Emperor vs Khan 1 year

Skip the emp+stark

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This my friend is still false. Both are serious in ambition but khan has ambitions bleeding over into this dominance of self and sexual expression.

you ran ST1 and ST4 together ?

Yes I am+my custom

Well emperor is more fast acting because it’s a single stage

Just saw your pm, I’ll throw in a couple tips for you too:

Khan is kind of like a more comprehensive Emperor and dials the power/sexual to the absolute maximum.

Think less in terms of archetypes and more in terms of comprehensiveness.
Khan is just more extensive, it allows them to pack more into it since it’s a multi-stage program. The general end goals are the same.

It’s kind of like Limitless vs Quantum Limitless.

If you have the time to get through all of the stages and experience massive growth, then you’d pick Quantum Limitless over Limitless. That same logic applied, you’d pick Khan over Emperor.

If you want massive Alpha Male growth that is very comprehensive but not as massive as Khan, then you’d run Emperor.

Khan is the complete revamp of man to the pinnacle of his power, sexuality and social dominance on all levels. All of your primal attributes will skyrocket to the highest level and be focused in a way to where your reality will be filtered through them (power, sexuality, dominance, masculinity) in order to get absolutely everything you want.

If you run Emperor or Khan, make sure you take action like a maniac.
Even if you don’t know what you’re doing or your actions don’t make sense, just do it anyways lol.
Less questions, more action. Action stimulates the subliminals like crazy.

Minimize your time on the forum and minimize the escapism. Make sure you have clear goals and direct your energy towards them. Don’t be the guy who is checking this forum multiple times a day for no reason. Learn how to manage yourself. There are 24 hours in a day and majority of that needs to be aligned with your subliminal goals. Start getting into the habit of asking yourself if what you’re doing is bringing you closer to your goals or distracting you.

Don’t watch any porn. Not only does it trick your mind into thinking that your having sex (why will your mind manifest sex if it believes that you’re already having it?) but I have extremely strong reasons to believe, based on studying other people, that porn can slow down results massively. This is my opinion, I don’t care if people disagree with me. It is what it is, lol.

Anyways, it’s likely that you’ll experience a large increase in sexual energy and libido on Emperor/Khan. If that happens, don’t be afraid of it. It’s not exaggerating your libido, it’s actually bringing it to a normal, powerful and healthy state. Make sure you use this new energy towards action, creativity, goals, real women, socializing, working out, developing skills etc.

If you want crazy results, it’s a matter of having clear goals, listening to the subs, focusing your energy and taking action. It’s literally that simple lol.

If the subs are negatively affecting your ability to function in day to day life, then either decrease the amount of loops, space them out more or take a slower pace that you can handle, etc. Just use common sense.

Emperor can be a stepping stone to Khan when you want to further explore new heights of power and sexual/social dominance or flesh out your overall development. That’s pretty much what I kind of did


This is a dope thread. I am getting so much out of it so far.


what was your experience on Emperor?

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It’s been a long time since I ran Emperor, but I was never truly a fan of it.

On Emperor, I became cold and serious. Traits that do not resonate with me. Rather not speak too much of it.

Khan is also serious towards his life and goals but with Khan there is a lot of playfulness, enjoyment and fun towards life.


Thanks for the detailed explanation, I really appreciate the time you took to write it.

Sometimes I really want to take action but I just don’t know what to do.

And for the subs, I will do the classic progression of ascension->emperor->khan

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This is why having clear goals and clear direction is important.

If you wake up tomorrow and feel pumped up/ready to take action but don’t know what to do…
Look at what your goals are.

Start taking action in finding out what to take action towards lol

For example: If your goal is to make X amount of dollars annually and you’re sitting there like “I don’t know how”. You don’t have to have everything figured out right away, you just have to do what you think makes sense from where you’re at right now. Start from somewhere and get into a rhythm. Brainstorm everything related to your goals and start exploring things. Should be much better than cheap entertainment because it’s real life stuff that you’re enthusiastic/inspired about.

A sub like Emperor is very “goals” based - just look at the description. As long as you have clearly defined goals and a direction for the sub to manifest towards then you will get pulled there at your own pace. In my opinion, I’d say that the subs do 80% and the other 20% is you just casually taking action. Things start lining up, manifestations start occurring as you enter the flow state and it can seem uncanny at first but that’s because the most of it is subconscious (below your conscious awareness).


I can confirm that :point_up_2:t2:


Which of these two subliminals can help me with procrastination?

They both can. Emperor would do that faster because it’s a single stage sub. If procrastination is a big issue, you could stack the sub you chose with The Executive or Limitless Executive. Additionally, you can also build a custom sub that specifically addresses procrastination.




Ran Emp for 6 months. Gonna run Khan for a year. I’ll let you know what happens. :slight_smile:


Good luck

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You’re a smart man, lol.

Believe it or not, there are actually people that are into manifesting who actually believe that if they affirm to themselves that watching porn is positive or isn’t fucking them up, then they will be okay.

It’s the epitome of incongruence. What they’ve done is taken the “My beliefs are my reality” basically like an immature toddler who has no semblance of what that even truly means, and use it to hold onto their addictions. They think that they’re using the power of the mind, when in fact they are merely using the power of delusion, denial and coping-mechanisms.

It’s like if I try to create a belief in myself that eating McDonalds 6 times a day and smoking cigarettes is healthy for my body.
It doesn’t work like that… lol. These people have been to too many Neville Goddard sub-reddits and read a couple metaphysical newsletters, now think they know shit. The lengths people go to in order to keep their addictions is one of the most fascinating things I’ve ever witnessed in humans.




How I see it is Emperor is James Bond and Khan is basically every playboy/player you know that has a decent financial income. Let me explain:

Emperor is similar to James Bond in that you will have money, girls, a good physique but your goals will be driven more on a mission or as most have it a financial mission. You don’t really care about have a lot of friends as long as you have one good friend and for most of the time your a lone wolf or as some say sigma male. You work to enhance yourself same way James Bond gets girls as a bonus and has only one thing on his mind. He doesn’t usually care about girls, he has some close friends but not a lot and is focused on his mission.

Khan is focused on becoming the ultimate playboy he might have a decent income but he doesn’t care about wealth and his mission as much as an Emperor. His focus is gaining laid as much as possible and being the best at it. He knows how to attract a girl and how to make her fall in love with him. He’s not the most attractive guy comparatively to a Wanted or Emperor (Another good example of an Emperor is Harvey Specter but that’s more a HOM emperor) man but he has game, status, social skills to get what he wants no matter want which is usually in the context of his romance life. Basically @Matalexander305 when he goes out with me again muhahah.

So in summary:

Emperor = Wealth, Fitness, mission and as a bonus he gets girls
Khan = Decent income but not wealthy (You can become wealthy on Khan but that’s not the main goal of the sub), gets a lot of girls and takes all the opportunities to make girls fall in love with him cough cough basically @friday


Thanks for the elaborate post, but what I think is that the first time when Khan got released the founders were expecting a very high wealth frequency which comes as a consequence of dominance and power of Khan, like people will make business associates with you and you will trust people since you know they are afraid to mess with you part.
So they thought Khan will bring that, that is why they wrote endless wealth. But after people used it the wealth part was that pronounced to even out the “endless” part.
Maybe conscious guidance play a very important role here, or the sub did not give the intended result, since everything is mostly experimental here.
But for me personally, Khan created better wealth opportunities than emperor.