Learn what self love is

This is the exact point where I see it differently.

  1. I think you may be misunderstanding the significance of recon.

You’re looking at Reconciliation as a preliminary stage or a side-process that is taking you away from the process of Getting Results.

That’s one reason that you keep talking about ‘Patience’.

But here is the deal:

Recon is your mind integrating the subliminal and creating results.

Reconciliation is your mind attempting to adapt to the subliminal.

Disruptive reconciliation is (uncomfortable) evidence that your mind is busily and actively processing the subliminal. But it’s disruptive because your mind is overwhelmed and having a hard time.

That’s the real reason for micro-loops.

When you get majorly disruptive reconciliation effects, it means that you ‘took a very large bite’ of food and now your mind is struggling to digest that bite of food.

It’s not a distraction from your mind creating results. It IS your mind creating the results.

But if you get the listening balance right, the results will come smoother and faster.

Hence Micro-loops.

Does that make sense?

That brings me to my second point:

  1. The significance of so-called “Patience”.

You’re painting Patience as something that some people “have” and other people “don’t have”. And you’re putting yourself in that second group of people who “do not have” much patience.

But this is not accurate.

A skillful sailor does not “have more” wind than an unskillful sailor. Everyone “has” the same wind. But the skillful sailor is in a more beneficial relationship to that wind. And not because he’s a ‘better person’; but because over time he has learned the right things to pay attention to.

Patience is just the natural side-effect of becoming interested in the right things and placing your attention on them.

If you go to see a great and interesting movie, and you get absorbed into it and really enjoy it. You will sit ‘patiently’ from beginning to end. If you go to the same movie, and close your eyes, cover your ears, and turn your back to the movie, you may feel very ‘impatient’ for the damned thing to finish so that you can get out of there.

The people who are interested in the movie are not ‘better than you’ nor do they necessarily “possess” some quality of patience that you lack. Probably not. The difference is just that they’re placing their attention onto the movie. And you’re putting your attention somewhere else. You might even have a great reason for placing your attention somewhere else. (Maybe there’s something else much more important happening.) But either way, the process of waiting for the movie to end is likely to be less interesting for you.

In any situation, if you can find the strategically optimal directions and objects for your attention, you are likely to have more access to Patience. (Patience is something that you learn how to access. It’s not something that you own, possess, or ‘have’.)

That’s one definition of Skill in any given situation:

Knowing the right things to which to pay attention.


Uh huh :black_heart:

This made me think…

I spent an hour thinking on this, just lying on a couch.

I could not remember a single time in my life I’ve felt like this.

I’m sure I’ve felt like this plenty of times in the past.

For a couple of years now I’ve noticed that I have a highly selective memory. It’s like my brain has erased all the memories about not feeling worthy.

Lots of negative things I just don’t remember anymore. Or I’ve reframed them into something positive or a learning experience that made me stronger.

I believe it’s from running the Emperor for years. I did also spend some time on DR and EoG. I went through both 4 stagers (1 month/ stage) back when they were first released.



Dropped down to strictly thirty seconds of the masked track of LB at a normal volume. I was running thirty seconds of the ultrasonic version but that may have been part of why I have been experiencing such recon. That and listening to both tracks at higher volume as well.

Still don’t feel much of a change yet but it’s been less than two weeks and if my subconscious feels like it’s being screamed at because of the higher volume I was running that I was unintentionally causing my own recon

Working on being more mindful. I debated starting using Holosync again but both @Fire and @ksub advised against it. @SaintSovereign has told me I’m better off not using it as well. I don’t recall exactly what he said.

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@James : Using Sub Club products I got all the results the makers of Holosync said I would get using their products. Do you really want to spend one hour a day with your eyes closed listening to binaural beats?
Another thing that you might not have considered is that for brainwave entrainment to even produce lasting results you have to commit months or sometimes years to listening daily. Consistency seems to have been your main problem with Sub Club products. What makes you believe that you’d have the necessary dedication to successfully use Holosync? And if you have that dedication, why don’t you just use it to get results with Sub Club products?


Had a break through this morning. Feel quite a bit more relaxed in my mind even though I don’t necessarily feel it physically as of yet. Just don’t want to fight any longer things and situations I can’t control. I didn’t really realize or understand how I was making myself crazy as well as stressing people out such as my Wife.

I try hard to pause and take a couple of deep breaths before I say anything. I’m learning that not everything needs a reaction.

Still not entirely sure how to deal with the envy I have felt for most of my life but I’m thinking that will come with time. For now I just avoid what I can that triggers feelings of envy or jealousy. If I can’t do anything about it why frustrate myself?


I did an exercise recently where the goal was to write down everyone and everything I’m jealous of, in a very specific way, to reflect and know more about what I want in life. But also what I don’t want but think I want. :thinking:


You pretty much can do whatever you want. No one is going to stop you. The Sub Club people have been pretty clear on mixing brainwave entrainment and their products.

@James: Just pick one tool or system and stick to it until you see results. Dabbling in different things isn’t going to help you.


I know . I just wanted your opinion. I’m staying with LB and not running or using anything else.

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Maybe do this instead of brainwave entrainment:


I’m glad you figured this out too. this is one of the most impactful realizations I’ve ever had in my life.


I agree. I need to work on applying that it to places like the forum as well. It’s highly likely I don’t need an answer to a question I have. I just need to run the sub as recommended and not fight or question it .

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Just ran my thirty seconds. I didn’t realize I had Dolby Atmos activated on my phone so I shut it off as I recall Saint saying something about not having any audio enhancers or whatever when playing a sub.


“There is a time in every man’s education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better, for worse, as his portion; that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried.”

Emerson - Self Reliance


Had the weirdest and coolest aha moment just now. I know I’m not a very patient person but I am working hard to change that. I got to thinking that what if I set myself in advance so I don’t have to worry about being patient or not? Then I realized that by doing that that I’m am working towards being self reliant. I love it


Great Idea if it works out for you.

Only what does it mean? :sweat_smile:

Could you make an example?

Lately I’ve been confronted with the limits of my English language skills time and again.


Instead of living paycheck to paycheck and stressing out as to when I’m going to get my check in my account I find a second source of income or start saving money rather than spend it on frivolous purchases.


So like looking in the future, preparing yourself for what’s coming, setting limits on spending etc, so you don’t need to worry/ panic because you planned ahead?

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