Main Dev. Thread - Alchemist

I listened to Alchemist for six months and although I didn’t get engaged in any spiritual practice (apart from recreative yoga) the program did a great job for me when it comes to brushing away negativity and becoming immune to it. On top of that, I’m in charge of my emotions and I just cannot believe that I don’t experience my usual outbursts of anger. I truly became at peace with myself. I’ve become more mature and more clear when it comes to my philosophy of life and that powerful feeling that everything is going to be alright instilled in me is just priceless.


This is awesome @Sub.Zero, congrats on your progress :metal:

I’m just two loops in last week on St1, and the amount of energy it gives you is mental. It feel slike my whole chest is charged with a positivity and overall feeling of aliveness :slight_smile:

Did you go through Dragon Reborn as well, I think have some memory of that? I just finished up 4 months, one month on each stage. It feels like going from DR into The Alchemist was a great foundation to have.


Yes, that’s exactly what I did. It was a very good choice and it did for me what I wanted but I wonder if running Sanguine instead wouldn’t have given me more of what I wanted though. I was not into spirituality much but rather into strengthening the stillness of my mind and getting rid of negativity. On the other hand, I have a feeling that Alchemist gave much more than I can notice or comprehend when it comes to my internal growth.


There are no regrets only blessings I guess :slight_smile: Sanguine I have never tried, but it always feels like when you have made your mind up about running a certain sub, there’s always some praising of a different one going on the forum making you wonder if you should have picked that one instead.

But that’s the power of decision, you decide and then you stick by it, for a while at least :stuck_out_tongue:


Quite literally this.

Alchemist is doing so much for my mind and for ridding negativity that I’m not even aware of it. It’s guiding me to so many good things.

Unrated sub, even if you aren’t into spirituality.


Hi all

A fellow Black Forum member asked me to share my Alchemist experience so far, so I wrote a bit about my experience so far. It seems as if people found it helpful there, so I will copy/paste my answer to this thread, and I really hope that it might encourage somebody to take a look at this amazing sub.

Hey man. Here is a very quick and unorganized overview of my experience so far - It is actually very close to the product description.

On st. 1 I plowed through spiritual material in order to find something that really felt right. Everything from different branches of Magick to Eastern practices. I’ve done a lot of Vipassana in the past, but I knew that this wasn’t the thing I wanted to focus on right now.
I pretty quickly found out that the eastern practices were the best way to go for me at the moment, but I was extremely frustrated since I couldn’t find online material that I believed were sufficiently in-depth.
Towards the end of st. 1 I really thought that I had to stop my Alchemist journey, since I thought that sufficient in-depth yogic material wasn’t available unless I went to India for initiation. On the last week of st. 1 I added Sage, and within a few days I found a teacher who had lived in India for years and had been taught by a pretty amazing lineage of teachers.
There were a lot of recon on st. 1 but my overall state and mood also improved a lot.

On st. 2 I quickly became more and more engaged in my yogic journey, and my teacher noted that I could do exercises and reach states that normally could take people many months or a few years of practice. I was becoming more and more calm and blissful, which also lead to a sort of identity crises since I work in a rather cutthroat corporate environment.
Overall, I could not believe how much this sub had changed me for the better. Furthermore, I also noticed that some of the seductions subs that I was running in my stack became much much more efficient.

St. 3 is still rather new to me , so I will not write a lot about it yet – however, it seems really powerful. Just within a the last week I’ve had a day of unreal euphoric joy and also one of the worst days of recon I have ever had.

Other important things are happening as well, but I don’t know whether to credit Sage or Alchemist of those. One thing I want to point out is that these spiritual subs has made me become much more aware of my priorities and they make me contemplate how (and with who) I want to spend my time.

Hope you found something in here of interesting. I’ll probably organize my thoughts a bit and write a full review once I’m done with all 4 stages. So far Alchemist is the best subs I’ve been using, and when I joined SC a year ago this was probably the sub that interested me the least.


Thank you for this review, @mvargo. I think I should put some time aside to run this subliminal just to help me choose physical healing modalities and spiritual practices that most align with my personal being.

I have been flirting with law of attraction, meditation, EFT, Joe Dispenza, etc for years but nothing was working nor was I being able to stay consistent with any of them. I think a stack of Alchemist + Sage Immortal will help me find what suits me and also help me stick with it.

When I joined SubClub, I thought the same. But the many reviews (including yours) helped me realize that Alchemist would be the one title that would absolutely turn my life around and push my other titles into working even better.

Thanks again.


Guys…I’m getting more attention from women on Alchemist than on Primal Seduction or Wanted. Or is Alchemist just making me more aware of it? Currently on St2.


Improving spiritually inevitably improves all of you. In the case of subliminal users I’m starting to suspect the “tracks laid” by previous/concurrent subliminal titles provide frameworks for bringing changes of an esoteric nature more into the physical.


Perhaps spiritual development should be at the base of Maslow’s hierachy of needs?


Its completely normal phenomena :laughing:

Limitless done the same thing with.

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Arguing for things like that makes one rather unpopular rather quickly.

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Thx for the replies, just can’t imagine what will happen going to St3 or even trying out Khan in the future. It’s amazing how the next sub you try always better the previous one. Think I’m in love with SubClub :heart_eyes:

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  1. If you were playing those until a few days back, then they might simply be blooming now.

  2. If the main unattractive feature about you was emotional (anxiety, etc.), then Alchemist may be balancing your emotions, and so removing that feature.


Recon loves you too :blush:


@Simon you right on fear and mostly anxiety. I’m stacking Alchemist and AI: Survival Instinct. I stopped Wanted 2 weeks back. :+1:


Posting this as a reminder. :point_down:t2:

:wink: :+1:t2:


That’s exactly what’s happening, thank you sir :v:

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Lets upvote for Alchemist ZP in the road map website:


Anyone pls put Quantum limitless zp on requests 🥲

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