Luther's StarkQ journal

I just started listening to StarkQ a few days ago and it’s my favorite subliminal.

The confidence that I’m getting from it is magical. It’s truly reality-bending confidence. I’ve never used a subliminal before that boosted my self-confidence this much

I also feel just as powerful as I did on Emperor in terms of not being affected by weird stuff and staying composed.

I can feel the intellectual aspects of StarkQ in a visionary type of way. I’m more in tune with the progress and status of the world, especially the technology as well as the flow of the times that we are in

My goals are the same as they were with the conception of WayneQ (my custom that I’ve stopped listening to):

  1. Improve my intelligence and skills especially when it comes to things like technology.

StarkQ covers this perfectly since it’s basically competence and genius.

  1. Start taking big action and risks towards my wealth goal and stretch out my comfort zone.

StarkQ covers this I believe, because I am feeling a push towards action and I recently manifested a big challenge that pretty much forces me to take massive action.

  1. Work on networking and social intelligence, start cultivating charisma and magnetism.

StarkQ covers this in the form of becoming a social wizard and dripping personal magnetism//charisma, while also being that inspiring leader.

The difference between StarkQ and my aforementioned custom WayneQ, is that StarkQ covers my goals more precisely and with greater focus


Didn’t even know that I had this journal, lol.

Recently swapped True Sell with Stark.

Current stack: Khan + Stark + Nouveau R.I.C.H.

Taking a long break from the forum.

I’ve recently had new and thought-provoking insights about growth in general.

Environments, dissonance, growth, baselines and incongruence.

Internal dissonance and lack of tolerance with your environment, are the strongest indicators of incongruence.

Environment A: Full of porn addicts that constantly express themselves through a frame of unhealthy sexuality.

Person A: Internally congruent with a healthy sexuality.

Person B: Internally congruent with an unhealthy sexuality.

When Person A walks into Environment A, they will experience massive amounts of dissonance and a lack of tolerance for the environment and beliefs within it. This is because they’re incongruent with the environment due to being congruent with a healthy sexuality. The greater that disconnect, the more dissonance and lack of tolerance they would experience.

Example: A person who is increasingly committed to a healthy lifestyle would experience a greater disconnect with an environment promoting unhealthy behaviors and would exhibit higher levels of dissonance and lack of tolerance. This is natural and a true testament to their congruence and commitment to their beliefs.

Person B doesn’t experience any dissonance and has a strong tolerance, because there is no internal clash between their subconscious beliefs, values, and the environment in which they’re in whatsoever. Everything is completely normal to Person B, and it’s just another day in the office.

When a person experiences cognitive dissonance due to a misalignment between their internal framework and the behaviors or attitudes of their environment, they typically respond in 3 ways:

  1. Change to Fit the Environment: The person might attempt to reduce dissonance by adapting their beliefs, behaviors and internal framework to align more closely with the prevailing attitudes in their environment. This could involve compromising their own values to fit in or avoid conflict.

In Person A’s case, they would become internally congruent with an unhealthy sexuality to fit in with the environment, or put on a mask and fake it to fit in (fear of rejection).

  1. Attempt to Raise the Environment: The person might choose to influence their environment positively. They may advocate for different behaviors, share their values, or try to raise awareness about the benefits of a different lifestyle. This approach involves an attempt to bring the environment more in line with the person’s own values and internal framework.

In Person A’s case, they will raise awareness about the benefits of a healthy sexuality, and the negatives of a unhealthy sexuality. They will attempt to move the goal-post and standard for internal sexuality of the environment through influence and advocating.

  1. Leave the Environment: If they don’t change to fit the environment, and their attempts to bring the environment more in line with their values fail - then they simply leave the environment. Otherwise, they will always be in a strong state of dissonance and lack of tolerance. It’s too far of a clash, and it’s heavily subconscious because it’s based on subconscious beliefs (real congruence/incongruence). Usually, they will leave the environment to find a different environment that is more aligned with their internal framework. This is natural in many stages of growth, which most people experience in particular with old social circles, friend groups, company around them, etc through various stages of life.

In Person A’s case, they will leave the environment full of porn addicts and unhealthy sexuality. They will then find a new environment that promotes healthy sexuality and is full of sexually healthy people.

What Person A is incapable of doing, is experiencing zero dissonance like Person B. It’s an objective mechanism taking place of framework clash on a subconscious level, an indicator of being truly congruent with one’s values. It’s impossible to avoid. The greater the disconnect, the stronger it is.

This applies to anything, not just sexuality. It could be:

  • Life standards
  • Moral or ethical standards
  • Health and lifestyle
  • Common sense standards
  • Practicality standards
  • etc

Although it’s an internal framework clash… in a sense your internal framework = your reality, so it is more so of a reality clash or at least it’s interesting to look at it like that. Might even be better as it puts into perspective the inescapable part of it in relation to congruence.

Still figuring it out but this was nice to write out and keep in the know-how.


I saw a fourth option for a person in dissonance with their environment - do nothing because other people’s mental limitations aren’t necessarily the person’s problem.

Although it’s a niche reaction I think, wherein one has to care enough about the environment to not leave it, but not care enough to attempt to raise the bar. A strange middle ground wherein one is both invested and not that invested.


Exactly, this is well said. Right, not doing nothing is a niche one that’s not very typical.

You would have to find the ROI in the environment, and if its worth the level of dissonance (which could be insanely high). It’s like walking into a booby-trapped forest towards a treasure chest. Is what’s in the treasure chest worth the walkthrough? You also have to factor in the focus as well. Super high levels of dissonance take up a lot of internal capacity, much like ROI of consciousness.

You might in a sense sacrifice the progression towards the reality you want to experience, by focusing bandwidth on dissonance.

There’s also a subconscious self-worth aspect to it, as in do you deserve that dissonance. Because you’re the one willingly subjecting yourself to it out of choice.

One thing is for sure, the dissonance is inescapable. It’s impossible to have zero dissonance, you’d have to be inhuman.

Thanks for contributing to the breakdown, I missed that one.


For the situation we are discussing I wouldn’t call it comfort zone so much as indifference.

If we are gonna be frank, Luther is obv talking about the shapeshifting incident/conversation, and so was I in my response. I wouldn’t say I stayed in my comfort zone by simply suggesting RoS and moving on, but rather that I was indifferent to the event at large and didn’t feel it was my responsibility to save someone from potential psychosis that they were chasing. RoS did me well and has a fuck ton of safety features implemented into it, so I felt reasonably certain that the situation would play out fine without my interference.


Currently trying to collect every music track I ever posted in here


Elite level gym bro talk in that journal, sheesh.

Cataboliclysm is insane…

Currently running Stark and back in the gym. I made an IG fitness page, to show off aesthetics. Only doing it to infiltrate the fitness space. I want viking themed shaker bottles, with a curved horns aesthetic.

How the fuck do I have over 200, lol

Can’t believe I’ve actually posted 320 music tracks on here… that’s wild.

Also, what a weird and strange mix, lol.

Took me a solid hour to go through everything and find every track while multi-tasking.

Wanted something fun and different to test my new expensive headphones I’m getting for xmas on.

Usually I would never run Stark and I’m over fame, but I’m lacking leverage for influencer marketing … because I rarely use social media, along with getting pressured by people to do it promising to guide me (social manifestation). I also deadass really want viking shaker cups exactly the way I want them, the plan is to grow my following (currently at 8k followers), start infiltrating and make some crossovers happen. I’m tired of using Helimix’s and I deadass need a shaker bottle with curved horns on each side like how vikings drink their ale from. If you want something you have to go and get it and not be afraid to get your hands dirty. This is the type of shit you can do with just mindset, subs, manifestations, self-belief and action. You literally can have any idea and actualize it like it’s nothing. Currently not using the home gym viking rack anymore… doesn’t cut it for the type of clips I’m shooting.

This is all side shit and niche level personal QoL, but this is the pathway my mind guided me whatever. I have all the resources and the mindset.

Stark follower manifestation is highly effective, and it’s very good for social media .

QoL > everything.

Khan with Stark…

It’s interesting.

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“Billions of people, just living out their lives… oblivious.”


Doom is a such a good survival horror game, but for your enemies hahaha :smiling_imp: :muscle:
Good music !

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@Solomon Drinking caffeine for energy is terrible because it means your body is default to low energy. You’re basically using a very addictive (addictive to a level where any performance improvement is nonexistent without withdrawal) psychoactive drug to stimulate your body to spend energy that it doesn’t have.

You need to increase the default of your body to high energy, vitality, and health.

There is no shortcut or quick fix. There is only growing a pair of balls, dropping coping mechanisms and being accountable for your lifestyle without excuses.

I would suggest optimizing your testosterone and working on your nutrition habits. This should help with energy. You can do it naturally by eating the right foods, exercising, getting good sleep, keeping stress low, getting Vitamin D, etc.

Stay away from alcohol, excessive sugar, excessive caffeine, etc.


For the record, my girlfriend drinks coffee everyday. I’m saying it’s terrible if you’re using it as a quick fix for poor health, low energy, or weak lifestyle. A weak lifestyle example is being on a hamster wheel, aka working a shitty ass job and using caffeine to push through, when in reality one needs to find another fucking job, take accountability, make lifestyle changes and get out of their comfort zone. Also, burning out and using energy drinks or caffeine hits to do more… no. That’s an unbalanced lifestyle and unhealthy on all levels.

I have met some people who drink 3+ cups of coffee a day, and claim “hey bro dude, like check out all these health benefits bro.”

If I tamper with their coffee machine for a day, these same people crash out and become unproductive blobs full of withdrawal, neuroticism, migraines, low energy, lack of focus, etc. They literally can’t function.

I’m thinking “Really? It’s that easy? That’s all it takes?”.

All it takes, is for me to take away a little coffee machine to reduce an entire person to fucking nothing? That much weakness? And this is what they call “health”. Lmao. This is “health”. Unbelievable, lol.

People have no perspective of thinking because they’re so dumbed down.

That’s just how the game goes though, lol.

Low QoL mindset = Low QoL thinking = Low QoL lifestyle