Main Dev. Thread - Alchemist

Firstly this sub is likely aimed at people closely practicing LOA, energy working, occult (understand by that hidden) sciences, and anything in between that relate to the power of the mind and your extended senses. In my opinion you’re pretty much expected to put the effort alongside using the sub. I do not remotely believe anyone can sit on his ass for 90 days listening to this and expect to drastically improve their skills in the fields I listed above.
If that was true, all these aura-based seduction subliminal would be blatantly working for most of the users by now. You still have to manually work with energy, explore what it feels like and try to control it. To be good at these things, you either get born naturally talented, or work really hard.

To answer your question, what are things you can practically do alongside using the sub…it depends on your goals. What do you expect Alchemist to do for you? What are you goal for exploring the “magick realm” as you said? Some people are just after sheer wonder and fascination, while others strongly believe these stuff can be used as any other tool to improve their life (seduction, money, etc).
So it’ll all depends on that. I recommend you to document yourself.
If you want a general idea of what magick is, what it can and cannot do, there are books about it you can find on Amazon. Like this one, or this other one…and here’s another book, which takes a less traditional approach.
If you have a specific goal like sharpening your extended senses, learning Astral Projection, etc, then gather some solid resources and guidelines you can about that.
Then setup a daily or weekly practice schedule while using the subliminal alongside.
And yes I believe meditation is mandatory. If there’s something loa gurus / yogi / magicians all agree with, it is meditation.

That must be the proper way to use Alchemist.


I would like to be able to communicate/ recieve guidance from my higher self, as part of being an alchemist, I hope you guys are considering something along those lines.


I wonder if Alchemist will help to achieve stable at least 400 and more points of David Hawkins scale.


That’s definitely what we’re trying to achieve. Here’s the thing – Alchemist is essentially a platform for us to build upon, like Weapon X. A whole new set of subliminal technology, geared toward improving psi abilities. Long term, by mixing it with Weapon X, we want to be able to create crazy effective titles, like Stock Mastery X (or forex, or options), Poker Mastery X, etc.


@Orion when I was writing my little reply on the Remote Viewing module, I was going to say that meditation/trance-work was definitely one of the most important actions to go with Alchemist. In the end I figured I’d better not, since some people might think that meditation is also the only thing they needed to do. :slight_smile:

@xinglao I suppose the action all depends on the particular discipline you wish to develop. Some might require specific actions, mantras/prayers or rituals. But…

I agree (as does Orion’s like-count) that meditation is likely the most important one. The different kind of meditations teach control over our mental state, the ability to clear our mind and achieve optimum focus, the ability to look inward and scan our entire body part by part as well as feel and guide the energy that flows through us, and the ability to exist in a single moment and place, be it the here and now or sometime somewhere else. All of these things translate to some degree to the different disciplines you might choose to practice.

As an added bonus, Saint can make longer Superchargers since he no longer has to worry that people are unable to focus for longer than 10 minutes. :wink:

Ooh, he’s answering now. I’m gonna wait for him…

@gwared I’ve always wanted to contact my spirit guide, if there is such a thing. I’ve always been convinced it’s an arctic wolf. Maybe this program will help me there.

Of course, if I learn how to make a psi-ball or two on the way, or send some pleasure to a willing subject, I’d be over the moon.

Ooh, Saint’s answering again. This time I’m clicking first. :slight_smile:


The second subliminal included with Alchemist Supreme is apX - Astral Projection X. apX is headed by our very own @Fire, who has studied and experimented with astral projection for years.

We first tested apX roughly a year ago, where we successfully projected our tester to Earth’s moon – which was directly specified as the target destination in the script. We gave the tester no indication where he’d project, only that he would. Keep in mind, this tester is an avid meditator, skilled in multiple disciplines of meditation. It took roughly 14 days for the script to kick in.

After that, I had @Fire create a version for me to test under the same protocol – no indication where he’d send me. After a month of running it, both myself and my girlfriend (who was exposed since I was) had exceptionally vivid projections. I projected to the rings of Saturn (which was specified directly in the script), and she flew over Puerto Rico, where she’s from.

The experience freaked her out so much that she didn’t want to be exposed anymore, haha. I however, kept listening. I asked @Fire to make me a version that didn’t have a destination. I began meditating on exoplanets as I fell asleep, using the “rope from the starry skies” method of projection / lucid dreaming. What happened next is something I’ll never forget, and only a few people know about:

One night, as I was falling asleep, I began to feel as if my body was filling up with some kind of energy – the best way I can explain it is that I was filling up with helium gas. The sensation literally took my breath away. Then, I heard an odd buzzing sound, and a SNAP. And I was off, headed toward the sky. The next thing I knew, I was in some kind of odd ice cave. There were these “penguin” looking things, that were blue, and had orange stripes going down their sides. When they “spread their wings” (seriously, it’s hard to describe this shit, lol), the “wings” were metallic. They didn’t seem to be aware of my presence, or even look bothered, but it was VERY clear that I was on some far away planet. The ice itself had flakes of crystal, or diamonds in them, and these penguin things were just going on about their day.

When I tried to walk outside, I began to get very scared and when I freaked out, I “woke up.” Thing was, I never felt myself actually fall asleep. No sensation that I was ever knocked out, and the “dream” was so vivid.

So yeah. That happened. Believe me, don’t believe me. Don’t care. What I do know is, since I stopped running apX, I haven’t had anything like that happen, nor has my girlfriend and we’ve both tried.

Again, those who buy Supreme will have access to a private posting forum (not sure if we’re going to allow public viewing, but not posting yet), because we need unfiltered experiences to improve the program.


I would’ve pissed myself lmao


Reading of these experiences alone makes me even more curious to read up more on astral projection & purchase your upcoming product. As always been curious about what the human mind is capable of etc …


Oh yeah…So it’s like Alchemist will be made built-in for the other releases at a point? Interesting!


BIG if true.
Jokes aside, if Alchemist can really induce these experiences that’d be never-seen-before. Especially that it took you and your GF 30 days, with no prior experience.


I always thought Astral Projection meant traveling the Astral Plane, where your experiences would be more like out-of-body experiences. Thanks for sharing.

I never even considered using it to travel off-world, I always wanted to travel to famous landmarks and experience them freely without having to buy a plane ticket to go there. Of course, less chance of stumbling across mirrors when traveling across the stars. Mirrors are nasty mousetraps when you’re OoB.

Partially unrelated, but it reminded me a bit of one of the story elements in the game Stellaris. In it, the player’s race can develop psionic powers and travel across a special plane called the Shroud. One of the stories is that they accidentally stumble upon members of an ancient psionic race having a discussion, as if they are in the room with them. Depending on chance, the race could sense their presence and kick them out, or they could come away with ancient technology after remaining undetected.

You’re giving so many options, I wish there were more of me. How about a cloning sub next? :slight_smile:

About the forum, I think you should keep it private. Makes it easier for people to share knowing that the only people that read and participate are into the same things. They won’t feel like they’re being judged. At least, that’s how I’d feel.

Can’t wait…


I’m sure you can do that too, but I’m not quite at that level of bravery yet, hahaha.

Wouldn’t you know, @Fire is a Stellaris aficionado. :wink:


While we’ve had a lot of fun making sex and wealth subliminals, Alchemist, rvX and apX are more inline with what @Fire and I envisioned when we created SubClub. Very much focused on pushing the boundaries of human potential to much higher levels.


Can you explain in which way this is improving ones life? I don’t mean this with any hard feelings but am curious what the benefits are besides just having such ‘epic’ experiences


I’d pay the custom fee for a urgency on a forex sub based on this. :+1: I think that sub could create some attention. Any rough idea how far down the pipeline this could be?


If you’re referring to Saint’s answer to my question about the practical usefulness of Remote Viewing, it’s true that it’s hard to find a direct and legit use of RV to solve practical problems.
However, now that I think about it, I can see how it can indirectly help.
From my experience, and from what I observed, experiencing RV, and anything in between (like AP), opens your senses, even if temporary, and makes you more sensitive to the “other side”. This can have a ripple effect on your life entirely. Just one example: heightened senses come with greater intuition. Guess how life can drastically change for the best with a heightened intuition. More wise choices of partners, more luck, more opportunities to realize your goals, better business choices, etc. Doesn’t that sound valuable?

It’s like with meditation. In itself meditation really does not do much, at least not directly. But it changes you in ways that make your creative ability and control over reality greater. It’s like practicing LOA or magick with and without meditation. There’s a HUGE difference and most practicionners can attest.

That’s the reason I think using Alchemist as a platform for future subs likes @SaintSovereign said is the greatest sh*t ever because anything mind-magick related augments the effects of your mundane actions in real life, directly or indirectly.


We’d need to see how Alchemist performed first. We can create a custom version of Forex Mastery X now based on the Weapon X platform and put as much of Alchemist as we can in it. However, there’s no guarantee that the parts built on Alchemist would perform the way you want.


Thank’s I’m really interested if you think it would be worth a try. I’ve seen improvements in my accuracy just from using ascended mogul for the last few weeks. I would love to see the effects a dedicated forex sub from you guys!


Hope the AP script has protection in it, cause the astral can be a nasty place when your energy is negative.

Would be cool to have a lucid dreaming component for the people who don’t want to mess with the astral (I get the theories that dreamland is in the lower spheres of the astral but for simplicity sake- dreamland).

The remote viewing part sounds pretty cool. Took Ed Dames course back in the day, combined with going to theta level and RVing from there. Results were… okay I guess? The discussion of practicality is definitely important. I could somewhat manage to draw pictures that were, without my knowledge, hidden in envelopes with certain codes on them (RV the code to get the picture) but then I’m like “ok cool now what”.

Tried using it for gambling (lol) and the results were…
Less than favorable…

Good news though, I was messing around with it once and found out my girlfriend was cheating which she later admitted to.

Good news in the sense of it working not…


Are you telling me all famous privateers should have stayed away from the Astral Plane? Blackbeard, Flint, Guybrush Threepwood? :slight_smile:

From what little I know of it, it’s emotionally charged, so staying away from negative emotions is more important (good and evil are largely human concepts, the universe has no such distinction, it knows only energy). And when it comes to the native inhabitants, nothing is what it seems. A giant dragon may be the most harmless creature while a bunny may be the killer bunny from Monty Python. It’s a miraculous place, but one should always be mindful when going there. Then again, I could be totally wrong.

I was actually going to ask @SaintSovereign if there is a more expanded dream-module in Alchemist. The Supercharger is great I’m sure, but something more expanded geared towards dream recall and lucid dreaming would be amazing. If there’s been such success with apX and rvX, think how effective the platform can be with dreams and lucid dreams. We could finally have a reliable way to enable their full potential for both development and entertainment.

Plus, of course, the manifestation and meditation benefits this program likely provides. I’d like to believe that things like these three (meditation or the quieting of one’s mind to achieve laser-sharp focus, manifestation or the ability to fully invoke the creative and imaginative in ourselves, and dreams/visions or the ability to fully interact with all of our senses, an ability which has sadly been lost thanks to modern entertainment) would form the basis for any good esoteric practice. Then again, if Alchemist truly works, it wouldn’t be quite as esoteric anymore.

I just remembered, I’d also love to see an aura viewing component. I know there’s courses out there, one supported by a really respected self-development coach actually, that teach the skill to business people and law enforcement to help them with mediation and the detection of lies and emotional states (apparently, our aura turns slightly murky whenever we lie). It uses eye training as well as symbols that specifically work to de-calcify the pineal gland.

I think an ambitious subliminal creator finding a way to awaken the third eye and the kundalini would pretty much break human society. Hint, hint. :wink: