Main Dev. Thread - Beyond Limitless Update

With the New Limitless on the horizon, we’re looking to see the community’s thoughts and ideas regarding Beyond Limitless. While it may seem odd to seek feedback on BL before the release of New Limitless, we’re also trying to ascertain customer expectations of both in our unique way.

Can place ideas on the roadmap, here or both. We would prefer the roadmap for ideas, here for general discussion.


I don’t have it (yet)
Really curious how the limitless line will be separated.

It will be helpful after seeing the direction limitless takes to have more feedback, but I still like the idea of having boosters that are just faster acting, more for short term use and highly stackable for sure.

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Another route I think would be cool to go with beyond limitless is a results enhancer of some sort specifically for limitless/cogntive enhancement. I’ve found that the cognitive enhancement titles have a pretty profound benefit on the rest of my stack. Having beyond limitless have scripting to specific ally enhance and unlock the objectives in limitless in a way that’s more fast acting makes sense to me.


Also having it be something that doesn’t take up a slot stack would be awesome - ofc with the reminder that a heavy stack will always slow down results, even booster


Maybe they could be differentiated in building up, repairing cognitive capabilities (Limitless) and applied cognitive capabilities (Beyond Limitless)?

BL could e. g. be a key creativity sub. (maybe including something like > Q module : Homo Ludens | Subliminal Club )

Maybe it could be hyperintegrated into a stack (like Daredevil) and build up cognitive capacity which helps the other subs.

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I’d also maybe put in a bit of relaxation scripting in there - not just goal oriented behavior, but, if someone just wanted to walk/rest/meditate/relax/journal/create, they could do so with heightened mood, enjoying the experience more, having the cognitive power to have more “aha” moments.

The boredom times are when the best creative insights come through. But also, a sub to enjoy every day life would be cool, without a material goal behind it, but not as deep as a spiritual goal

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Man I haven’t used this in years, but I remember my creativity spiked. I think I was into trading and learning how to trade and i engulfed myself in it.

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You can add the following:

Learning faster in the moment for example dance steps.
Enjoy and learn from positive and negative experiences.
Learning from comfortable and uncomfortable experiences.
Face your fears, knowing that you will learn from those experiences.
Being more present in the moment when you’re learning something.
Applying knowledge automatically without thinking.
Help with practices to be present like mindfulness and incorporate that knowledge to your daily life.
Everyone has something to teach, so, get any kind of knowledge from them.
Learn from your surroundings when you’re walking, driving, sitting, etc.
Being a learning sponge, 'everything can teach you something".
Aura of learning, people,animals, nature teach you something useful.
Enjoy interactions with people, animals, nature, so you pay more attention from their lessons.
Relax your body, mind, spirit while learning.
Potentiate QL and Limitless.
Learn what actions to take in other subliminals.
Enjoy reconciliation from other subs, take it as part of your growing and learning.

This subliminal can be used for learning in the moment activities like martial arts, dancing, approaching women, driving, taking classes, or anything your learning with fewer repetitions. You’re learning faster and memorizing the correct steps you’re being taught or experiencing.

It can work together with QL and Limitless or any title to incorporate the experiences and patterns you’re getting in the moment. It can be used as a booster when you want to learn faster (as right now).

I didn’t post this in the roadmap.

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Do it.



A bit of recon right now, some ideas that’s on my mind may already be in Limitless, QL, RoM and Stark. SC is very thorough.

I suppose if I could recommend a sub for student Apollo (or even the now Apollo), get the one that not only increases your focus, your love for learning, your intelligence, your patience, your mental clarity and your self discipline but also one that improves your self esteem, social-ability, charisma, leadership, resilience, gives you an alpha mindset, and to think like a true winner. A champion.

The battle is already won in your mind before it’s fought, and you know it, and you believe it.

And also, if there’s one key thing I’d like in BL or any other title, it’s what I’ve come to like in KB.

Boundless energy and motivation.


There was a show back when I was a kid. Alex Mack I think, and there’s an alien there, I remember he just placed his palms on book and absorbed it all. Can we have that? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:… (maybe joking)

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Combing BL + OG Stark = Jarvis ZP :wink:. The BL supercharger’s guided narrative was the best of the bunch to me personally. In my imagination I really felt like this godly figure watching over his planet.

So Tony is traveling and is controlling his metal suit at will, we on the other hand our meat suits. I don’t always have control over my suit. Don’t get me wrong, subs like Emperor helped with that. I don’t know where I’m going with this, maybe I just want to feel or become that godly figure. A man can dream.

I’m intrigued about the idea of enhancing focus, photographic memory, and taking them to a whole new level of intensity! Adding extreme focus to the mix would create an even more immersive experience.


The original BL appears to enhance other major subs. This may have been an incidental effect. If that’s the case, could we consider making it a goal


In the next BL would like to see this remembering or recalling peoples faces after you meet them as I sometimes forget peoples faces it can be embarrassing.

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Having the ability to recall faces with ease would greatly enhance social interactions and make networking much smoother.

Furthermore envision being able to have a photographic memory of your monthly calendar, effortlessly recalling important events, meetings, and deadlines at a moment’s notice. No more flipping through planners or checking digital schedules with your mind as your calendar, you’ll always stay organized and on top of your commitments. :thinking:

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I sometimes get brain fog for a few hours after eating alot of carbs obviously the answer is to not eat so many carbs LOL. Can we if possible add something in the scripting to mitigate brain fog ?

What about something like Pragya, fixing brain issues and opening up your subconscious for subliminal reprogramming.

Could be a booster.

We already have limitless and QL to get smarter, why not boost the brain in a way that BL can be used the same way as Phoenix or Limit Destroyer.

I’ll weigh in once I understand the new limitless :smiley:

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@lovage @GoldenTiger imagine if one combos BL and Limitless they would be Infinite.