Less is More Dragon Reborn

@SaintSovereign It’s mentioned in the Extended Information on the sales page that less is more with Dragon Reborn. Can you please elaborate on this a bit? I am perplexed as to how running less would be beneficial. It would seem that with healing especially deep healing more would be better

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Less loops = less exposure = less recon = faster execution


How does it execute faster if it’s only done minimally?

It executes during rest days and washouts.


Still doesn’t explain anything but OK. So what one loop ever 3 or 4 days?

March 18th:

April 18th:

@James, I think you may have some type of actual memory disorder. You’ve already asked this type of question and realized the answer, yet here you are again still “perplexed”.

You’ve even been blatantly pointed out that you do this in the past

and you just did it again. This is not normal. I’m starting to think that your issue is much deeper than the inability to stick to your goals.

I would recommend contacting your healthcare provider if you’re having issues with memory loss.


Just imagine trying to have a productive conversation with someone who never stops talking and who seems to barely even take a breath.

(I do see the irony here: it’s very likely that the actual subliminal is set-up somewhat like this. But that probably makes it even more important to have periods of silence and non-stimulation between listens.)


That has been discussed with my health care provider. Seems it’s some sort of dissociation. No lie. I am aware of it.


@Luther24 The exact term is Dissociative amnesia


Thanks for clearing that up, I’m glad that you’re aware of it.

I was a little concerned that you weren’t and were attributing your overwhelmingly abnormal cyclical/amnesiac behavior as just being due to “bad memory”.

The last post is meant to remind you of what you forgot and also bring some awareness to the forum around your mental illness/dissociative disorder, including the founders (if they were not already aware).

So we can be more mindful, patient and understanding when it comes you and your questions and also to not use you and your experiences as a standard benchmark for subliminal success, as your mental condition could in theory affect the whole nine yards.

It’s already posing as a detriment, as the memory loss seems to send you back into a state of confusion towards your listening attitudes. That’s not conducive to consistency and consistency is vital for success.

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more akin to a symptom (e.g., headache, runny nose, fatigue) than a formal disorder.

Memory and attention, essentially, warp around pain and discomfort.

Also, it would be less likely to impact objective success and more likely to impact the reliability of one’s narratives. (It’s that common phenomenon whereby a person genuinely perceives no progress whilst all the while unconsciously moving the goal posts to obscure their progress. That’s Dissociation 101. On the positive side, high self-efficacy people tend to use dissociation just as much. They just use it to overcome obstacles and to maintain resilience. haha. Dissociation is just a fancy word for ‘ignoring stuff’. )


I learned that specially with Healing subs it’s true.
During listening phase I ask myself after a couple of days if it’s still working and then comes the washout and Holy Moly what a blast of execution


@Palpatine @Leandros So stick with the listening schedule recommend or do less loops?
I just have a hard time understanding how doing something like this less is better.
No one who works out does so once or twice a week

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Actually, they do. Check out “Body By Science” by Doug McGuff.

BBS has you work all the muscle groups to failure. Failure as in, you simply can’t move the weights anymore.

It takes the whole week to fully recover. I was doing BBS when I could still afford the gym membership.

I tried once to do a second set halfway through the week. I couldn’t. And come time for next week’s set, I was still sub-par.


You can’t keep falling back on the “I was being sarcastic” schtick when someone calls you out on behavior. We’re legit trying to help you out here.


There’s a muscle building routine in 4 Hour Body by Tim Ferriss that is very minimal as well; I believe it’s different than BBS but I do think that’s where I learned about it.

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It’s a defense mechanism. I will work on it


(post deleted by author)

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When you work out, the muscles do not build while you push weights. They build in the resting period between workouts. So it would be stupid to work out every day, because that does not give the muscle time to recover and build new cells.
Same with Subs. They work in your subconsious mind is done between listening sessions, not while you listen.
So just stick to the recommended listening patterns with one day off in between and five days rest after a 21-day-cycle.
And everything will be okay.


Dude, you didn’t have memory loss from Wanted. I don’t know where you keep getting these things from. If you had that effect from running a subliminal, any subliminal, that’s your personal response to anything traumatic, not the sub. Again, you have to refrain from making these kinds of statements, as well as flip flopping between ZP is too powerful and ZP is too weak. You’re going to confuse new users, as well as give ammo to bad characters.