Khan Stage 1 has begun

Thanks everyone for giving me their valuable opinion

I was in a very dark place when I wrote that and I certainly don’t feel like this now.

I had a washout and have started my second cycle. No such reconciliation so far, just vivid dreams.

I can’t actually believe I wrote that because I don’t think negatively like that.

But yeah forgiving the parents thing I understand them. They were probably raised that way as well, and just are repeating the cycle. It’s my responsibility to fix myself.

With the girlfriends, I have had exclusive girlfriends but for short periods. Nothing long term. I’m 19 I don’t think I have to time to seriously date a girl.

Thanks again, I appreciate your advice.


I got sick.

Felt weak, exhausted and could not move. Very wierd because I went to the gym and was ok the day before.

The sickness lasted about a day. It was mentally and physically draining. Almost wanted to cry just because I was sick.

                                IT WAS HELL.

I didn’t know if TB was going to break me down physically as well lol.

Dreams have been more vivid than they’ve ever been.

Other than that, there hasn’t really been any “wave of sadness” or reconciliation of any kind. I really thought Total Breakdown would really break me down with every listen.

I get it that it’ll take time. I’m ready to run this stage for more than 4 months if need be.


This can be beacuse TB is breaking down old energetic structures in your body that you have subconsciously held on to. Happened to me when I first did Khan TB back in 2020.

Ever thought about this being the recon you were expecting to look different? Being sick is your body detoxing, and your mind is connected to your body, they go together.

To me the sensation at first with TB was like a cleansing feeling, like someone would have sprayed me down with a fire hose, like they did in old prison movies. But healing can come and go, you might not feel anything for one cycle and the next you are hit by a freight train. I’ve had moments where I only played a single loop of TB sometimes, and it completely floored me for a short while.


I have just started my 3rd cycle of Total breakdown and Wanted.

Today I felt more free than usual. I wasn’t held back by my thoughts. My limits are really breaking down. I think it’s been like this for days but I consciously noticed this today.

I have been pushing myself to my absolute limit when I work out because think about all the times you were sick as a dog, felt like dying, prayed to god for relief.

Or from sustaining brutal loss.

You didn’t want advice, you didn’t want answers, you felt deeper internally than you ever had before.

All healing is like this.


One more wierd thing happened. I didn’t really get much erections in the past couple of days. This really worried me.

I even watched porn after so much time but still didn’t really get a hard erection

I thought I became impotent or something and that too at just 19

But then this girl I’ve been talking to called me. It was a voice call. Just listening to her voice made me hard as a rock lmao.

I could believe what had happened because I mean she’s isn’t that pretty she’s just cute.

I didn’t get an instense erection while watching hardcore porn but at a girls voice where I couldn’t even see her.

Idk if this is due to Total Breakdown or Wanted.


Progress progress :call_me_hand: Most men’s brains are wired to watching porn stimulus, and it feels weird when suddenly its gone :grin: Been there myself…


feeling a lot of pain in my lower back…

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Good things have started to randomly happen in my life. Maybe eliminating limiting beliefs has caused this

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I am so horny now it’s insane. Literally want to bang almost every girl I see. My dick is erect like 70% of the time.

Among many of my limiting beliefs one was that women don’t really approach men. This has changed because girls have started approaching me now (indirectly) .

Also noticing a lot of stares from girls in my class and otherwise.

I am so calm. I feel like a mountain as I speak from my mental point of origin (if that makes sense) with the deepest voice. Like I am in no rush.

I am eventually becoming more of a social leader due to me being unrattled by other people’s frame and calmly standing my ground. Its like people flock towards my certainty.

Becoming more “cool”.

But still there are some more limiting beliefs that need to be crushed. I am willing to listen to Khan Stage 1 for 6 months if need be. I am in no rush. I need to fully heal.

Validation seeking has GREATLY lessened. I noticed I am no longer sarcastic making fun of others just to feel good about myself. Even when I have such thoughts I correct myself.

Also along with Khan I’ve been using Wanted as well, so being calm and my progress with girls can be it’s doing as well (or both).


awesome results lol

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Could you elaborate on this? Maybe I understand, but I want to be sure.

It’s a feeling I can’t really put it into words but:

Massive growth on the inside: in terms of inner sense of power, inner peace, calmness, tranquility, authority, and control over reality.


Lost an arm wrestle today

While others moved on I just couldn’t. My ego couldn’t stand the fact I lost.

I’ve been working out so much that my muscles are sore. I’m angry ig.

One more thing that used to upset me were taken women. If I liked a girl and she had a boyfriend I would stop pursuing. It would bother me a little.

Today it didn’t when I got to know this girl I like had a boyfriend. Now I just don’t care.

Now can someone tell me what is the endgame with Khan Stage 1?

When do I know it’s time to move to Stage 2?

Someone who has used Total Breakdown for a longer period of time can tell me

How should I be feeling when I decide to move to Stage 2 for “Total Reprograming”

I am in no rush btw so don’t give me a time limit just tell me how would it be like when I have used stage 1 to the max

(fyi I am in VERY intense recon right now. Probably the worst I have ever experienced)

I suggest you continue with Stage 2 when you get the feeling that enough stuff has been cleared away that was in the way of your personal definition of a Khan.

If you are asking the question whether you are ready, then the answer is no.
Uncertainty = you are not ready yet.
You will get a clear inner knowing when it is time to move on to Stage 2.

And when you move on to Stage 2, don’t worry, you can always return back later to Stage 1 for another iteration (to clear out even more blockages).

And keep in mind to make at least 5 washout days between the switching of the stages.


The thing with Khan stage 1 is whenever I feel positive, confident and “healed” and I think there is no need for more healing and I should move on to the next stage I get hit with recon shortly afterwards.

But I am grateful for this process and I can’t explain how positive and “mature” this process is making me.

I’m sure it’s not all Khan as I’m running Wanted ZP as well.

Wanted’s physical shifting is doing wonders, making me seductive, I got a sexy voice etc etc

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Have become more organised. I now have a habbit of making my bed in the morning.

The first thing I do after waking up and turning off my alarm is pushups lool.

I now finish everything I start (more willpower I guess)

More consistent with my workouts.

My music taste has started fluctuating. I like something one day and the next day it’s a completely different music genre(??)

also my friend group changed (happened kinda naturally)

I can’t understand how Khan Stage 1 could do that.


also lost interest in watching a lot of netflix shows


It is working my friend. It’s called Total Breakdown for a reason :wink:


I find this sentence interesting and therefore I have a curiosity to ask: What is different (or better) about the people you stopped going out with vs the people you started going out with? Are they less toxic? More positive?