Khan Stage 1 has begun

It’s a feeling I can’t really put it into words but:

Massive growth on the inside: in terms of inner sense of power, inner peace, calmness, tranquility, authority, and control over reality.


Lost an arm wrestle today

While others moved on I just couldn’t. My ego couldn’t stand the fact I lost.

I’ve been working out so much that my muscles are sore. I’m angry ig.

One more thing that used to upset me were taken women. If I liked a girl and she had a boyfriend I would stop pursuing. It would bother me a little.

Today it didn’t when I got to know this girl I like had a boyfriend. Now I just don’t care.

Now can someone tell me what is the endgame with Khan Stage 1?

When do I know it’s time to move to Stage 2?

Someone who has used Total Breakdown for a longer period of time can tell me

How should I be feeling when I decide to move to Stage 2 for “Total Reprograming”

I am in no rush btw so don’t give me a time limit just tell me how would it be like when I have used stage 1 to the max

(fyi I am in VERY intense recon right now. Probably the worst I have ever experienced)

I suggest you continue with Stage 2 when you get the feeling that enough stuff has been cleared away that was in the way of your personal definition of a Khan.

If you are asking the question whether you are ready, then the answer is no.
Uncertainty = you are not ready yet.
You will get a clear inner knowing when it is time to move on to Stage 2.

And when you move on to Stage 2, don’t worry, you can always return back later to Stage 1 for another iteration (to clear out even more blockages).

And keep in mind to make at least 5 washout days between the switching of the stages.


The thing with Khan stage 1 is whenever I feel positive, confident and “healed” and I think there is no need for more healing and I should move on to the next stage I get hit with recon shortly afterwards.

But I am grateful for this process and I can’t explain how positive and “mature” this process is making me.

I’m sure it’s not all Khan as I’m running Wanted ZP as well.

Wanted’s physical shifting is doing wonders, making me seductive, I got a sexy voice etc etc

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Have become more organised. I now have a habbit of making my bed in the morning.

The first thing I do after waking up and turning off my alarm is pushups lool.

I now finish everything I start (more willpower I guess)

More consistent with my workouts.

My music taste has started fluctuating. I like something one day and the next day it’s a completely different music genre(??)

also my friend group changed (happened kinda naturally)

I can’t understand how Khan Stage 1 could do that.


also lost interest in watching a lot of netflix shows


It is working my friend. It’s called Total Breakdown for a reason :wink:


I find this sentence interesting and therefore I have a curiosity to ask: What is different (or better) about the people you stopped going out with vs the people you started going out with? Are they less toxic? More positive?


could you tell me if Total breakdown is better for creating good habits of TR?

Depends on the person. TB is healing and might show up differently. But I would say that TB gives you better habits progressively as you heal more and more. TR for sure will give you better habits, and I definately felt more resistance on TR than TB, because it literally is installing some pretty hardcore new beliefs. I was way more confused on TR because it felt more like it made me a new person. But in the end they are part of the same program and aim for the same goal in the end, just different tools.




Good! I was asking because I too had a detox from negative people in my life during TB. We’ve had similar results and I wonder who else has manifested this thing.

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Thank you so much.
So that ideals of sexual khan are installed more in TR than TB. Like asking you that what habits should a world conquer have. Something like this.
I ran TB for some days and I personally was getting good habits, like jogging from 1 min max to 30 mins in one night. Taking cold showers easily, a lot of ambition, like literally thinking about being very powerful and disciplined. I was wondering if Khan ST4 could help me with that. For sure results will be slower since I have 8 other cores in my stack.

There is a void in me that can’t be filled with the loudest songs. Songs used to change my mood now they can’t really uplift me anymore.

Despite working out I have so much energy. I am puching walls (literally)

I am just not (for lack of a better word)… fulfilled.

I guess I am in recon. But I’m in my calm dgaf mode 24/7

and even though I am in recon rn whenever I go to bed I am so excited to wake up the next day do my workout go about my day.

haven’t felt like this since i was 12 lol

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It’s 2:08 am and today is my birthday. No one really wished me, not even my parents.

Idk if I feel bad about this. I don’t think I care.

But I cared enough to write it here


Happy Birthday :partying_face: :partying_face:

Even though I’ve never met you, we are all the same in a one way or another :pray:


Happy birthday bud.


Happy birthday brother


Happy Birthday and all the best to you. :four_leaf_clover: :sparkles: