Lion - 1 Year and 6 Months of ASCENSION

My health custom E2 is in my profile. Click on my name and you will see it in all its tiny glory haha.

LOL. Indian Jason Statham here.


Without Cores, that’s interesting.

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Yeah I was needing a light healing custom without Paragon Complete Core since PC Core usually makes me hungry and currently am on One Meal a Day.

So true for me. They are no longer in this realm but I forgave them long ago and honor them often. I didn’t get the television version of a sunshine upbringing but, they did the best they could with what they had to work with Once I realized that, my relationship changed for the better.


You are a mature man, brother.

May they rest in peace :pray:


Thank you, my friend blessed be, Namaskar.:pray::pray::heart:

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Beautiful progress lion!

Talking from my own experience, the thing with being assertive is if you don’t it wil build some kind of resentment, either towards myself or to the other person. I have noticed now that having more awareness of myself that I will release that subtle build-up of resentment when I’m being assertive. This feels so good!!! I do still have some problems with that because I’m afraid that people don’t like me and I will end up alone.


That made me think of when George Costanza thought of what to say as a comeback when it was too late. I sometimes suffer from both that and what you’re talking about. They seem related in my head though.


This is perfectly summarized.

Not speaking our mind and going after what we want truly makes us hate ourselves. We might hate others for it but this feeling is truly projected inwards.

The thing about Ascension is that it helps us regain the power we have given away for a long time due to fear or insecurity.

The sales page of Ascension lays it out perfectly:

We define “power” as the ability to assert your will on the world whenever and however you please. To build the life you’ve always dreamed about, and the freedom to explore your personal reality without any mental hang-ups or limitations. ASCENSION is designed to do just that.

By increasing your internal sense of power and confidence, you’ll be able to rapidly change not just the way you view life, but all the opinions and views about you also.

And through this power, we can shape reality the way we want it to be. No more being a victim or having the victim-mindset.

Time to be a winner.

Thank you, bro :pray:


ROFL. It’s funny cause it’s true.

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Day 21
(Cycle 2 of Ascension)
(Cycle 1 of E2)
Ascension x1, E2 x1

Second cycle of Ascension done and I thought I would change my stack for just 1 cycle of LBH (and LB and CWON) for my birthday month of August. You know a Leo wants to feel loved too :wink:

But after the initial excitement died down, I decided against it. It’s onwards with Ascension. Maybe I will start EoG earlier than planned but running it for more number of cycles for each stage. And also maybe redo my health custom or run one of my previous health customs instead of E2. Have time during my washout to decide this.

Lost around 8 kgs (18 lbs) during my OMAD period and will be stopping the dieting from tomorrow onwards. Need the food and energy for proper physical healing. Will rely on exercise (and possibly the Fat Burn module) for further weight-loss.

Summary of 2 cycles of Ascension so far:

  • It’s the start of real masculinity for me.

  • I am beginning to embody masculine qualities like taking responsibility for my life.

  • Re-evaluating my life to see where I can improve.

  • Focusing on things I can change rather than what I can’t.

  • Taking stock of the skills, knowledge and things I have to make use of them for self-improvement.

  • Not desiring as much sleep as before.

  • Understanding that self-discipline is empowering.

  • Gaining strength from real-life truths rather than wishful thinking and feelings.

  • Having more power in my words and voice.

  • Able to accept myself as I am while at the same time knowing I can be better.

  • Being more sympathetic towards others while at the same time not tolerating nonsense from them.

  • Victim-mindset begone!

In short…


But now…



One cycle ends another one begins.
Stay strong and keep improving (keep ascension as a base), seems like now the real results start coming


Here comes the real Batman.

Within the family home, what would that masculinity look like for you?


That’s a good question. Let me explain it with a bit of a background.

When I was younger, I was too much of an introvert, not wanting to talk with other men or take care of things like when a repair man came by or when things broke down.

Now am eager to take the responsibility and also take up the authority for looking after my parents, advicing my sisters and friends and helping them see things as they really are rather than thinking we can do anything we want with no consequences.

Things like that. I guess am maturing faster thanks to Ascension.


So it’s a sort of a wise counsel padrone type of man. That’s very mature and responsible of you. :+1:




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Am taking a 3 days washout and it will be ending tomorrow.

The plan for the remaining 16 months of Ascension + EoG + physical healing custom is:

There are 493 days between tomorrow (July 26th, 2022) and November 30th, 2023 (16 months).

If I take 24 days in each cycle (21 days + 3 days washout), I get to run 20 cycles total (493 / 24 = 20 approximately).

20 cycles total means that I get to run each of the 4 stages of EoG for 5 cycles each (along with Ascension and physical healing custom) since 20 / 4 = 5.

The plan is set. On the mark, get set, GO!


You are hitting the full loops on Ascension, have you never tried the lower amounts?

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The full 15 minutes is working for me. So am perfectly happy with my current listening time for each loop.

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How is the reconciliation?