Luther - WayneQ custom

Emperor and Stark looks so cool, i wanna see how that goes with you , since some people have some views on that they might go against eachother, which i dont think they will

also 6 cores damn thats pretty big, becareful with that

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hmmmmm, this is intresting

i think the best way to determine if you can handle more or not before making a custom cuz its none refundable i think not sure,

is to try to do the extra exposure thing with the new listening pattern, and then adding ur ultima to be a major title instead of 3 Q Majors, you try to make your so called “booster” ultima to be a major and put an extra loop once a week

and you test the waters, if you can do so, you can add maybe 4 cores into your custom or anything or maybe 5,

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How is it going for you @Luther24 ?

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It’s going well. I’ve been very busy all of a sudden since starting this custom. People coming out of nowhere, new challenges etc. I believe that both Emperor and StarkQ have challenge manifestation in them and maybe they are working together for the double whammy. I’m being tested and evolved on all levels in subtle ways: socially, physically, financially, and even romantically.

Emperor seems to be known for it’s “lone wolf” vibe and socially reserved feel. In social situations, you aren’t really interested in small talk. I don’t think this is an “archetype” but instead it’s a result of becoming more secure and projecting less neediness. There is no “social coddling” or talking for the subconscious sake of seeking approval or engaging in weird drama. You don’t really care much and it can appear as “less social”, but it’s just that you become absolutely relentless and brutal with your boundaries. This is why everyone starts respecting you so much its because this deep sense of security and capability oozes off of you. People can even get intimidated, I actually try to smile more and consciously be less serious as a way of making people more comfortable with the high status, dominance and authority that I’m subconsciously projecting - especially with people that I regularly interact with because they can become slightly confounded or on some level taken aback by the changes in my behavior, depending on how radical it is.

By incorporating StarkQ and PCC, I was hoping to up my sociability. Emperor doesn’t target sociability directly, but as most people know, it clearly affects it indirectly due to the internal changes and such.

After my 1st loop of WayneQ, I noticed the pronounced social effects of StarkQ (Daredevil) and I wouldn’t stop talking. If there was someone around me, I would find a way to start a conversation and talk about something and I would also just keep leading the conversation on and on. I just wanted to keep talking and it felt fun. At first I was like “wait a minute”, I thought it was trying to steer me in a different way than Emperor or something. But this doesn’t seem to be the case at all. I have actually retained all of the characteristics I’ve gotten with Emperor and whatever weak points I had are improving dramatically. I actually feel like everything about Emperor has been enhanced too. I am extremely interested in social games and at the same time, I am extremely interested in goals/empire building.

I am interested in both. It’s not that my interest in one, decreases my interest in the other.

I have a desire to be very social and be the life of social situations, in a magnetic, charismatic way (StarkQ) but at the same time, I am extremely focused on my projects. You can do both. You can be the relentless primal Emperor by day and be a social magician playboy by night. It’s not even as black and white like this, it meshes together in a beautiful way. There is a strong balance between Emperor and StarkQ, you don’t swing like a pendulum but you take the best of both and embody it in a very powerful way. It manifests very interestingly. I don’t know how I am being playful-like and projecting such authority and dominance at the same time. Get away from the “archetypes” they’re not true. You can have it all and become an incredibly flexible multifaceted competent individual with a mix of different traits and it will manifest in a powerful way. You will also become ridiculously interesting, it just boosts your charisma and status even more.


Inner Circle really works. I’m meeting new people left and right and I’ve been invited to a social event haha


StarkQ is too good. The personal magnetism, aura, the smoothness etc is just so good. It’s like you develop the traits of an alluring magician or something.

I don’t think anyone can go unnoticed on Emperor + StarkQ. Emperor gives you that aura where you walk in the room and everyone is like “who is this guy” because the self-belief related confidence and personal power over your reality just emanates off of every atom of your being. StarkQ further adds onto that an air of high status fame and very strong magnetism elements. I often feel like a celebrity and I have a new interest in improving my social proof and social media presence. People are extremely nice to me all of a sudden since starting this custom and some are a little too entranced by the magnetism (especially women), making them a little… what’s the word “needy”. You really get to sit in the “validation chair” with your feet kicked up, and it’s pretty interesting and at times funny to be in that position. The Emperor is taking effect and making me want zero parts of any of the neediness, so I am still being relentless with my boundaries. I shoot down the birds before they even have a chance to enter the horizon. That may also be a bit of PCC.

The Primal Seduction: Iron Throne in StarkQ is very strong,
I feel intensely sexual all the time and I have a newfound desire to improve my romantic life. I’m improving how I look and things like that and I think my custom is pushing me to get active in the women department since I’ve been way too passive. Well, not anymore. If I even get the slightest sense of a hint of an opportunity that comes my way, I am taking all actions that are possible to be taken. The motivation of this custom is a different level, it is kicking my ass in every area of life and I am continuing to become better. There is no fear of risks with Furious Ascent and especially with the way it’s integrating in this custom, I’m becoming the unstoppable, “go getter” type (in a good way).


Power Can Corrupt is very good too, for the charisma and social power. It always feels like you have the upper hand in any social situation and a lot of the maneuvering is so smooth and subconscious. You exert yourself with the perfect amount of balance and appropriateness, it’s almost elegant in some sense. There is a strong comfort and confidence that comes with knowing that you can’t be manipulated. You just see through everything and know how to flip anything in your favor. I’ve noticed upon reflection that I’ve begun to use some of the Laws of Power to my benefit already. There are strong authority vibes with it, especially with how it meshes with Emperor. It just enhances and boosts the charisma of StarkQ to insane levels, it enhances everything


Cool journal! How did you make the Batman Cover Art?

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I used Gimp (free image editor) and messed around with layers, opacity and cropping. Probably the most noob way to do it haha

The Batman image is from google and the text is from a Cool Text generator

PCC is sooooooooooo good.

Not only does it make you immune to manipulation. It weeds out the manipulators for everyone to see and makes them look bad. Hahaha

For example, if someone is trying to manipulate you. You will be completely aware of it but the other people around you might not be as aware to it or have the “PCC Vision” to see what the manipulator is doing. You can maneuver the manipulation attempt in a way that makes it clear for everyone to see and then all the other people see it too and start siding with you. This is so powerful for cultivating social power. People that try to cross you, not only do they fail but it backfires on them and they expose themselves in a way that gives you even more social power. It’s all so effortless too


Love to hear it! It’s in my SalesMasteryQ custom, but I have so much stuff in there that I can’t feel the isolated effects of PCC. I’ll know what to look for now :wink:


This happened with me.
I could see through someone’s manipulations and they hated that, and they had the heart of everyone (including my own in feelings because they’re not a bad person) but eventually everyone saw and heard about it and ended up feeling bad for me instead because of what they did.


Emperor + Stark insights:

When I was running Emperor (the main title), I was so obsessed with being “high standard goal-focused”, I thought that “low quality socializing” was a complete waste of time. Low quality socializing is a new term I’ve created (QLST4 in action :nerd_face:), it’s basically any type of socializing that isn’t worth the energy invested in it. It’s basically Low ROI socializing. This can take the form of irrelevant small talk, hanging out with people for the sake of hanging out with (no substance in the interactions), accompanying people just to be in other’s presence, forced conversations based on some type of validation or approval seeking, socializing for the sake of filling voids of neediness/loneliness in one’s self or others, etc stuff like that. Socializing with no substance. Emperor puts you on such a high standard, you realize that this type of low quality, low ROI socializing is just useless and there is a realization that your time/energy being so valuable, is better spent elsewhere. Emperor doesn’t make you anti-social, it makes you better (absolutely better) developing you to a higher standard, so that you aren’t interested in low quality, low ROI socializing. That stuff doesn’t fulfill you anyway, either.

Now, after cutting out all the low quality, low ROI socializing.
What happens if there is no opportunity for high quality, high ROI socializing? Well most of your time and focus is spent on the best investment of your time/energy which is most likely, business goals, wealth goals, empire building etc.

I now see that my interest in StarkQ and my decision to mesh it with Emperor was not because I want to become “more social”. More specifically, it was to maximize my high quality, high ROI socializing. The type of socializing that has substance and is fulfilling for everyone.

With WayneQ, I’m still as goal-focused, high drive and ambitious with the Emperor but now I am super interested in being social. But there’s a stipulation, in that, the type of socializing I’m interested in is very different. Another thing to point out, is that the socialness of StarkQ/Daredevil is there, no doubt about it… but it’s mediated by the Emperor, if that makes sense.

Basically what I discovered is that the socialness of StarkQ is being mediated by the high standard of Emperor resulting in - > only high quality, high ROI socializing

Very interesting and cool stuff


I should also add that, StarkQ helps you create high quality, high ROI social situations out of thin air like a magician. Why? Because you become the center you have iron frame and you only emit high quality, high ROI social. You can turn water into wine like a magnetic charismatic social Jesus. You can lead conversations and intuitively add substance into anything social, because you are substance. That’s why everyone starts being magnetized to you, they want to be around you and start gravitating in your direction. Some even getting clingy/needy, they want the magic. It’s the social magnetism. It doesn’t matter who you’re with or where you are. Things start getting interesting and it’s a lot of fun and enjoyment. It’s a very healthy and great thing to connect with others. Inner Circle is manifesting a lot of people and opportunities around me and it’s awesome!


I need me some of THAT! My family’s been in town for about a month, and I’ve spent so much time out and about instead of focusing on my business and my goals.


Great journal!

On point and clear with real life experiences.

Now you have me eyeing PCC


I woke up today with a huge smile on my face, hahaha

I can’t believe it’s only been a week! The rest of this year is about to be crazy, I love this custom so much


Great journal! It’s a great read so far and I like the style of writing. Have you noticed any increased recognition from higher ups?

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Oh yeah definitely. There is increased recognition from shit, damn near everyone hahaha!
StarkQ + PCC is making me a social wizard, it’s just so easy to talk to people. The fluidity, the smoothness, the effortlessness. The social confidence on this custom is insane.

The Mastermind module is very special. I am always thinking ahead, even as I type this I’ve already mentally calculated what I’m going to do after and how I’m going to do it. It’s affecting me socially, where I’m planning out what conversation starters I’m going to use on somebody days before and how I’m going to steer the conversation and make a specific point clear. Then it just manifests the way I planned it to. I’m also making big plans on how to improve my empire-building and romantic life as well. It feels very empowering to organize and plan things in ahead, it gives a powerful sense of top-down control. It also has the unintended effect of making you feel like a smartass, devising schemes that feel grandeur in nature like a beautiful arrangement of dominoes that topple in response to the elegant prod of your finger.

Quantum Limitless has made me a lot better at articulating things, especially when I’m conveying, talking and speaking to others verbally. My trains of thought are more expansive, my thought processes are eurhythmic with the pacing of the conceptualizing. My mind is healthier, faster and clearer. I’m noticing that my memory has improved a lot. The time dilation is quite uncanny, I wonder if Khronos Key is in QLST4… interesting things have been happening with the time. Speaking of modules, I think Torchbearer is in Stark or somewhere in one my custom cores because I am experiencing similar effects of that module.

Carpe Diem and Furious Ascent has made me feel like I’m embodying the divinely inspired archetype that every motivational speaker tries to bring forth out of their audience. I wake up and don’t have to psych myself up for the day because I’m already psyched out of my mind 24/7. The combination of these 2 modules with the “beyond limits/society” and personal power of Emperor is something else. It’s like Eddie Morra in Limitless after he takes the NZT pill. There are no limits to what you can do or achieve.

I haven’t been reading much on the forum lately because I’ve been so busy taking action. This custom is absolutely relentless in how it pushes you. There is no time to waste! Carpe Diem. Seize the day


As I continue my journey of creating an empire, I’ve noticed that my workouts are a lot more passionate. I see them more as alchemical rituals in which I’m grooming my vitality. Stronger. Better. Faster. Healthier. My body may be sore the next morning but my spirit is renewed with vigor. I don’t listen to music when I workout anymore because I find it distracting. I enjoy connecting to my body and nurturing it with love and care like a child but at the same time, pushing it to grow and become stronger. This requires focus and intent. I no longer need to draw my motivation from music or get in the zone. My motivation comes from way deeper, it’s grounded in my principles and values and how I foresee myself moving forward in life. The visions of my goals pump me up more than any pre-workout ever could. Mentality is a damn powerful thing

Early next year, I plan to get a fitness custom and take things to the next level