King's Subliminal Journey

Had a dream last night when I was promoting some infrastructure investment to a former President of my country, and he was extremely impressed by my knowledge of the particular sector.

I was with a group of people and he told me to contact him personally after the briefing.

How did the book change your mind about Emperor?

That it shouldn’t be too difficult to run when one has firmly set his goals, knows what direction to take, and is willing to go all out to focus on his endeavour.

I will run it at the end of the year when my direction in life is clearer and I can focus 100% on one endeavour.

For the next 6 months from now, there are various things I need to attend to. And also, I am still at the exploring stage.

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That’s sounds like a smart trajectory,
I am getting very clear on direction and goals now on Emperor,
but it would have been faster with your route I believe.

Hmm…Looking back and worth pondering.

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Exploring stage, at the same time, motivated to be “too damn good at everything”. Including rebuilding my physical health, learning the languages that I need for my future goals, rebuilding my self-confidence,picking up essential programming languages…apart from being at the top of my retraining program and maintaining my commercial reports selling business at the very least.

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Glad to learn that my business partner has some interest in expanding the commercial report sales and we agreed on certain milestones in this small business.

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Think I follow, are you considering Stark for now or in the future instead of Emperor?

I still want to run Emperor at the end of the year.

After Dragon Reborn and Mogul, I will run either Ascended Mogul + Limitless or StarkQ for 6 months.

That will should the base for Emperor which I can run for a year or so.

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I don’t know where I will be after the six-month training program, but all I know that I have to start formulating the vision during that period of time, and then I can power my mind with Emperor to work on the goals.

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it is like having a powerful car to protect you and bring you forward in your journey.

You need to know which directions and destinations are best for you before you start driving.

Otherwise, it makes no difference whether you are driving a Ferrari or a second-hand Tata Nano.In fact. It might be an overkill driving a Ferrari aimlessly.

So, I have 6 months to formulate my vision and goals.

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Day 48

2 X DR ST2
2 X Mogul

Something is motivating me to explore the relationship between mental illness and socio-economic status.

The maternal side of my family has struggled with mental illness for a long time…I think the roots of the problem might have involved bad financial circumstances from young.

Will be exploring this topic further…

Received news of another purchase of my commercial research report.

My business partner shared with me who was the second company to purchase the report, and some thoughts started to run in my mind.

I know the boss of this company on a personal basis, and he currently works with my ex-boss, a very very influential person in my sector, on a commercial report that my ex-boss aims to sell to the public.

I am quite familiar with this commercial report as I was the key researcher and producer of the first two editions of the report when I worked for him.

Just yesterday, I had been having some thoughts that my ex-boss would find a way to get hold of my commercial research report to have a look.

It is interesting that what I was thinking yesterday must have manifested today as I am sure that the owner of the company who purchased my commercial research report would would definitely share the report with my ex-boss.

In a way, if I look at it in a positive light, it’s at least two well-known industry experts pouring over my report…and I believe that it’s good marketing in a way if they just give positive feedback on my report.

Of course, there is the additional pressure on myself that my work isn’t perfect, but well, I’ve done my best.

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Day 49

2 X DR ST2 (9 days of DR ST2 so far)
2 X Mogul (44 days of Mogul Q so far)

I should aim at 60 days of Mogul Q.

look like you picking up some speed keep it moving

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Day 50

2 X DR ST2 (10 days of DR ST2 so far)
2 X Mogul (45 days of Mogul Q so far)

2 more cycles to 60 days of DR…

I will try 1 x DR ST2 and 1 x Mogul Q today to see how things turn out.

Money comes in from running Mogul but very very very very slowly.

This is something that I should look into.

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Some progress on my product photography gig.

Another long-time fear popped up recently- that I am not photogenic and should never appear in front of the camera when not necessary.

This came from comments from parents and other teachers, as well as fellow classmates in school. It added to the low self-esteem I already had from dyspraxia.

I think DR is bringing this up so that I can resolve it , face it and make such thoughts neutral.

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Freedom and power. Key goals. Freedom from dogma.

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