Luther's 2023 journal

@Pharaoh those posts are good reminder for me as well lol, thanks for liking them.


Hahhaha that meme is hilarious

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No problem. You share a lot of wisdom.

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“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” - Einstein.

Thanks Einstein, let me tweak it a little.

“Insanity is desperately clinging on to the same internal framework and expecting a change in your reality”.


Good old Einstein, I miss this fella.

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@JCDenton thanks for the like lol. Yeah it’s just incongruence.

To elaborate more, it’s the equivalent of going to Alcoholics Anonymous and telling emotionally traumatized people that if they believe/affirm their alcohol drinking as being beneficial to them, then they will somehow be okay.

It’s a coping mechanism.

There is no such thing as having a healthy sexuality and being addicted to PMO.


hi luther is there any way I can send you a message? i newly create account so i cant send any pms but i read subliminal club over a month.your writes are valuable.and i wanna ask someting that private for there any way?.I don’t know how long I have to wait to reach member level

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Wait like a day or something and you can PM I think lol

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okay :slight_smile:

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A question, Can you be congruent with the fact of being someone like Genghis Khan. Like literally the ruler of the world. It’s funny how answers come to the mind when you write down the question. IMO this narcissism and selfishness is basic human nature. In fact there is no morality in us, just fear.
Another question which came to my mind is the karma of Genghis Khan, he killed so many people and yet he died on his death bed. Is this notion of “what goes around comes around” BS or he suffer the consequences in his next life? If there is one.

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What do you think? Lol

That was really not a rethoric question. I geniunly don’t know the answer and want to know your opinion.

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Yes, you can. Anything is possible.

That being said, when you get to the level where you can choose to experience that, you won’t really want to.

Your internal framework drives your desires and motivations. When you upgrade your internal framework, you’re going higher.

You therefore lose a lot of low level desires and motivations. It’s a paradox.

The point of “anything is possible” is not how most people interpret it. It’s merely an understanding meant to expand your awareness and remind you of how powerful you are.

Most people interpret it through the ego. A non-ego concept being interpreted by the ego is the definition of spiritual incongruence.


The best answer I can give you is:

You can…but you won’t.


could you give some examples of low level motivations

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