Libertine questions

Could a creator explain how it works in real life? Does it make you more flirty? Does it help with approach anxiety? Does it manifest women into your life? What it will be different with usage and without usage?

@SaintSovereign @Fire


It sets you in the perfect mindset for everything seduction based through a light meditation that is supported with a background subliminal.

You can expect easier approaches, more sexual conversations, more flirting and fun, easy flowing conversations and being relaxed while doing it all. It sets you into the “Don Juan” zone essentially… and the longer you are in this zone, the more it will become part of your personality.


Thank you perfect


How should we feel this power? How should we reflect on our lives?


I am using Khan atm combined with libertine. Can i add one more supercharger or it is too much?


Obviously Fire will have the definitive answer, but I suspect it’s all about timing.

You should probably not do two superchargers back to back. But you could possibly do one in the morning (Beyond Limitless for example), Libertine before going out and one before going to bed (like Dreams). Still, try not to overdo it if you don’t have to.

Seems like a very nice combination, Libertine and Khan.

There may be an exception to the back-to-back rule. What would happen if we were to run Libertine AND True Social before going out? And what order would be better? I’ll leave it to others to experiment. Or Fire to tell us that wouldn’t work.

EDIT: I just checked your journal. Your combination of Libertine in the morning and Dreams at night should be fine. I believe Fire will confirm that. Try to get enough sleep if you only run Khan while sleeping.


Ideally i think is something like, libertine early in the morning, beyond limitless before working, dreams before sleep, khan during sleep

I dont know if it is too much so i will wait @Fire to respond


@rising, I am curious based on your stack, so I wonder: do you have a girlfriend or are you approaching girls consistently?

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I listen khan every day and libertine randomly. I am just curious if i can improve my listening habits. Not sure what matters if i have a girlfriend


Because Libertine is most powerfully used before interacting with a girl or having sex with a girlfriend.
Then, when you see the reactions, you will automatically stick to it.

Are you doing it more for a Tantric reason, to gather and increase sexual energy?


I am using it because i like being on a sexual mindset constantly. Whether that means being more flirtatious or getting approached easier or beating approaching anxiety


I don’t know if Libertine supercharger now comes with Libertine subliminal bonus but it surely make you 24 hour a day sexually arosed.


I am not sure what you mean


Ok. When Libertine was initially released, the package contained two programs: Libertine the Supercharger and Libertine Ultrasonic Bonus.

Libertine Supercharger is a voice hypnosis/meditation + ultrasonic layer.
Libertine Ultrasonic Bonus is pure ultrasonic subliminal.

I think that listening Libertine Supercharger more than 1-2 times a day is an overkill. I would personally be tired to listen it more than once, just like any other Supercharger program.

Libertine Ultrasonic Bonus, on the other hand is a 30 minute silent program, which is aimed to achieve the same goal as a Supercharger. Listening it for 1-2 hours uplifts mine sexual vibe and desire MUCH higher than any other program, even than Sex Mastery X2. I’m thinking about sex, I feeling desire for sex… okey, I’M A SEX :):laughing:


I will check if i have two tracks. I am using the first track you described


I am pretty sure Khan ST2, and for sure Khan ST3 has something similar to that Libertine stacking module. I am on ST2, and I am enjoying a comfortable mild level of sexual energy all the time.

Sex Mastery X2 though gives me the strongest sexual energy and sexual mindset though.


Just a tiny addition I just came across in my daily backlog digest…

So in theory it’s possible to run them close together like you suggested:

At least, I assume there’s not a lot of time between those two moments.

Of course, I’m only halfway through the supercharger dev thread…

I also saw the warning about not masturbating for two hours, it cracked me up. I really HAVE to try Libertine now. Reminded me of the technique Churchill and some other great leaders supposedly practiced of edging themselves to build up the sexual energy which was then used (arguably) more productive. Tried it for a while. It works, but it does lead to blue nuts syndrome, and that can physically hurt.


Mix Libertine with Sex Mastery X2.

You’ll LOVE yourself.

Thank me later :wink:


You got moaning on there?! Oh, I’m so getting this! Saint must have had so much fun making Libertine. Makes you wonder what went through the voice actress’ mind when she was recording the track. She may not have known what the background music would be, but I can only assume the voice-track is… descriptive.

Tell me, please, @AMASH. Southern Belle or Proper English Girl? It HAS to be one of those.


I did and she said she had a blast. :wink: