King, Warrior, Magician, Lover

I’ve done this in the past myself. Even journaling while sitting in my car by the mountains. It definitely helps you reconnect with your core.

I used to have this book. I did get some use out of it. I find it interesting that you mentioned it. I don’t know of anyone else online who has referenced it.

I took a different approach where instead of trying to be all 4, I identified my strongest archetype and worked to express it more purely. But to each there own. Subbed to this journal.

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Was able to fast all day with relative ease. Loving the mental toughness I’m gaining from Spartan.

How’s the hefnerQ coming along?

Great. My standards have never been higher. Rejecting girls I would’ve chased in the past. Feeling my true value as a man more and more each day.

Being more dominant and more of a leader in my daily interactions with both men and women.

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Killing my inner nice guy more and more each day. No patience for peoples games and bs. Hefner and PCC turning me into more of a savage each day

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Workouts have become a standard. In fact, I haven’t missed a gym day since starting Spartan. Even if I’m exhausted or have a planned rest day I still end up with the urge to do something.

Got a less than great night’s sleep last night yet and woke up very early, worked all day, yet I was still able to crush my workout with ease. Even by the end I had to sort of force myself to stop since I had more than enough energy to keep going.


Can’t wait for this stack rotation article to come out. I feel guided to include a healing ‘rotation’ coming up in the coming weeks. Want to eventually re-explore KhanTB stacked with Paragon, and then jump back into this stack to see how much more profound the results become.


An older lady today outright called me so handsome and asked me to be her husband :joy:


Sugar momma opportunity :wink:

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Was out last night and my friends noticed a lot of girls were eyeing me. I was chatting up some girls and just having a blast. Was a great time


Years ago, I stayed at a place up in the rockies that was a thousand feet below the tree line. Absolutely breathtakingly beautiful. That’s really beautiful country up there. I’ve always wanted to go back to that resort. Maybe after this pandemic I’ll go back. It was called Winterpark.


I love going out there man. It’s truly an amazing place especially if you need to just get away and reset yourself.


I’ve been feeling cool calm, collect lately. Not swayed by the opinions of others and acting more in a position of leadership in my life. Less time for bs from others.


Considering using @Tobyone method and rotate in using KhanTB for a week then back on my main stack next week. This might be a good time since I’ll be going home for a few days to spend time with family, although at the same time I’ve been getting such powerful results with this stack I’m inclined to stick with it.

Today’s my rest day anyways so I got time to decide.


Started to feel recon creeping in so I decided to take another rest day today. Will either resume tomorrow or take another day for processing depending on how I feel.

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Recon was felt mainly as a tiredness, “off my game”, and bits of anger coming up. Also was contemplating adding or switching subs in my stack, which I know is a tell-tale sign of reconciliation. It’s definitely a lot more subtle than Qv1 and a lot less harsh emotionally, which has allowed me to function better while at work, but also forced me to be more aware of when the reconciliation is kicking in.

Still feeling exhausted and a bit emotional, though much less than yesterday. Might make this another day and do a mini washout of sorts. I can definitely feel things still processing.

Felt a lot better after working out and eating. Decided to run Rebirth Ultima, as it feels very congruent with what I’m going through at the moment. My life feels like it’s going through a rebirth of sorts


Followed up my loop of Rebirth with a loop of…Khan ST1

I know this is unexpected and this is not me switching up my stack. I’m experimenting with rotating in some healing from Khan Total Breakdown before going back to my main stack next week.

This week is perfectly conducive to healing as I am heading home to spend the rest of the week and weekend with family tomorrow. I’ll be off work with minimal responsibilities so it seemed like a good time to temporarily reintroduce Khan Stage 1.