Lion - Rise of the Godlike Dragon Khan - A Triple Whammy of Masculinity with GLM + DR + Khan

You deserve it, my dear friend :pray:


Day 12, Cycle 1

I find myself sleeping more then usual the last few days especially in the afternoon. Need to get my night sleep right. Not good for me to sleep too late like around 12 am to 1 am. 11 pm should be the latest by which I should be in bed and dreaming away.

There are some days when I feel reconciliation but unlike other times when I felt like changing my stack, GLM is keeping my resolve strong.

GLM gets my vote to solve the recon issue especially if you want to be stoic and disciplined in continuing your stack.

When there is no recon, I feel very good. Like a person who is in charge. Almost similar to Sage Immortal levels of confidence and peace with the world.


Day 13, Cycle 1
DR ST1 x1

Am finding it way easier to change into a positive mood from a negative one. From irritated to peaceful. From sadness to joy. From weakness to strength. And it’s very effortless too.

In other news I was remembering this real funny cartoon I used to watch as a kid. It’s called Leo the Lion, a very old kids show that I think might have inspired Disney’s The Lion King.

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But the funny part about all this is that you have “Leo the Lion” and on this forum you have “@Lion the Leo” lol.

Leo sun sign if you want me to explain the joke and put you to sleep : P


Day 14, Cycle 1

Today is one of those days when I just don’t feel like writing. My mind is blank and it isn’t in me to share anything.

Ah Limbo my old friend. There you are.


Day 15, Cycle 1
Khan ST1 x1, GLM x1

Day 16, Cycle 1

Am beginning to change some non-masculine behaviors like avoiding things that need to be resolved through using problem-solving skills.

A small example is that I need to submit some paper-work for my credit card that required a particular item which I didn’t have. Instead of postponing this for another day, I thought I would get this out of the way instead of allowing it to worry me in the back of my mind.

I called up customer care today and I told the lady who answered that I didn’t have this item and she consulted with her supervisor and got back to me telling me to not worry and submit another item in its place. Phew! Big relief.

Even though I have yet to do what was asked, am already feeling that I did half what was required and only have to follow a few steps to get the rest done.

Now that’s how we handle our problems. Think things through and ask someone knowledgeable in a polite way to help you out. And then follow the steps one at a time. Problem solved and you are better equipped to solve the next issue that is sure to come in your way.

That’s what being a man is about. Solving your problem so that you are better prepared for other problems AND you become more knowledgeable to be able to help others with the same issue you have solved.


Days 17 to 19, Cycle 1

Took some extra days off and now back on track.


Day 20, Cycle 1
DR ST1 x1

I realized something important today. And that is the reason why I feel helpless regarding some goals is because I don’t think they are achievable for me AND that no matter what I do, I won’t be able to reach them.

Which is why when I perform some actions (for example exercising to lose weight), I immediately feel discouraged. Since the result doesn’t arrive sooner which is when it feels frustrating.

So what can I do about it? Sure one thing to do is to enjoy the journey rather than the destination. In this case, enjoying exercising rather than waiting for the result. But we can’t generally be able to like exercising (for example) immediately especially before we have even started. And yes we could start small and over-perform rather then start big and under-perform (example being starting with one push up rather than pledging to do a 100 every day).

That is a good solution. But what of the mind? Can I really believe I can get where I want?

Imagine working out with great enthusiasm and believing it in the beginning only to be discouraged midway and gain all that weight back. That does speak of a certain block in the mind. As if the mind is actively working to keep us in the original state.

I believe that in my case, Dragon Fire has caught a group of such similar blocks and is hosing them down with a rain of heat to melt them all away. A release of issues by simply burning them.

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That is exacly what the Ego part of your mind does, it makes you want to be complacent. It hates change and is afraid of things changing because change requires fighting fear and adding in risk. The likes to play things safe


Yes. A protection mechanism to help us survive. But also works against success. What a quandary lol.

On the bright side, they are being dealt with the fire of the dragon.


Day 21, Cycle 1

Already 2 days into a washout and the bloom is slowly but surely happening. Feeling stronger in myself. Thinking more about how I can be of value to others. Difficulties seeming much less intimidating. Doing a few guided meditations and being able to sit still in them.

Yesterday, I built a physical custom largely for physical healing and a bit of physical shifting. Before doing so, I asked SaintSovereign what Cores would be best for a custom like that. He said my custom looked like a good candidate to test without a Core and to compare it to the same custom with a Paragon Complete Core.

So what am doing is to start the test of the following custom without a PC Core in it:

Nefertum ZP

  1. A/SPS: Eyesight
  2. A/SPS: Hearing
  3. SPS: Cardiovascular System
  4. SPS: Respiratory System
  5. SPS: Renal System
  6. APS: Legs
  7. Male Enhancement
  8. Emperor Fitness Height Inducer
  9. Physicality Shifter – Sexiness
  10. The Architect
  11. Epigenetics & DNA Modulator
  12. Mosaic

Will say goodbye to Godlike Masculinity in my stack and replace it with Nefertum ZP. GLM will return when I eventually put it in a custom with DR4 and Khan4 Cores.


Dude, that’s hardcore, man!


LOL! Hardcore action to get some…hardcore action.


I definitely think the idea of GLM, Khan st4, and DR st4 is a great concept. Masculinity healing and development!

It’s easy to focus on DR as a healing module, but check this out from the DR page:

  • Easily develop strong and assertive masculine body language and masculine voice
  • Easily develop assertive, strong masculine language skills and manner of speaking
  • General masculinity boost, including boosts in confidence, power, strength, invincibility, self-assuredness, and being comfortable in one’s own skin
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@RVconsultant - that’s exactly right, my friend! Which is why the title of the journal is “Lion - Rise of the Godlike Dragon Khan - A Triple Whammy of Masculinity with GLM + DR + Khan”

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The 3 day washout went great. Was moved to write down in a notebook a routine for myself to stick to and have started.

Pleasantly surprised that am meditating more often and getting more comfortable with Joe Dispenza’s meditations. Couldn’t sit still before when doing his meditations even though I could do a standard silent meditation for a while now.

Moving on to Cycle 2 of DR ST1 + Khan ST1. And will run my physical healing/shifting custom when it arrives.


Day 1, Cycle 2
Khan ST1 x1, DR ST1 x1

I thought there would be major recon in terms of irritability or negative mood shifts due to running both Dragon Fire and Total Breakdown but today was pretty good. I did find myself sleeping a bit more though so that must be a form of combating recon even before it showed up.

I restarted my OMAD today. I wasn’t satisfied with the amount of weight I lost the last time I did it so am double-downing on being more strict with myself this time by not snacking once in a while but giving myself no excuses but to go through the hunger pangs. Today went well in that regard.


Day 2, Cycle 2

It wasn’t a good idea to run both DR ST1 and Khan ST1 together the day before since I got some serious recon on the next rest day which was today. The whole morning and noon was spent in emotional release and struggle. Add to that the initial headache from starting OMAD and that was a recipe I don’t want to cook again lol. So will be running them on alternate days as I used to in my previous cycle.

My physical custom’s not arrived yet but I expect it this week. Kinda looking forward to it. I don’t normally recommend running anything else when running Total Breakdown and Dragon Fire but even if I get 1% of the benefits of my physical custom while running all these 3 subliminals in my stack, I will be happy.

EDIT: remembered having a dream where I was at Andrew Tate’s house. He, his brother, one of his assistants and myself were joking around. It was nice. Very brotherly bonding.


Day 3, Cycle 2
Khan ST1 x1

Am surprised at myself that am having more control over the OMAD diet I took up again recently. It’s the third day and am able to brush off food temptations quite easily now. And this is from a confirmed foodie of 41 years.

Of course doing OMAD on and off before has helped me build up a certain resilience to fasting. And I think my body and mind is more ready to embrace the hunger-pangs due to practice.

Plus masculine programming from both Khan and DR is holding down the fort. Credit where it is due there too.

I did some push-ups today. And some jumping jacks. I don’t want to do the same mistake I did the last time I did OMAD which is to not exercise when doing intermittent fasting. I felt sluggish during those days and I thought it was because of fasting. But I think it was because I didn’t have good blood circulation. Fasting can initially decrease energy but exercise will help expend fat and convert it to muscle, testosterone and faster weightloss that fills us with energy.


Day 4, Cycle 2

Exercising does lower reconciliation. Almost no recon today. It felt extremely peaceful. Plus less sleepy too through the day. Should have done this the last time I did OMAD. O man! Lol.

My mind feels more fortified now. More accepting of current reality while at the same time recognizing my power to change it.

Reminds me of He-Man as he lifted his sword.

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The sword is the subliminal but the source of the power is Castle Greyskull which is our subconscious mind. Can’t get any more obvious than that.


Day 5, Cycle 2
DR ST1 x1, Nefertum x1

I was getting used to DR and Khan and now Nefertum has me getting tired a bit and hence requiring more sleep. Not surprising since it is a physical healing and shifting custom. It isn’t overbearing though possibly since it doesn’t have a Core. Here are the modules:

  1. A/SPS: Eyesight
  2. A/SPS: Hearing
  3. SPS: Cardiovascular System
  4. SPS: Respiratory System
  5. SPS: Renal System
  6. APS: Legs
  7. Male Enhancement
  8. Emperor Fitness Height Inducer
  9. Physicality Shifter – Sexiness
  10. The Architect
  11. Epigenetics & DNA Modulator
  12. Mosaic

Will put this custom up in my profile in case anyone wants to look at it later.

I won’t be talking much about it since other than letting exercise and time give me results, I won’t have anything much to introspect on with regard to the modules of this custom (unless recon comes calling lol). Will report when I see changes of course.