Lion - 1 Year and 6 Months of ASCENSION

No reconciliation.

No headaches pressure sleepiness anything like that?

No. And no irritation, anger, bad dreams, or anything negative either.

Thatā€™s interestingā€”Iā€™m going to switch to full loops and see what happens.

Thanks :pray:

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Wow, look at the power of Subs! I am really happy for you .

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Have decided to take a small break from the current stack for the month of August. August is my birthday month so I thought I will reward my consistency by relaxing a bit and see if I can manifest something lovely for myself in this time period by running LBH + RICH.

Will post any results I have with LBH and RICH in their respective threads in the News and Updates section.

And will return to this thread in September.


Have a good month of August brother :pray:

I did not ralize that it was you in other threads with the new profile picā€¦ I was like who is this new guy that is posting? :sweat_smile:


Haha not again! Changed my username from raphael to Lion and people didnā€™t know it was me. Then I changed my pic and people arenā€™t getting that either.

I canā€™t win either way! Lol.

All kidding aside, thank you bro!


Excited to see R.I.C.H. results. Gives me, I woke up in a new Bugatti vibes. When you get the Bugatti, definitely post it. Godspeed.

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Thatā€™s awesome man! SaintSovereign did say he did make some changes to the RICH script (other than the anti-recon script and 320 kbps) that will make it work and manifest better. So am looking forward to that.


That just show how our brain worksā€¦ All I saw was a new picture and my brain did not even want to read the name after it :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Thatā€™s very true. Explains why branding works very well. Itā€™s the consistency of it. Any change and the fans will not connect as well as before and will many times even complain of the changes. Fascinating stuff.


Have a nice and exciting run in August!

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Thank you, my friend!

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Wishing you a wonderful fun a peaceful birthday month. Enjoy the rest of your August.

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Much thanks dear @TheSunlightCaller :pray:

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I use that exact same command as an alias on my Ubuntu box; makes it quite easy :slight_smile:


During my off days from this stack, I realised I donā€™t want to put myself in a straight-jacket anymore with having to run a single stack for a long time. That even though such a plan might be beneficial in the long run, I do feel like am in a sort of ā€œsubliminal dietā€ and the fun of trying out new titles and customs is missing.

Am planning to continue Ascension with a custom I will build using its Core. That will be good enough going forward.

With regard to EoG, am still not decided yet. But I have time to think about it while am currently enjoying a stack of LBH ZP + HEALTH ZP (my new Paragon Core-based physical healing and shifting custom).


  1. Paragon Complete Core
  2. APS: Hair
  3. A/SPS: Eyesight
  4. A/SPS: Hearing
  5. APS: Head
  6. SPS: Cardiovascular System
  7. SPS: Respiratory System
  8. SPS: Renal System
  9. APS: Torso
  10. APS: Arms
  11. APS: Legs
  12. SPS: Nervous System
  13. A/SPS: Organs
  14. Serum X
  15. SPS: Fat Burn
  16. SPS: Endocrine System
  17. Male Enhancement
  18. Emperor Fitness Height Inducer
  19. The Architect
  20. Epigenetics & DNA Modulator

The Legs modules in HEALTH has significantly reduced swelling in my legs which occasionally happen due to an old illness which I still take medicines for. Hopefully one day the doctor will tell me that I donā€™t need the meds thanks to this custom.

So this will be the last entry for the journal and I ask @RVconsultant to close this thread.

Thanks to all of you who followed and commented on this journal. Even though I am stopping the Ascension + EoG + physical healing stack before its time, am happy that I could run Ascension for 2 cycles and lay some foundation for what comes next. Will see you guys on a new journey and journal soon.


Itā€™s not running one and the same sub where we need consistency but the goals we want to achieve or the hero we want to become need to be consistent and evolve only upon our self-discovery and changes to our circumstances. The consistency of our vision that gets more and more crystal clear is key. Subs are tools only that we should use accordingly.


Sure. One more thing before I do.

If I remember correctly, eyesight has been an ongoing concern of yours. What are your thoughts on putting in less APS/SPS modules?

You can tag me in any post your like, or in my journal: