Liminality custom Qv2

Not 100% certain if my really low mood right now is reconciliation from processing or if I’m not getting the active support of the custom.

In a nutshell I’ve been feeling really down on myself because it feels like other people have more of a spark for life than me. Funny right? Struggling to find enjoyment in life and instead of compassion for myself I just see it as a character flaw. It’s mostly tied to my music making ventures. I can’t even tell if it’s a passion of mine because I don’t have anything to show for it. If I was really passionate about it wouldn’t I be working on music every day? Exploring new music and artists? Engaging with others in the community and building connections? Having more of an identity in my life centered around being a musician? But it’s none of that.

I’m trying but it’s like trying to build up the momentum for something that never takes. It’s annoying and demotivating. I put more effort in trying to start shit than the amount of effort I put into actually doing it. It’s exhausting and after years of this with my music, I just don’t feel good about it. It always sits in the back of my head and haunts me. And it’s like a knife in my heart when I see other people living the life I wish I could live as a musician of some sort or just not being stifled by working a regular job.


There are no external rules for defining passion.

It’s like saying, “if my heart were really beating effectively, wouldn’t my heart rate be beating at 175 beats per minute or faster? It’s beating so slowly. I must not have a very enthusiastic heart.”

This seems like a mental redirect. Like where your mind is concerned over one thing and then it makes you get concerned over a bunch of other stuff.

I don’t actually know what it’s really concerned about, but a very likely suspect is ‘change’ or ‘making a move’. Experiencing something different.

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This is really relevant because I’ve gotten an onslaught of doubt in a bunch of other things. Not even going to list them here, but these past few days have been like negativity daggers spiking my brain relentlessly. I’ve felt like an entirely incompetent human being.

So if this is one thing setting this off I have no idea what it is either. Maybe it’s just a combined effect of being pushed for growth in all these different areas at once.

This sounds right. Like a generalized fear reaction at the prospect of so-much change.

I think that, particularly for INFP or similar types, befriending these challenging parts of ourselves and reactions within ourselves may sometimes be a more effective strategy.

Some people’s relationship to their inner lives is like: “oh, i visit there every so often. Maybe once or year or so.”

With other people it’s like, ‘The inner world? Oh, I basically live there. If you want to write to me, please send it to that address.”

If you’re only visiting a place once a year, then getting into fights and arguments with some of the residents may work reasonably well. But if you’re living there long-term, fighting with all of your neighbors will probably not work too well.

So, for some people, using labels like ‘self-sabotaging’ and so on to describe parts of their own minds, may actually work okay.

For me, I prefer to find out what this part of me is really trying to accomplish. Invariably, I find that it’s trying, in its own way, to help.

Doubt and fear are attempts to protect from the unknown, from excessive change, or from potentially damaging experiences and situations.

Sometimes they approach their jobs a little too enthusiastically.

Like an office cleaner who is so worried about the negative impressions created by a messy office that he comes into the office to vacuum noisily while you’re having an important meeting.

His underlying motivation is a great one. He just needs to dial back the intensity; probably also needs to improve/increase communicate with the rest of the team so he can direct that motivation appropriately.

Fear. Sadness. Doubt. Anger. These are emotions that have very valuable functions but that, due to their painful natures, we tend to wall off, and push out of the room. As a result, they don’t get to communicate and coordinate well with the rest of the team. And so they end up coming back and interrupting things even worse than they did originally.

One practice I work with when I can handle it, (i.e., not in the middle of an actual crisis) is to hold these aspects of myself in gratitude.

It’s literally just being thankful for them. For the fear. The shit. The Anger. The difficulty. The doubt. The disappointment. The pain. The frustrations. The discouragement. The sense that things might not change. All of that.

“Thank you for [insert here].”. or “I’m grateful for [insert here]”. or one that I like (since it allows me to leave in a bit of resentment) is “I am grateful even for [insert here].”.

How to be grateful for those things? I find that it evolves over time. Originally, I was thinking, ‘I’m grateful for these because they are part of my life and I’m glad to be alive’

But as time goes on, I sometimes see actual specific things that they are doing (or attempting to do) for which I am genuinely grateful.

They still kick my ass routinely (and I kick theirs sometimes). And I can’t always just generate gratitude on command or something. But it’s like over time the relationship is improving.

It just feels right to me.

Which brings me to the conclusion: If this practice does not feel right for you, then it may legitimately not be. Timing is everything. And it’s not always the right time for a given practice, even if, for someone else, it is the right time. I’m just sharing it in case it is the right time. Or in case, later on, it may become the right time.

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This is valuable information. I’m going to incorporate what I can right now.

I think you’re right. There’s more depth to these feelings than just “bad”. They hold a hidden meaning. It’s a very perfectionist thing to only want the things that I deem positive and just toss out the perceived negative.

It really is a simple concept, but one I’ve struggled with for years. For whatever reason any type of emotion that presents itself as vulnerability I don’t feel this understanding in myself for having it. I see it as something that doesn’t matter, not important, insignificant, exaggerated, etc. I basically gaslight myself.

As always appreciate the insight you lend here.

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You seem to be doing something important.

Inside of yourself. Taking things on. Struggling with them. Wrangling with them.

I’m definitely rooting for you.

I don’t remember if you said you were in the HSP category or not; but I definitely am. I’m finding myself thinking about that today.

EDIT: Oh, duh. I seem to bring up this topic once every 4 months or so. Just saw that I’d already asked you last year some time. :joy:

well, I’m probably going to start a thread on it as a placeholder.

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Lol no worries. Yes I haven’t read a lot about it in recent years, but I remember coming across the term and relating to it very much. Having said that I think I’m a HSP with ADHD, and it’s a hell of a combo. But the pieces are kind of falling into place and making sense for me. Learning about HSP and understanding that the physiological difference of my nervous system was a real thing gave me a lot more confidence in taking care of my own needs. But the dysfunction I dealt with wasn’t entirely explained by those traits either.

One thing for certain is it is not straightforward at all. For example you being HSP I’m surprised with the amount of input you can handle from the subs. In my case my mind quickly gets overwhelmed, so it might not be the stimulus itself but the ADHD that causes dysfunction in prioritizing and organizing action in my life which causes the stress that leads to overwhelm.

But that’s the challenge. Figuring out the right path in life when 90% of the direction given does not even apply to me. I am really flying solo here and have been for most of my life.

So friggin bizarre. I had a dream last night I was in a village, but like a really non-modern one. I was walking around projecting dominance because I knew this place was kill or be killed.

I woke up and it’s stuck with me for a bit now. Despite the modernization, the social etiquette, and hierarchies of modern living we still live in that tribal based mentality. That’s what I’m realizing. There’s this thin veil that sits over the top of everything and people think money and social status is power, but it’s not. It got me wondering who actually is alpha at their core? Strip away everything, throw yourself in an apocalyptic wasteland and who survives?

Dramatic I know and not 100% relevant given society and how structured it is, but it’s like the core essence beneath all that. I’ve tried over the years to see the world as nice and accepting and tolerant, and some parts it is. But the fact is you need to be strong in this world. You need to have empathy and compassion, but you also need the strength and dominance to get the predators to leave you alone. It kind of sucks, but it’s the truth.

On top of that I’m realizing why I haven’t been able to fully integrate the dominance and power of AM. The very thing I was seeking I feared the most. Strong, dominant people who hurt others. It has been very hard for me to take on those traits without associating it with the terrible people who use that to destroy and step on top of others. But I’ve started re framing that dominance as something that can both protect me and others. It’s not to control other people or assert my will upon others, it’s to guarantee I have safety in this world and that I’m not afraid of others. It’s made me realize there are very powerful and supportive traits that would help me but I’ve cast aside because of the negatives tied to them.


Good thoughts!

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I really wonder about this too.

I seem to be on the closing half of a challenging recon arc right now. Things are looking and feeling brighter.

One of the features of my recon seems to be a rapid-fire barrage of doubting and self-doubting questions. Or maybe that type of recon is influenced by Quantum Limitless and Stark. (I guess recon style and content would also be related to the particular programs one is running.)

But I wonder how much of my ability to ‘handle input’ is increased capacity and how much is numbness?

That’s a thought that my reconciliation would definitely be proud of.

Recon: “Nice one! I’m mad I didn’t come up with that myself. Oh wait a minute, I did! [sinister laugh]”

Anyway, yeah, I’ve long been beguiled by how high sensitivity actually plays out in my lived experience and circumstances.

I seem to be good at enduring things, but not so much at ignoring them. (ah, now my inner rapper would be proud of that one.)

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That’s a good thought. Prior to dropping down my loops I had to take a good long look about what I could realistically handle vs what I wanted to. I feel like HSP in general have lived lives where they operate at a higher activated state of the CNS and don’t even realize it. We kind of beat ourselves into submission to keep up with everyone else. In my experience that’s a very strong habit I’m still trying to shake, running my own race.

Then again HSP receive the extreme end of emotions. So if a sub triggers fear, that’s clearly going to need more processing time. So maybe you’re kind of beyond that and you can integrate more input because there’s not as much stress on the CNS.

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So the support modules in my custom are working out great. How do I know? Well my company got hit with yet another crypto virus yesterday. I was a little burned out from all the running around I had to do, but I was able to calm and center myself which is a huge win. Being able to actually physically relax after a stressful event like that has always been incredibly difficult for me. But on my drive home from work I felt the tension and anxiety leave my body.

I’m also not taking this on as my burden. I’m fixing what needs to be done, but I’m not pulling all nighters or going nuts. I’m only hourly, got hired on as desktop support. Crisis management, network security, system administration, etc. all way above my scope. Could I do it? Maybe if I dedicated time to learning and had more of an interest but the fact stands I’m not compensated for that at the moment so not my concern.

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These thoughts are so exciting.

Only when you know your boundaries and your worth do bargaining and negotiation become possible.

I just heard this little video from the thinker Jordan Peterson in which he discussed getting to the point of being able to bargain and negotiate. It was a different point from what you’re talking about, but what you wrote reminded me again of Negotiation.

Comfort in an interpersonal space unavoidably involves some amount of negotiation.

I suck at negotiation, personally.

But I’m learning.

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Negotiation is definitely a weak point for me as well. But what you mentioned about worth is on the money. I deal with a lot of self worth issues so I never had much “leverage” so to speak.

I had a moment today where I just thought fuck it and gave myself the day. I noodled around with my DAW, made a cool audio clip I sent to a friend. We’re going to pass audio back and forth and build on it, like a conversation but using composition. Played my electronic drums a bit.

It got me thinking about where my priorities are at. Sure I need a new job, I need to move, all these things. But at the same time if I don’t take the time to just enjoy life for what it is, I’m missing out.

I’m the most responsible irresponsible person. What I mean by that is there’s no shortage of what I have to do and improve upon. I know fully well what needs to be done in my life, but I have trouble getting to it. So I get stuck in this state of limbo where I’m not really relaxed and I’m not really doing much of anything to improve my life. Times like that are hard because it’s full of guilt and self loathing.

I feel like this is the Joi de Virve module for me. Asking myself what’s really going to bring me joy in my life right now? Sure the rest of my life may be chaotic and unorganized but that doesn’t mean I’m supposed to be exempt from enjoying things.

A lot of people say sometimes in life you just have to do things you don’t want to do. But I’m thinking about that and it’s like why? Where’s the rule written that that is how reality works? Sure it happens to people, but to make that a requirement on the path to happiness seems kind of pointless. Hard work without alignment is at best a draining experience and at worst a huge waste of your time.

Understanding my own path, that’s the hardest part. Have the courage to do my own thing and not get roped into the fear. Fear has been a huge problem for me for most of my life. I find it impossible to seek out the experiences I really want, instead I get detoured into some terrible safe route advised by other people. I’m living a life, but not my life. I know none of this is right, and it’s never been right. But I just never had that spark or expression or whatever it is that aligns people on the right path when they’re younger. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about, those individuals you see that have so much character and stand out that you just know their life is going to be interesting.

Man AM has me feeling just absolutely fed up with stuff. The whole thing with getting a good job with good pay so you can be happy. I hate that narrative because it doesn’t do anything for me. I just hate wasting time at jobs, my valuable time and life on this planet. Squandered sitting at a fucking desk making someone else money. I have nothing practical to get out of this, I just fucking hate it and the typical lifestyle pushed on everyone. No solution, no plan, just want to slap someone that tries to push me down this path or shoots down my own needs in life.




INTEGRATION (ahh, nice…)



This tells me that AM is working.

You have identified something you don’t like and you want to stop doing it.

Great, do something else, go for it.

You just have to be aware that your society has made things moderately difficult for you.

But with AM you will realise that is merely an obstacle to be overcome.

Good luck.


I think you are too critical of yourself. Ooops, did I just imply you are being irresponsibly critical?:rofl:

Try writing down a list of why you are awesome and read it upon waking.

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