Main Dev. Thread - Power Can Corrupt (Now Available!)

That’s epic! You got a buyer right here.


Learning to recognize and protect yourself from an offense often means you’ve become familiar with how to perpetrate the same offense. (For example: network security specialists know something about hacking, and so on).


Whew I like this. Goes right in hand with the weaponized hypnosis book I’ve been reading. I’ll have to get this sub!


The 48 laws of power was one of the first “self development” books I ever read. It was interesting however it seemed abstract at the time of reading. I could not at the time interpret its use to help me become a better person. Nevertheless that was many years ago perhaps I should take another look at this book.


What i dont understand from this subliminal is how we will take action. Every sub in SC requires us to take action. It seems more like a sub with a set of traits that they will integrate in our personality


This isn’t a sub I would run as a standalone. That’s why we’re including a ton of scripting that connects and supports your stack.


This sounds like it will be an awesome addition to the product line up


I agree. This product is quite interesting and also quite innovative.

Although I think it will be most interesting to people already on ST3 or higher of Khan or EoG, or have a good base of Emperor, Ascended Mogul, etc.

I don’t like the “Can Corrupt” part of the title, however. Power is power, it is a tool. Sex can corrupt. Unconditional love can corrupt. Why look at the glass half empty?

I prefer to look at the glass half full. Something like “Power Reclaimed,” or “Power Regained”.


My thought as well, I find “Power Can Corrupt” sounds like a negative belief.
How about something more positive, like
"The modern concept of doing something “under someone’s aegis " means doing something under the protection of a powerful, knowledgeable, or benevolent source. The word aegis is identified with protection by a strong force”


“Power CAN Corrupt” is not a negative belief, nor is it looking at the concept of power in a negative way. It’s a warning that you can become derailed by the relentless pursuit of power, or be derailed by someone attempting to obtain power who sees you as an obstacle. That’s why we didn’t go with “Power DOES Corrupt,” or another absolute.

This also isn’t necessarily a “personal power” subliminal, like Ascension, AscMogul, Emperor, Khan, EoG. This is focused heavily on external power, meaning we have to include scripting that deals with power in society. Anyone who claims that power can’t and doesn’t cause rampant corruption in modern society is lying to themselves.

Power is a double edged sword. It can propel your life to levels of success and personal happiness that you never thought you could achieve, or the pursuit of it can cause your life to fall apart if you don’t understand it’s nature. Ignoring that latter point isn’t achieving balance or understanding of what power is, and in my opinion, is the more limiting belief.

Hence, “Power Can Corrupt.” Understand the pros, the cons, achieve balance in its pursuit and wield it as the potentially dangerous tool it can be.

It’s like claiming there’s no downside to something like nuclear power. It’s probably one of the cleaner, sustainable forms of power available for cities. On the flipside, Chernobyl. Hiroshima. Nagasaki. It does us no good to ignore the flipside.


Here is a good summary of the book for those who have not read it You can find the full audio on youtube as well

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Can you explain me what effects you expect this sub to have combined with khan for example when is used from someone working remotely like a writer?

Do you think it would be a good addtion to run this with spartan?


It’s a sub to turn you into a modern day Robin Hood. Your actions and deeds will automatically align to the highest and best good and allow you to fulfill your mission in life. Your very presence will be contagious and spark that light within others so that they too become Robin Hood’s and automatically align towards the highest and best good and get back in touch with their purposes for incarnating in this life. That was my guess, now I will have to read the actual description. :smiley:


And you’ll become homeless and run around in tights in the process! :wink:


This is pretty crazy. I was thinking of this exact concept the other day. I was raised with a good set of morals and both my parents raised me to be a compassionate understanding person. But damn, when that’s all you get it leaves you wide open for the assholes of this world. It’s like going into a battle completely blind, guerilla warfare on a psychological level. It’s all well and good when you get to a point where you don’t take shit from people, but that’s usually in response to blatant forms of manipulation. The more subtle underhanded tactics? Those are definitely the ones you have to watch out for and unfortunately that’s rarely something you learn growing up. Or if you do it’s on an intuitive gut level, which is all well and good but sometimes you need to know why.


I would like to suggest a name for this tittle - “Integrity”, just my 2 cents…


Why not call it “Infinite Power” or “Aura of the Immortals”


Geez, who cares what it’s called.

But …

… seriously?


I humbly suggest the name of this sub be “Goodhearted Thanos”.


My vote goes with True Will as suggested above, if I can’t go with Badass Motherfucker. :grin: