Le Journal de Palpatine™ (2022)

Did 2x of (Masked):
Primal Seduction

Sandy is talking even more. And this gorgeous Cuban girl I used to work with at my old water company job. She’s talking to me online today. She knows without a doubt I think she’s gorgeous. We’ve had convos before.

She even once told me a few years ago that she’d be my “secret girlfriend” if I wanted.

She’s since gotten married, but that is imploding as far as I know.
She is opening back up today.

These subs may not be magic, but they’re definitely a sufficiently advanced technology I don’t fully understand yet :wink:

EDIT: Even now, the “Don’t run Heartsong!” vibe is there mentally. My brain trying to get me to switch HS out and put something like Libertine or LBFH in there instead.
I think that I need whatever that potent healing is that’s in HS.

Just very weird how my brain is NOT on board with wanting to run HS long-term. Like I’m afraid it’ll shake up too much stuff.

Is that normal with HS? Gawd…


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“Taking responsibility for yesterday is great. Taking action for tomorrow is even better” - Seth Godin

I decided I’ve had enough. This is gonna be my alpha stack for now. I’ll run K1 and/or K2 as necessary so K4 can shine.


I would love to put Commander and GLM into a custom. I just wish there wasn’t that 10-module minimum. I really just want these 2. Maybe mosaic to tie it together into other titles/customs.

Commander and GLM together seriously make me feel dark, but they also make me feel more willful, focused, resolved.

Still the same “Murder my opponents and then sit down to a nice steak dinner” vibe as I got with the Ultima versions.

I can see putting Khan4 in the custom too. But I’d likely leave that out so the custom could be more easily stacked with other things.

Fuck I feel powerful from this stack.

I imagine Ascension, Commander, GLM might be a “safer” stack to run, but guess who’s tired as fuck of playing it safe? Go ahead. Guess. I’ll wait…


I think Commander and GLM fit the “Being a monster” thing Jordan Peterson talks about

Now to figure out which sub(s) would be the best tools to help with the “Keeping it under control” part

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Tagging @Lion so as to not derail your journal with this reply.

Even more interesting than the stuff about revision in my ZPPF journal is this girl I’ll call Amy. Went to HS with her in 9th grade (Freshman year in the US).

I only went to that school for 9 weeks (half a semester if I recall)…she was the first person to greet me at the pre-class up meet and greet.

Cute as a button. so nice. I was who I was back then, so didn’t say much.

A few years ago, I was thinking about her. Couldn’t find her online on FB or any of that.
No record that I could locate whatsoever. So in the “original” timeline, I only saw her around school.

I decided to revise. I went into imagination back to school and made up new stuff.
(side note: The easiest revision I’ve found isn’t to try and reimagine stuff that’s already happened, other than adding on to it. The easiest I’ve found is to make up new memories that imply whatever you want to be real is real)

I imagined up a bunch of us talking, relationship, even one point, both of us promising not to ever lose touch with each other(!).

Within a few days of that, I started finding info about her online!
Sadly, turns out she’d died about a year before. I was sad for a long time about that, but then I gradually realized that my revision did at least give me closure about her.


Oh man. That ending was sad.

But yes, I am also doing revisions for romantic relationships I had in the past which didn’t turn out the way I wanted them to by making them much more beautiful and erotic where we are both happy and satiated.

And that’s just romance. I am doing that for my health, wealth, fitness, shifting, school, etc. Lol I can spend an eternity here but will focus on a few important things in those different domains to bring me the life of my dreams.

Past Makeover we can say haha.


There is a woman I know who did a revision where she imagined growing up in a nice house. Like a mansion overall. Revision re: way better finances as part of her childhood.
I think she even went as far as imagining having grown up in Hawaii, instead of the midwestern state she grew up in.

WIthin no time of doing that, her mother got a VERY substantial raise at her job.
Life changed so much for both her and her mother, some even questioned her as to whether it REALLY happened or not.

I know her personally, and I can attest. It’s amazing how powerful it is.


Ayup. Sure does.

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Now that’s a brilliant testimonial for the technique. Am hyped!

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I just now ran:

Barely 1-2 mins into Khan4, a friend hits me up on messenger “What up, boo?”

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Awesome results with that Sandy lady Brother.
I’d like to say (tell me to shut the hell up if you want) go for it. Pull the trigger. You seem to be asking for the universe to provide you with opportunities to step out, it is, and you kind of hesitate because you aren’t sure you want to cross that line.
Try it once and see how you feel about it. If you feel like crap you know that about yourself and don’t have to do it again.


Yes, I am doing that. The biggest challenge lately would be logistics. Wanted is crazy wicked with her. That’s why I’m running Khan1 in my K4/GLM/Commander stack. Rip out whatever has me being so on-the-fence.


In my experience, subs won’t do that for you. They help you set up, they manifest the opportunities, but that last step that brings you across the line is up to you. The subs start working even better when you do.

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Oh, and what are micro loops? I haven’t been reading the forums that much lately.

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Micro loops: take subs you’ve run enough. And so just 39 seconds of one

The SubC mind hears it and “remembers” The script. So you still get effects/results


30* seconds.

yeah. typo.

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although 39 would work too if that idea holds :smiley:

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LOL. I think 39 secs would have some Tesla magic to it.

“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the universe.”
-Nikola Tesla