King's Quantum Limitless Journal

Day 27
7 July 2022
One loop of QLST1 ZP in the morning

I’ve finally started on my second cycle of QLST1 ZP.

While I don’t expect anything much from this cycle either, I noted that I had been running two cycles of DRST1 ZP before my first cycle of QLST1 ZP.

This means that so far, I have completed two cycles of broad-based healing (DRST1 ZP) and one cycle of more focused cognitive ability healing (QLST1 ZP). After this second cycle of QLST1 ZP, I think I’m good to go for QLST2 ZP, where I will focus on my improving my learning abilities.


Day 28
8 July 2022
Subliminal Break Day

An Excerpt from Alan Glynn’s “The Dark Fields”

What was I going to do with the 450 or so tablets? Some of them could be sold at $500 a piece, so the obvious thing I considered doing was, well… dealing them – and dealing them myself. But how, exactly, was I going to do this? Hang out on the street corner? Hawk them around nightclubs? Try and shift them in bulk to some scary guy with a gun in a hotel room? There were too many complications, and too many variables. Besides, it didn’t take me long to see that even if I did get full price for even half of the tablets, $120,000 at the end of the day was nothing compared to the potential gains there could be from just ingesting them, and using them creatively, judiciously. I had more or less finished Turning On, for instance, and could easily knock off others in a series like that.

So what else could I do?

I sketched out possible projects.

One idea was to withdraw Turning On from Kerr & Dexter and develop it into a full-length study – expand the text and cut back on the illustrations. Another idea was to do a screenplay based on the life of Aldous Huxley, focusing on his days in LA. I considered doing a book on the economic and social history of some commodity, cigars maybe, or opium, or saffron, or chocolate, or silk, something that could be tied in, later on, to a lavishly produced TV documentary series. I thought about putting out a magazine, or starting a translation agency, or setting up a film production company, or devising a new Internet-based service… or – I don’t know – inventing and patenting an electronic gadget that would become indispensable, achieve world-wide brand-recognition in six months to a year and establish my place in the great twentieth-century pantheon of eponyms – Kodak, Ford, Hoover, Bayer… Spinola.

But the drawback with all of these ideas was that they were either too unoriginal or too quixotic. They’d each take a lot of time and capital to set up, and there was no guarantee in the end – regardless of how fucking smart I was – that any of them would work, or have enough appeal to be marketable. So the next thing I considered was the possibility of going back to school to do a post-graduate course.

With a prudent use of MDT I could accumulate credits fairly quickly and shortcut my way to a belated career in… something, but the problem was – in what? Law? Architecture? Dentistry? Some branch of science? Even listing these options was enough to take me back twenty years and start my head spinning. And did I really want to get into all of that shit again – exams, term papers, dealing with professors? The mere thought of it was enough to make me throw up. So what, then – I asked myself – was I left with? Well, what do you think? Making money.

Making money… how?

By making telephone calls.

Hhn? The stock market, stupid.


Is this the book the movie Limitless was based on? The excerpt was captivating.

May QL serve you well.

Day 29
9 July 2022
1 loop of QLST1 ZP

Hi yes, very much so. The main character’s fate in the book is much more tragic than in the movie. However, he did explore his options in greater detail in the book and I liked the way he went through the exploration process in the excerpt above. I could somehow identify with his situation to a certain extent.

For me, since I started running Quantum Limitless, I’ve been having “what am I going to do when I complete the Quantum Limitless program?” thoughts in the context of where I am right now and what are the goals I want to achieve.

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One option is to do it all over again.

Just the excerpt itself is very well written. Will get the book. Thanks, bro.

Day 30
10 July 2022
Subliminal Break Day

Day 31
11 July 2022
1 loop of QLST1 ZP

I started reading a book about a man with dyslexia, dyspraxia and other learning disabilities but how somehow managed to become a multimillionaire. He wrote in his book that despite spending his whole life living in one country, he often felt more like an alien/emigrant in his own country because of his disabilities.

I can identify very much with the alien/emigrant part. Apart from always feeling “different” and isolated because of my disabilities, my living conditions and my type of work create the circumstances where I spend more time interacting with clients and friends overseas, as well as being more well-informed about a lot of events overseas compared to what’s happening at home. My mind just doesn’t have that inclination to actually be bothered about my immediate environment unless I am affected by it directly.

I was wondering whether this is part of the “you will be travelling a lot” portion of all the astrological readings I sought. Perhaps, the travelling refers not to physical travelling, but mental travelling.

Anyway, I digressed. I will go back to what I wanted to write about today.

In that book the writer wrote that his psychologist attributed his disabilities to one side of the brain not properly connecting to the other side. Somehow that explanation struck me, and I put down the book to look at the description of QLST1 ZP.

And to achieve full balance, both of your hemispheres will become closer, enjoying a much more rapid communication between the two sides of your brain, while also bringing closer together your conscious and subconscious mind.

All parts of your brain and mind will come together to one unified, extremely powerful, whole.

Ok, I don’t know how well Quantum Limitless may help to overcome the difficulties brought about by dyslexia, dyspraxia and other similar problems, but it looks to me like if I’m going to do something about my disabilities with subliminals, QLST1 is the best for me.

It’s sad that right now there’s no such thing in the market as a medical cure for this category of disabilities, but I’m hoping that the subconscious mind can do what it can.

Another point I will make in today’s journal is that I need to understand why I am running Quantum Limitless and why I want to overcome my disabilities instead of living with them. I’ve looked at various forums and sub-reddits online about this topic.

Many people in these forums suffering from these disabilities have a very pessimistic attitude towards life after years of setbacks. These people in a way have become broken. On many occasions, I had fallen into this category of people, though I would pick myself up and move on.

Some realise their limitations and lower their life expectations while strengthening their coping mechanisms. People in this group appear happier, having learnt to be content with simpler things in life.

There are some who try to use their willpower and other forms of mental strength to disregard their disabilities but success for such people is rare, though more meaningful than anything else in the world if they succeed.

I realised that for me, Subliminal Club has probably given me some hope that I could unlock the potential I have. The feeling of being useless and having wasted my life due to my inability to discover my strengths and fully work on what I am good at has bugged me for most of my life. I am hopeful of this new opportunity to actually pick up some new skills as well as enhance my existing skill so that I can contribute more to society, and make life better for others.


Day 32
12 July 2022
Subliminal Break Day

Day 33
13 July 2022
1 loop of QLST1 ZP

I’ve gone back to trying to understand Neville Goddard’s thoughts recently. I picked up a book written on him by Mitch Horowitz and I think it is a good start to re-understanding him.

I realise that there exists a perennial “contradiction” in my brain.

On one hand, I am inclined towards Neville Goddard’s ideas that everything has been created and I just need to ignore my 3-D reality and imagine myself having received what I want.

On the other hand, I really enjoy reading lots of books of different disciplines to gain knowledge and applying the knowledge in the “World of Caesar”. I’m a news junkie and enjoy reading about current events from different perspectives.

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Day 34
14 July 2022
Subliminal Break Day.

Day 35
15 July 2022
1 loop of QLST1 ZP

Thanks to a miracle, it seems like something heavy and that has been weighing on me for a very very long time has been lifted off my back.

I can sleep better for a while.


Day 36
16 July 2022
Subliminal Break Day.

Day 37
17 July 2022
1 loop of QLST1 ZP

Given that I started my second cycle of QLST1 ZP on 7 July 2022, it should end on 28 July 2022, which is 11 days away, after which I will take another five-day washout period.

I should be ready for Stage 2 in August 2022 and I look forward to this stage very much.


Day 38
18 July 2022
Subliminal Break Day.

Day 39
19 July 2022
1 loop of QLST1 ZP

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Day 40
20 July 2022
Subliminal Break Day

It is about a week or so before I end this cycle of QLST1 ZP.

I’m very tempted to stack another subliminal with QLST2 ZP in the next cycle, but I will strongly resist, as I want to maximize the benefit I can get from my subliminals.

I will persist in my belief that running Quantum Limitless will help me with a lot of the problems I am facing now and have always been facing.

Recently, I realised that I had making attempts at going back to my past and understanding how I viewed the world when I was a child and young adult. I somehow wish that I had kept whatever diaries I had.

There are some things about myself that I am sure I am still concerned with up till now, and it would be interesting to see whether I was less concerned or more concerned about those issues when I was a kid.

That aside, the perennial conflict between my rational mind and my imaginative mind continues to run. i’m hoping that this will not affect my treatment on QLST2 ZP.


Day 41
21 July 2022
1 loop of QLST1 ZP

I had a weird dream last night. I dreamt that I was flying over a body of water after trying to escape from a building having illegally received a large sum of money. I headed for a bus station in an enclave that was in a jurisdiction of another country and which would transport me to that country without a need to pass through immigration or customs.

I’m wondering if I’m getting tired of running healing subliminals. While I had some urge to continue running QLST1 ZP for next cycle, my subconscious mind seems to be telling me, “That’s enough!”. I think I am having a really strong signal to move on to the next stage of my treatment.

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Day 42
22 July 2022
Subliminal Break Day

Day 43
23 July 2022
1 loop of QLST1 ZP

Day 44
24 July 2022
Subliminal Break Day

Day 45
25 July 2022
1 loop of QLST1 ZP

It is hard to express in words how much the stress on me has been reduced because of this, and while other long-time problems in my life still persist, I thank God that at least this particular event has been resolved. It’s not related to Quantum Limitless, but I think I must have manifested it somehow.

In any case, it looks like I have one more loop of QLST1 ZP to run on 27 July 2022 before my second cycle is finally complete and I can move on to the next stage.

I’ve seen a lot of new developments announced in the forum and even downloaded Love Bomb for Humanity but I’m not in any rush to run any of the latest technology as I think QLST1 ZP is working fine on me.

I am comfortable with the pace of QL ZP; I believe that the real juice of Quantum Limitless will start from QLST3 ZP which I should be touching at the end of September 2022 . Therefore, at this moment, I don’t want to raise my own expectations or have the effects diluted by other subliminals.

Next year, I will most probably be running EOG after a completion of the Quantum Limitless treatment.


Interesting article about a woman with photographic memory.

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The first time I watched Good Will Hunting I wanted to have photographic memory. I still do. It’s so cool!

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Day 46
26 July 2022
Subliminal Break Day

Day 47
27 July 2022
1 loop of QLST1 ZP
1 loop of ALBFH ZP

I am officially closing the 2nd cycle of QLST1 ZP tomorrow. Today I decided to give ALBFH ZP a try, but as usual, I can’t feel any sensations. Neither am I aware of any change in my mood. Perhaps I need to run it a few more times in my first cycle of QLST2 ZP.

Anyway, I’m going to start on my subliminal washout tomorrow.


Day 48
28 July 2022
Subliminal Washout

Day 49
29 July 2022
Subliminal Washout

I have been feeling very sluggish and lost over the past two days, as if a lot of things are meaningless or hopeless. I think will need a few more days to get out of this feeling before moving on to QLST2 ZP.

However, my goal of enhancing my cognitive ability and increasing my knowledge still remains, and this is something I probably will not give up.


If you need more time for your washout, feel free to take it.


Day 50-51
30 July 2022 - 1 August 2022
Subliminal Washout

Day 52
2 August 2022
1 loop of QLST2 ZP

First day of my first cycle of QLST2 ZP. Feeling a very mild soreness in the head after running 1 loop.

Will wait and see if I can should the dosage the next time I run it.

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