Lion - 1 Year and 6 Months of ASCENSION

Hows the Aura from Ascension?

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Not noticed much. Must be cause am concentrating more on internal development right now.


Normally Ascension comes with a profound Aura of Attraction.

For me it also gave me an oozing presence, just that power and authority, it gets noticed by others.

Have you noticed nothing as such?


@Houdini - frankly, am not paying much attention to it, my friend. Maybe because am too much inward focused right now and my current circumstances don’t give me the chance to meet too many people.

Will surely tag you if I get any such results.


What this means ? I remember reading here about redpilling guys !:thinking::thinking:

I understand that concept in politics context , how is that different in personal development arena ?

Thanks in advance :sparkles:

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Redpill in this context means understanding female (and male) nature from an evolutionary biological and behavioral point of view with respect to their different mating strategies.

It is spot on about women and explains why tradition and religion enforced gender roles. And demystefies the feminine mystique to help men in these modern times.

If you want to know more, get “The Unplugged Alpha” by Richard Cooper which provides an excellent concise introduction to the redpill. Would recommend the audible audiobook by the same name since the author himself reads it and has an excellent reading voice. He also has a youtube channel called Entreprenuers in Cars.

After that if you want to do a detailed study of this topic, get the Rational Male series of books by Rollo Tomassi. There are 5 of them. DON’T get the audible version in this case. Rollo Tomassi has a YT channel as well called The Rational Male.


Day 12
(Cycle 2 of Ascension)
(Cycle 1 of E2)

Did some meditation at noon. It made me feel calmer and drove away a number of anxieties that were troubling me the past few days. Meditation is the free anti-recon tool you can use without having to move a muscle. Also useful for that reconcillation called Life.

Meditation also helps clear many unnecessary things in the subconcious and helps speed up the processing of subliminals. When your mind is at peace, you are able to do more.

In that spirit I got the idea to look up services that teach the blind and people with low vision to navigate life and work, and came across an institute that teaches that in my city. Not that I expect to go blind but it is nice to have a plan B just in case.


@sid - by the way, the subliminals over here are the Quantum Pill (my name for it). Beyond red pill and biology. Which is why they seem miraculous in nature.


I can completely relate to this; it’s almost like a rabbit hole of opinions about life in general. I agree, it’s good info if you’ve not already been exposed to it, but after a while, there is nothing new there, just new ways of applying the info already discussed…those are endless, hence the rabbit hole with seemingly no end in sight.


Day 13
(Cycle 2 of Ascension)
(Cycle 1 of E2)
Ascension x1, E2 x1

I was watching a video on how men were getting lazier as time goes on (women too) and I realized that this is true for me. I have excused myself a lot from accomplishing things under the guise of not being interested in doing work that may be boring but necessary to build discipline and character.

Will have to acknowledge this about myself since that is the first step to change. And I need to take steps such that I not only think of ways to work smart but work hard as well.

Both rationality and discipline embody the masculine spirit.


@Lion On YouTube? Lazines is one of my biggest demons to slay!

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A video on youtube about being lazy yes. The irony being being lazy and spending my time on youtube too much lol.


Hey Bro! Would you consider Rebirth along with Ascension in the initial stages?

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Yo brother. I haven’t used Rebirth but combining it with Ascension seems like a very good idea.

Yea bro, and exactly like you did, I also realized that I lack alpha qualities in the truest sense. So, How is your run of ascension going so far?


@Lion That is too funny! YouTube is my go to time -waster/rabbit hole.

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Slowly but surely am taking on the alpha mindset. But I will be running it for a long time to fully embody it. I want to also give myself the time necessary to change because goodness knows I need it.


Day 14
(Cycle 2 of Ascension)
(Cycle 1 of E2)

So I did a slightly sneaky thing and claimed the @raphael username for myself using another email address lol. Some part of me was wondering whether a troll would steal it and start impersonating me using that name.

images (3)

Plus in the 3 years I used the name raphael, I had grown quite attached to it. There can be only one raphael on this forum muahahaha.


Besides this forum shenanigan, I had visitors today. My cousin sister and her husband came over to visit. We had some good conversation and good food. I played the charming host and entertained them with some engaging and witty conversation.

I could properly weigh when I had to speak and when to stay silent. And also ask them the proper questions to make them talk.

All in all it was a nice relaxing Saturday.


Day 15
(Cycle 2 of Ascension)
(Cycle 1 of E2)
Ascension x1, E2 x1

Since it was Sunday, I was planning to relax. But ended up taking out my laptop and fiddling with it.

Found the High Contrast setting on Windows 10 which is damn comfortable for my eyes. Think of it being darker than Dark Mode. Am actually typing this post using this setting and it’s way nice. Plus I realized how much I missed typing on an actual (laptop) keyboard rather than on my phone.

Also have an ipad which I will put to use.

Geek speak alert:
Am downloading Endeavour OS (linux) for a netbook I have lying around. So far I have only used Ubuntu and Ubuntu-based linux distros like Elementary OS. Had also delved into Fedora. Time to dip my toes into archlinux-based operating system starting with the aptly named Endeavour OS.

Have a history of using linux and being passionate about open source software. Will incorporate it back into my life and see if I can use it to make my life better. One aspect being the privacy features of linux. Maybe learning some programming won’t hurt.

Not to mention being able to say:



I fully agree :beers: