I believe they can form a virtuous cycle and feed into each other

The discerning eye can see many of 48 laws within these laws. I love Greene’s work and this is a super practical scientifical supported series of principles of dealing with and utilizing power in the real world.

It’s less ‘defensively’ orientated but fantastic for effectively getting things done and advancing in life.

I discovered this on HOM and believe it was a manifestation because its been a game changer.

I imagine it would be good to study and apply as well while running PCC in addition the classic 48 laws of Power the sub is based on.


Please go here for the more updated version’s discussion:

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