Le Journal de Palpatine™ (2022)

Had something similar with old audios of mine.

Back in my days of making binaural entrainment audios, I made one based on Anna Wise’s book “The High Performance Mind” where she describes the “Awakened Mind” state she first learned from with C. Maxwell Cade.

Awakened Mind state is where there is a certain amount of activity in all 4 of the main EEG brainwave bands.

So that information in the brain flows freely around. Very cool book and effect.

I made this 20- or 30-minute long audio trying to induce that state. Got some interesting effects with it.

I had a friend test it out, and after a few weeks of testing, she told me she got to the point where she could just mentally “listen to” the audio…by remembering the tones.

Basically playing it back in imagination, and still get the same mental feeling.

I discovered that same effect independent of her, but with my other audio which triggered release of HGH while simultaneously triggering alpha waves at the freq associated with tissue regeneration/healing.

I got where I could access the same states by remembering what the audio sounds like.

Wondering if this could be done with ZP subs too.

Hell, another idea might be to burn a particular kind of incense while running subs, but use a different scent for different types or “genres” of subs.

i.e. when running wealth titles, burn scent A, when running Alpha sexduction titles, scent B and so on.

So when you run, say, Khan, you’d still burn the same scent B as when you ran Primal Seduction or Libertine.

So the same scent per sub genre would lock those in or something.

I would try this but the wife is super-sensitive to most smells. I can’t even buy soap or candles on my own since it has to pass her sniff test first.

I like this idea, though.

Because you could later light scent A or scent B and trigger the sub scripting from the smells alone I think.

or do them both and the SubC would mash the scripts together :open_mouth:


A scent version of microloop. A pavlovian response too.

I guess this is how some YouTube subliminal makers start off. I mean in a general sense since you made something unique when you created yours.

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I’m nearly at the point of overload (don’t worry. It’s intentional).

I feel the head pressure I used to get with initial private ZP tests. I’m close to a breakthrough.


My dad and I got into a huge blowout argument in 2009, and he was saying shit that was true for him, not me, blah blah. So in my anger, I told him about the “Map is not the territory” presupposition.
During the argument.
And he got more pissed and said “I guess that’s ONE way of looking at it!”
And I said “Exactly!”
It was weird
He didn’t get why I was suddenly laughing my ass off until I told him


I put together two different playlists to run during the day. One a few mins each of different subs. To see how they blend together.

K1K4G1G4GLMComnander (2.5 mins per title. 15 mins total)
LBFH/LB/Chosen (3 mins per title. 9 mins total)

I’m several loops in (using my Bluetooth speaker just sitting in my car’s passenger seat).

Biggest thing is I catch myself shifting how I sit, walk and carry myself. So I’m holding my body different. Like trying to use more alpha body language.

It legit made me wonder if the Alpha Body Language module was lifted out of OG Khan before.

I also looked down at my left hand while driving. It was resting on my knee. I saw the blood vessels and it seemed like they were very well-defined. Hard to articulate fully what I mean. But I basically thought that even my hand resting on my knee looked “alpha” (?).

More later as it cums.

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The below is from a PM with a friend today. This may be coming from the modified playlist I did several loops of today.

Me talking:


Yes, that makes sense. The others who are responding to that mindset haven’t seen you on a daily basis for years so their mental model of you isn’t as strongly ingrained.



I’m reading more in this eBook about scoring with married women. It’s an older book by “Major” Mark Cunningham, though I think he’s dropped the Major from his stuff now.

Part of me laughs wondering if the stuff in this book actually works.
the other part is taking notes


ok…It’s only been 5 days since my last entry. Seems a lot longer.
The very night I read that book about picking up married women, or maybe the day after. Someone I chat with online was suddenly very open with me about things in her life.
A married friend. Soon to not be.

The subs I ran (forget what they are at the moment without checking my play history)…seemed to combine with the stuff that book got me thinking about.

Nothing came of that particular person or will, as she 1) Lives far away and 2) I’m not the guy for her.


In MORE recent news, I’ve been playing with different things like 3- and 5- minute loops of different programs like I was briefly before.

Very promising results there, got more money than usual on Saturday with Uber Eats.

i’ve also been playing some with the 30-seconds thing Saint talks about.
I’ve been testing whether or not it seems to make a difference that I use ultrasonic subs to make my SubC mind “remember” scripting from having run Masked subs. Doesn’t seem to make a difference. Still seems to do stuff.

I’ve done a lot of stuff the past couple days that’s so far off the map I won’t put here what I’ve done. But I’ll talk results.

Did X technique with these subs today, and Sandy (noodz girl) is basically telling me her favorite sexual positions, the ones she avoids due to physical reasons, and so on.

Why is she telling me her favorite positions? Because…today, in a messenger chat, I said “What are you favorite positions? So I can decide what we’ll do for our first time together.”

Also, tonight, I’m just sitting here minding my own business, on the internet…wife decides she wants sex “for some reason”.

So yeah, great stuff happening.
Beyond sex stuff, I’m working on demolishing my wealth ceiling with the same approach I’m playing with at the moment.

I have noticed that sex-themed results seem far easier to manifest/make happen than I figured they’d be…as compared to money stuff…money stuff seems to be way harder than the sex stuff. That’s why I’m hitting hard like I am on the wealth ceiling.

If I can remove the wealth ceiling and whatever other financial murky muck I’ve got going on, my baseline should at least be higher.

That’s all for now.


Ok. I’ll talk about one “stack” I’ve been playing with today.

I’m calling this a “Reminder Stack” since it’s the 30-seconds-each thing. Where the 30 seconds each makes the SubC mind “Remember” the scripting from subs you’ve already run. That’s the current (as far as I know) theory regarding why 30 seconds works.

I have long known that Heartsong, Wanted, and Primal Seduction would be a great custom.
Since I haven’t set aside the $ to build that particular one yet (I will. Fear not.), I’ve been running those 3 off and on for a while, just hardly together. I’ve heard each one at least 3 times.

Being a hypnotist, I know that 3 repetitions of a stimulus seems to be the minimum before the SubC mind starts to recognize it and start patterning from it. This is why I emphasize I’ve heard each one at least 3 times.

30 seconds each of:
Primal Seduction
total of 1.5 mins listen time.

I ran that playlist…several times tonight.

full-on nudes from Sandy (restaurant noodz girl)…talk of what she wants sexually…talking about how she could shift her schedule outside of work to make it workable for us :open_mouth:

Definitely making a custom of this, which will include modules like both Gorgeous Manifestor, Sexual Manifestor (I think that’s the name)…Alexander’s Play

I forgot all the modules I already licensed for this idea…I’ll have to look in Q. It’s gonna get built however.

I’m glad I found a use for ultrasonic again.

I’m headed to bed to loop these 3 on ultra some more. EDIT: Once I make a playlist that’s more tightly focused on the money side too. maybe Rich, EoG4, HOM, Emperor, Mogul


Reading this entry is tempting me to try and do something similar but using RICH and Khan. While my custom includes Financial Success Reality Shifter I haven’t been seen it manifest as quickly as my other modules are.


I believe that 5 minutes of a custom SHOULD be enough to get the scripting. If you wanted to also do 5 minutes of limit destroyer. Or 5 mins each of rebirth and Regen. Lot of possibilities.


I’ve been running either 15 or 3 minutes depending on the day and how much time I have on that given day. Running Limit destroyer might be something I’ll look into though.


Speaking of conscious guidance…

The “full on nudes” from Sandy was really just boob pics. Because that was the only part of her body she hasn’t sent pics of yet.

Earlier that morning, I had thought to myself “I think it’s time. I wanna see her boobs, too”

Later that night, I was running a continuous loop of 30 seconds each of Heartsong, Wanted, and Primal Seduction.

Wanted is the one which gets her to start talking to me. As if by magic.

Out of the blue, she sends me selfie of her in a bra.

I said “those are hawt” or something.

She said “you haven’t even seen my boobs”

And I said “True. I haven’t seen em yet.”

Needless to say, “something” helped her get over her fear of what I’d think of them.



current thought stream:

How can I be a primal man who owns his sexual desires but also be at the whims of one person’s rare sexual moods?

I can’t. So one of those things has to change

Either I hold back and just settle for less, or I have more sex.


Curious random question, have you thought of doing on overload loop of Ascension Chamber?

I have thought of it. But haven’t. Because it’s a stronger build. Not been brave enough yet.

You’re making me second guess myself, lol. I definitely want to try pushing the boundary with AsCh, having stronger manifestations seems like a way to boost all other sub results. There’s also the option of waiting for the new life chargers, but I’m inpatient. :man_shrugging:t6:

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