List: Updated Descriptions of Similar Sounding Q Modules

How does Blue Skies differ from Depths of Love and Chosen of Venus in regards to developing our understanding and concept of “love”?

Does it also work on expanding our love? Blue Skies is an enigmatic and broad module, what is it’s the purpose exactly?

Nevermind, it appears this was answered before –

I had Blue Skies, in almost all the Customs I’ve ever made. Always felt so drawn and attracted to this module.

I think at times it gives me a kind of “Blue Skies” effect where I feel deep insight, realizations, etc but I’m not sure whether it stems from this module directly. Almost as if a bolt of thundering lightning departs the cloudiness in the skies, and with it is a followed an immense clarity and cognition regarding the self and the life surrounding me.

Not sure how much is Blue Skies though, but I have to have this module in every Custom, lol.

Seems like Blue Skies is a perfect complement to Divine Self-Image, Depths of Love, and Chosen of Venus.

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Can we have difference between these 2 please ?


I am also interested by the answer of this question

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Perhaps enter a support ticket.

Not sure if this helps but maybe the results between each modules might help understand the difference between similar sounding Q modules.

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Book Blitz and Reading Mastery sounds quite similar. What sets them apart?

Book Blitz
For the ones desiring to read massive amounts of information and retain it, as well as those interested in speed reading, we now have the Book Blitz module – blitz through any material with lightning speeds while still being able to utilize the information you’ve read. As time goes on, you’ll notice your natural ability to read fast and clearly improving. An invaluable module for anyone anyone who is studying, researching or simply enjoys reading.

Reading Mastery
In a world where everything revolves around reading, knowing how to do it fast is crucial. That is why Reading Mastery is an integral module to anyone who desires to improve their productivity, by increasing the speed and retention of their reading directly. Utilize Reading Mastery in your custom to not only improve your efficiency in reading but help you find the most effective tactics to speed up.
