King's Subliminal Journey

It took me a while to think carefully about what would really be suitable for me given my current circumstances, mental state as well as my needs and desires.

I decided that I would have a customised subliminal that I will be comfortable running for 3 months at a stretch at the very least, so its core would have to contain both subliminals that would work relatively fast as well as subliminals that would take a little longer for my mind to process.

My primary goals continue to be focused on improving my financial situation, my business, my social/professional reputation as well as my cognitive and manifestation abilities.

Attracting women is secondary and an side-effect of the primary goals.

Made the difficult decision to drop Mind’s Eye which I had been running for a far bit of time, but I can always stack Mind’s Eye with Accession, or stack Dreams of Glory with Accession.

Name of Custom Sub: Accession
Build: Q

Ascended Mogul
Emperor:House of Medici
Quantum Limitless ST4

Other Modules
I.Q. and Cognitive Booster
Productivity Unleashed
New Beginnings
Blue Skies
Merger of the Worlds
Gratitude Embodiment
Financial Success Reality Shifter
Secrets of Akasha
Inner Voice


Nice inclusion of Gratitude Embodiment!

It looks really dense. May I know the listening routine for your stack, please?

Once per day for 5 days. No other subliminals on that day except for 1 loop of Ultima.

Thanks for being more specific :wink: Are you going to juggle with Ultimas according to your current needs or run them according to some plan?

Not decided on that yet.

Most likely according to a specific plan but I have to look at how I feel running Accession first.

That is very important.

Gratitude Embodiment +ERGO Adsum + QLST4+Productivity Unleashed will help with focus


Yes, good idea, I stacked Elixir with Regeneration at a start but it’s a well known stack, in your case it’s a totally different adventure. Fasten your belt then! :sunglasses:

Had a bit more time to write briefly about what I expect from the Accession subliminal.

Ascended Mogul
(Raise confidence level, improve financial position, turnaround business, personal power)
Emperor:House of Medici
(Improve predictive/ big picture/strategic thinking ability, increase connections, influence over others,)
Quantum Limitless ST4
(Cognitive development, learning technical skills, improving memory, problem solving abilities, focus)

Other Modules
(Focus, being “in the now”, productivity)
I.Q. and Cognitive Booster
(Increase intelligence - no need further explanation)
(Learning from the best, Understanding the point of view of subject)
Productivity Unleashed
(Productivity, Focus, Anti-Procrastination, Action)
New Beginnings
Blue Skies
(Manifestation of Opportunities)
(Thinking from all angles, problem-solving abilities, predictive abilities)
(To let this subliminal grow on its own)
(Improve my brain capacity to enable learning)
Merger of the Worlds
(Connecting subconscious and conscious)
(Giving myself more control over my reality)
Gratitude Embodiment
(Gratefulness for everything is important)
Financial Success Reality Shifter
(I allow myself to be in a state of wealth and abundance)
(Improvement in material quality of life)
Secrets of Akasha
(Understanding the secrets of the wealthy)
Inner Voice
(To let myself hear more positive stuff)

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I embarked upon my Accession journey today.

I will make daily updates on this journal here, even if there is nothing to report.

I will run this for 3 months at least.

Day 1: 1 X Elixir Ultima
2 X Accession
1 X Dreams of Glory


Awesome new custom
and fantastic name. Looking forward to hearing how this one goes

Day 2:

1 x Ultima Elixir
1 x Regeneration
2 x Accession


What you think about custom ultimas, you have one built out to support this sub?

Custom ultimas may be useful when you correctly identify your needs and priorities.


Agreed right now am putting in the work to cteate two, am back and forth but it coming along nicely

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The weekend is here and I will not be running any subliminals in order to let my mind clear.

Last night, I had a vivid dream. I dreamt that I saved a famous billionaire from drowning in a flood inside a building. He was grateful to me and wanted to set up an appointment with me. However, he wanted it to be a relationship counselling service and wanted me to bring the other half along. I was wondering in my dream who to bring along.

There was also some kind of public discussion in my dream about whether the above news was real or fake. After all, a billionaire like him couldn’t possibly have time to bother about me.

In a separate dream, I dreamed of a dead body of a blue-skinned mutant in my house. One half of the body was in the living room and the other half was in the washroom. I was at a loss about what to do and felt shocked at the body. In the end, I decided to just lay down on my blood-stained floor in my living room… and perhaps wait for the police to arrive.

Anyway, last night, I was reading some post on quora about Napoleon Bonaparte. Now, I wonder if the Emperor subliminal (an a little bit of HOM) could have been modelled on this fellow who was born into an average family and eventually built his own empire and crowned himself as Emperor.

This man was shrewd, ruthless, focused, ambitious and knew what he wanted. He was very very focused on being maximizing productivity to reach his goals. He was good at assessing situations, had an excellent memory and had a good eye for detail. Women were not a priority in his life even though having an heir was important to him.

Napoléon was driven, ambitious, dynamic and forceful. He was a whirlwind of energy who never stopped. He only needed a few hours of sleep each night - plus perhaps a few naps during the day - and always kept a box of books near to his bed, even out on campaign in the field, so he would have something to do during the night. When he had a bath, he would have a secretary come in and read out reports to him so as not to waste a moment’s time. He had books in his carriage too that he would read as he drove around Europe - mostly history and biography, though also works of literature - and apparently would toss books out of the window onto the road as he finished them, to make room for more.

He rarely wrote anything with his own hand after becoming Emperor - his handwriting was, apparently, terrible - but he would pace up and down the room dictating a steady stream of orders and communiqués to his secretaries. If you met him, he would likely ask you many searching questions, then jump straight to the point of the discussion cutting away all the chaff, and give you your instructions. He was undoubtedly a genius, with an unrivalled talent for understanding a situation and seeing the best course of action immediately; but he never learned tact or the ability to persuade people through charm. He was a soldier, and his orders were to be obeyed without question.

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I have been thinking recently about the idea of freedom and realised that this is a very important thing to me.

I have and continue to face constraints in many areas of my life.

Ascended Mogul in Accession is just a foundation for greater heights. I will replace Ascended Mogul in Accession with Emperor when I have reached the goals of Ascended Mogul…most likely after 3-4 months.


My social life has been diminishing for quite a while due to various reasons, but I am motivated to actually stay away from socializing even further to focus on building up my life again.

I also need time to eliminate the constant pressure to compete with my peers, at least for this time period.

It is not to late after 3 months when my life has improved.

But for now, I prefer to be alone and focus on more important things.

Day 3: 1 X The Executive
1 X Accession

Feeling quite satisfied and a bit more happy today as I put in more effort in writing up my weekly review of my customized stock index.

I added in an additional chart , wrote a more attractive headline, added more meat to my article in terms of analysis.

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Day 4: 1 x Elixir
1 x Regeneration
2 x Accession

On my second loop of Accession on my headphones, I began to hear some funny stuff like the telegraph signals in morse code as well as some voices that imagined were of some people walking on the street.

Or perhaps its my imagination.

Some thoughts about healing. Sometimes I feel myself in a rush to get every part of me healed so that I can be reborn and get on with the other aspects of my life. I think that’s understandable given that I have had lots of negative experiences since young and I wouldn’t want to be a 60 year old man by the time I finish all the healing. So I guess I have to keep pushing at my ultimate goals in parallel.

Another thing I noted recently is that my spelling has become worse and I need to double check on google a certain word before I type it.

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