King's Subliminal Journey

While I’ve run 22 days of Mogul, one thing that popped up in my mind today would be the idea of cash flow.

I’ve always having problems with cash flow, and this is something that is badly misunderstood when it comes to the larger context of my financial ability.

I’m not a jobless person pretending to be a entrepreneur/feelancer, which is what my family perceives me to be. I do have work and people wanting me to do stuff for them , but I realised today that my weakness is managing cash flow, and always clinging onto potential customers who promise to bring me on board their projects and yet keep on delaying.

And I have been willingly accepting these delays as I have always seen the value of patience, loyalty and commitment in business. It seems that I am wrong now, and my way forward now is either to be more pushy with my customers or to cut my losses.

If I were to sum up anything that I have learnt in terms of financial management over the past 2 years, it would be managing cash flow. Simple concept, but it took me a while to understand it in the context of my life.

Anyway, I’m looking forward to things turning around this year.

One of my actions tomorrow is to give myself a week to confirm that there is business coming in until the end of the month. That needs I need to do a lot of follow-ups with clients and partners.

I’m tired of people wasting my time. I don’t care now if it’s Christmas or New Year - if they aren’t serious about business relationships then I should just move on.

Worse comes to worse, I will go back into the job market.


Not sure whether this is the right way to approach a goal but one of my goals in my life is to have sufficient confidence to dominate a conversation and out-talk some people in my life who at some point of my life had out-talked me and somehow used charisma, cunning, wit or simply their dominant frame to make me agree with their views or do something for them, while I would cower like a mouse and feel as inferior as possible.

I would like to be able to turn the tables in my next encounter with these people and see the success of this as an indicator of that I have achieved my goals.

I want to have the chance to bang the table… and make people give me “face”.

It would also be a form of emotional closure, so I want to work towards this.

Would Khan or Emperor or Ascended Mogul or Stark be good for this?


PCC is excellent for what you are describing. When I ran it, it made me very charismatic, expressive and fearless

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Emperor worked for me.

I’m extremely introverted, but I can take over a conversation if I want to. I can enforce my frame on others now.


Day 28

2 X DR ST1 and 2 X Mogul

Applied for some jobs online, some of which were out of my league. But I don’t lose anything in sending over my CV.

Have you posted your chart anywhere on here?

The sign I know that’s related to international travel is Sagittarius . Would like to see what’s placed in it and so on.

My theory about fortune tellers or similar kinds of people is that they can predict where your life will go if you live on auto-pilot. But if you practice any of the methods of developing awareness, disrupting habit patterns, and living more intentionally, their predictions will often fall apart. I think it’s possible that some of the good ones can pick up unconscious tendencies and then extrapolate based on that.

Sort of a more complex version of how if a guy runs up to you who is bright red, breathing really quickly, with clenched fists, and is yelling and sweaty. Then when you try to talk to him, he keeps running off to yell at people he doesn’t know. You can safely predict: “hmm… you are likely to have blood pressure and heart problems. You’ll have trouble forming vulnerable and intimate friendships and partnerships. You’ll discover that you seem to frequently get into hostile conflicts…” and so on.

But if that guy does some real soul-searching and self-examination, maybe plays a year of Dragon Reborn, he may come back 18 months later and look very different. Then you’ll have to revise your predictions.

Anyway. Is your chart on here anywhere?

I did post my birth chart somewhere on this forum, but I think it was lost among the thousands of posts we have here.

Anyway, I posted something about my chart just yesterday.

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Anyway, this is my birth chart.


Anyway, I also asked for a Chinese purple star reading from someone recently. Always wanted to know if there is somebody around who is well-versed in both Chinese and Western metaphysics to see the commonalities.

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The idea about whether we are in control of our own reality and destiny still perplexes me. Especially when people talk about rules of the universe, universal laws etc.

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Your Neptune sign is Sagittarius. As a restless fire sign, Sagittarius Neptune can find inspiration wherever they go; traveling and constant movement makes them excited about life. They enjoy learning new things, meeting new people, and expanding their knowledge. This sign thrives on uplifting and exciting experiences.

Neptune in Sagittarius natives are constantly on the move and are likely to drop everything for a spontaneous adventure. They aren’t very invested in day-to-day responsibilities or activities; they don’t have the time for boring things.

This sign has to be careful of overstepping boundaries. Since they are well-versed in a lot of topics, they may be very opinionated. Sagittarius Neptune might become obsessed with a social issue or cause that blinds them to the ideas of others on the subject.

I’m supposed to have the travelling star in the Chinese chart too. Well, good old COVID-19 turned everything upside down for me and it seems no more travelling for me.

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I dabbled in Purple Star years ago, but never got very far in it.

I see that you’re a double Monkey, double Horse. From the 5-Elements system, seems like you have all of the elements but Earth in your 八字. So, I might imagine that you were advised to add in some earth things to compensate for that.

And looks like your Ascendant and 2nd House are also in Sagittarius. That may have played a role too.

I haven’t looked closely at my Chinese astrology in over 20 years. haha. Sometimes, though, I used to look at those yearly books, 運程, that come out right before the new year. After a while I stopped looking at those too.

Something about the prediction thing was turning me off. I feel like at some point you have to actually live the thing. Like stop predicting it and analyzing it and just live it, you know? But that’s just where I’ve been at personally. I’m not against it in principle or anything. (haha. I’m obviously still thinking about it. Guess it’s more that I just turned the volume down a bit.)

I’ve been thinking that all of these things have internal as well as external expressions. With Sagittarius, for example, just like it represents leaving the boundaries of one’s homeland, it also symbolizes exploring across the boundaries of one’s traditions and conventions. I think it’s fundamentally about expanding the mind. That just happens to include moving to different places. So, I think there’s more than one way to ‘travel’.

Hmm…well, anyway. I’m busy over here trying to work out how to live my own life. I don’t really know what someone else should do. These are just interesting topics.

Well,I guess these days people just have to surf the Internet to find out what is going on in the rest of the world…don’t really need to travel. Though for me, it’s also a form of escape from the chains that seem to be binding me.

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Well, I didn’t know it when I was younger, but, like you, I actually do have an important Sagittarius placement that is said to influence me to work, travel, and live overseas. And by the time I was aware of that placement? I had already done that.

I have lived, worked, and raised my children overseas from where I grew up. It’s been a long time since I’ve lived in my ‘homeland’. It all happened very organically.

I can accept the idea that sometimes various forces are carrying you in certain directions. I’ve experienced it enough times.

I’ve picked up that you read Chinese over the months that we’ve interacted here.

Ever heard of this tale: 了凡四訓?

It offers a compelling perspective on predestination, fate, and our ability to circumvent it.

I think it’s available online for free.

Yes, I know of the story. A friend of mine used to talk to me about it. My thoughts about Liao Fan’s Four Lessons are that it is basically a story that encourages people to be kind and humble, and then their lives will change.

It sounds like the opposite of the 48 Laws of Power.

I just find that little different from telling you to be a good Christian or Buddhist and your life will change.

I think it may work for some people, but I at the moment, I am tired of being a doormat and being passed over for always being kind and humble.

If I am going to cultivate myself spiritually, the book will very meaningful though.

Perhaps Saint might want to make a subliminal based on this.

By the way, there’s the Chinese equivalent of ”48 Laws of Power“ or Machiavelli’s “The Prince”

Li argued that “A great hero is no more than a person who is impudent and wicked.” According to Li, the wickedest of all was Cao Cao. "I would rather betray someone than be betrayed."

Does Saint know something by referencing Cao Cao in the Mastermind module?

Well, I guess I have done my fair share of travelling in my life. I’ve stayed overseas for much of the last decade, and my working life has spanned the air transport and travel retail industries.

So I will be open to all options and see what comes up next.

Now, how do I use these readings to decide the best sub for myself?

@Azriel @Simon @Malkuth

Hey man, just seen this; This is wonderful.

Hmm…that is one way of reading it.

But it’s a story about someone who learns about all of this astrology and fate business. He then becomes extremely passive. He sees it all happening and decides ‘what’s the point of contending or striving. Fate is fate’. And so he just kind of goes to sleep.

But then he gets a wake-up call and is given a set of principles for directing his own fate.

Yes, doing so-called virtuous deeds is part of that method. But it’s about much more than ‘being a good person’. It’s basically a 16th century manifestation manual. The purpose of the ‘virtuous deeds’ is to provide moral ballast as one directs one’s life. It’s also to expand the heart and the mind in order to widen the scope of what’s possible.

But at the same time, you’re right. Those virtue principles are pretty straight-forward. Kindness and humility kind of cover it, at least as far as how one interacts. The additional part is about the purpose behind it, how vigorously/energetically one approaches it, and also what one does with one’s mind and attention throughout the entire thing.

It’s kind of like that era’s version of Cognitive Behavior Therapy.

Interesting stuff.