Light of the Lion

While waiting for my custom to arrive, I am listening to Khan St4 Qv2 and Diamond ZP.

Not only am I expanding my social circle significantly, (re-)connecting with old friends and increasingly hotter girls but I am also riding a wave of manifestations.


So you find Khan covered the areas that Emperor and Stark covered and more?

Will you at some point make a summary of your Stark, Emperor and QL custom?

If you like one, I can write it for you :slight_smile:

Yeah that would be great

“Live like a devil, and die like a Saint”

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I think I have never been happier in my entire life. Everything is going so well currently :blush:


Listened to my first loop of my Wanted Khan custom today. The loop felt „heavy“ and gave me some slight reconciliation almost immediately. I have only slept 3 hours that night so that’s most likely why.

I went to bed later to take a power nap, which ended out to be 3 hours long. I dreamt about being chased by a full on army squad all that time: Tanks, helicopters all trying to attack and get to me.
The dream was full of meaning again (the power of ZP). Seems like it was visualizing the reconciliation I was going through, how it must feel for my subconscious.

Later, I meet some friends and noticed Transcendental Connection, Divine Self-Image, Stress Displacement, Rogue and Untouchable executing. Nothing from the auras so far.
I felt very relaxed and confident, and really enjoyed being myself.

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Dreamt about being in secret social “club”/inner circle, which basically was an activist group of people outcasted by current politics. I learned how to work my way up their social hierarchy.
It was basically the Untouchable module executing in my dream, and it fits perfectly to the fact that I noticed this module strongly yesterday.


People checking me out in public

I dreamt today that I was participating in a version of The Hunger Games. Me and my partner almost won until on the last day everyone turned against us, and my eye sight decreased to a point where I could only see blurry even with contact lenses.
Seems like Wanted may be working on my eyes, Code of Loyalty working on my traumas and the rest be the state my recon brain is in.

In real, I feel fine, no obvious signs of recon. But based on this dream I am actually considering taking a second day rest. It is really profound that with ZP you now have such a clear picture of what your mind is working on, which you can use for example to determine when to run how many loops or none.

It is just been ONE loop and Wanted already improved my looks. I manifested the perfect haircut and I am looking awesome :call_me_hand: People are already complementing me how stunning I look, and I must say I fully agree with them haha.


Bookmarking that. Guilty of that myself far too often. Especially when running Khan.

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Descartes said: “I Think Therefore I Am”

Philosophers and spiritual people alike challenged that idea by observing themselves in meditation and noticing that the “I” and the “thoughts” are two separate entities: “I am not my thoughts”. Instead they declared one is the consciousness that observes the thinking. Thus setting the ultimate goal to increase ones consciousness, make conscious what is unconscious, to experience awakening and ascend.

While I agree that this comes closer to the truth than Descartes hypothesis, I am having these weird ideas lately that “I” and our “consciousness” are two separate entities too. We are not our consciousness. Our unconsciousness and subconsciousness are an equally relevant or maybe even more important part to determine the “I”. But I cannot let go of the notion that consciousness might be more comparable to a mental illness instead of the ultimate illumination. The goal should not be to become more conscious but instead more sub-/unconscious.

Is that what it means to devote to „god“?
Is that why humans are drawn to taking drugs?
Are we more conscious than our ancestors?
What role plays the endorphin system in that?
Were we more unconscious as babies or can we simply not remember?
How do you feel imaging living your life more unconsciously?



„Human physiology is tightly controlled by numerous genetic feedback pathways. For example, when the thirst centre is activated, and a person drinks water, as soon as thirst is quenched, it shuts down the ability to drink excess water and it is nearly impossible to overdrink water. Water has no action on the endorphin centre. However, if a person is thirsty and starts drinking beer or a sugary drink, the alcohol or sugar powerfully activates the endorphin centre that is not under genetic feedback control, and endorphin activation readily overrides the stopping point of the thirst centre. Therefore, while water consumption is tightly controlled at a subconscious level, alcohol and sugar consumption, although still liquids, has to be consciously controlled.“ - Diabetes Unpacked: Just Science and Sense. No Sugar Coating by Tim Noakes


Firstly, in defense of Descartes. That quote is almost always presented without context.

Descartes was asking, “If perceptions and sensations can be false or mistaken, how do I know that anything exists at all?” In other words, he was applying extreme skepticism.

Then he concluded: “Even if everything I experience is false, the fact that I’m having any experience at all must mean that something exists.” In other words, even a false experience is something.

That’s all he was saying. It was not a statement of mind-body dualism.

But that wasn’t really your main point.

You’re talking about consciousness. And the domains or regions of consciousness.

I agree with you.

What people usually refer to as ‘conscious awareness’ is not really so conscious. The term is misleading.

Here’s a quote from my offline journal last week:

Everyday waking consciousness is a trance state characterized by the convincingly presumptive and misleadingly tangible perceptions of coherence and normalcy.

This is actually related to the question I asked you on the other thread where we were talking. To which you have not yet responded. :sunglasses::sunglasses:



My review of the year: 1 Year Review of Subclub (2021)

My new journal: Wanted Khan [2022]

@DarkPhilosopher can you pls close this thread?

Done. Thanks for keeping the forum clean.