Khan - Discovering who I am

Alpha subs really make u realize just how messed up the world is. How so many people are deceitful and manipulative. As if they had no soul.

And if they’re not deceitful and manipulative, they’re idiots. Lacking any sense of justice. Being completely combat ineffective. Delving in that which does not concern them. Taking things personally.*

– And you realize this because you start acting like the… real real you, and it reaaaaally triggers people.


*I don’t know if I take things personally, but I’ve literally not allowed a single person to even look at me wrong after Khan. With Emperor its more like “Yeah, yeah your words are as meaningful as your existence. Worthless”.
I’m merely standing up for my rights. No more, no less. You got a problem with that? Yikes.

I genuinely wish for harmony though. But maybe that’s a limiting belief of mine. That I think about things like ‘harmony’ or ‘not getting angry’. When the other person was clearly in the wrong and my anger was rightly deserved. Yeah. I think it is.

Need to become steel.


But of course, I don’t bother with peasants. I don’t rationalize, if I see peasantry, I keep quiet until my need is fulfilled, and just leave.

I have no tolerance for peasantry.

I have been using that word since I was younger, before subs. “Shut up peasant.” Lolol.

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Hmmm. Lol. People are NOT used to the new me. My sister started screaming when I walked past her. Yes. You read that right. She started screaming, her mind blown at my audacious new body language & air of nonchalance. Shows how much I changed.

When people like @Hermit say “it be best to move out to start your change of journey”, they’re not speaking in vain.

Also, I have realized how desperate people are to pull me back to a lower level. You have no idea…

Matter of fact, lets count how many people my relationship got… rocky because they saw changes in me, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Yeah, about 7.

The change is real. Which leads me to my next point, I don’t think I was ever really too bad… shows you how much these products change your status. Hahahaha! @SaintSovereign @Fire You’re one of the few companies that deserve every cent.

@pacman I think the reason you are being so tested by others is because you have evolved, my friend. You might need a new circle. I have also been getting very tested by not only my own friends & family but strangers, because you know, there will always be peasants amongst even those that have not known the past you.


Yes you right!
I get tested mostly by those close to me and not strangers.
All these small shit test can really mess you up because you feel that you are the black sheep but in reality you are the prize.


It also come to my realization, that I NEED to move out, before I…

Jokes aside, powerful behavior inside of you is no excuse for others to act disgustingly towards you.

@pacman Yes, it is a weird experience. Thank God I finally realized that the reason everyone was acting so weird was because they were astounded at my rise in status.


Daydreaming a lot, whenever I run a program containing limitless, my mind is engrossed and absorbed in this 80% contemplative and 20% ruminating state. I just can’t stop thinking. Fast. Need to learn.

Thought about the time @Sub.Zero mentioned how he would have loved to ran libertine in highschool… I think I concur.

Great minds think alike… LMFAO

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I still could but I’m almost 40 and I’m a teacher so I have to behave myself… Unfortunately! :heart_eyes:

I’m sure it would pair up nicely with Khan. I got lots of attraction while doing Khan and after running one loop of Libertine (along Stark) some teenage girls were spying on me and I got lots of IOIs in town.


That’s so cute.

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As for resting with Ultimas that is a good question because there might be something in the Ultima that could lead to fatigue if you listen to too much.

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There MIGHT be something that COULD lead to fatigue, hmmm.

Alright if you say so, RV. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

We moderators are not privy to the inner workings of the subliminals. So I can only guess what they could cause.

I am being respectful and sharing what I’ve learned from reading other people’s journals, as well as reflecting on my own. So yes, might and could . In other words, if somebody experiences these things, consider that it could be because of the subliminals.

Maybe take more rest days or listen to fewer loops, and notice if it helps.

I would also appreciate it if you did not make fun of me for being honest and trying to be helpful.

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Oh, you took it that way? I wanted to joke with you. Like how I did with Voytek. Oh well.

And yet you were poking fun at a staff member, undermining his authority, only 4 days after complaining that you were unjustly suspended for being rude. While RV was trying to be helpful no less. And safe in the knowledge that he can’t defend himself because you’ll be able to say that staff once again treated you unfairly.

I get it, you have a … unique style of communicating which is sometimes hard to interpret without the accompanying body language. But still, there’s a big difference between:

“Oh, you took it that way? I wanted to joke with you. Like how I did with Voytek. Oh well.”
" Sorry, I was only joking. Like how I did with Voytek."

The “Oh, you took it that way?” conveys that you are insulted that your innocent joke was misinterpreted, and the “Oh well” conveys that you don’t care how it might have come across to him. That is how it reads anyway. Leave them out and suddenly the post is a lot nicer.

Calibrate yourself to the people you’re communicating with. And to be on the safe side, don’t poke RV, no matter how long the stick you poke him with is. If you simply don’t poke the staff, you have to worry a lot less.

Otherwise we may have to send you to your room again. And I really don’t like doing that. I’m a lazy moderator.

Undermined his authority…? God forbid I talk to the two of you with some zeal.

No it doesn’t convey that I was insulted, lol, because I wasn’t. You assumed.

And I will not have you speak to me condescendingly, without right. We will continue this no further.

Alright, enough.

At Subliminal Club, we respect everyone’s journeys, and the key word is respect. I’m not sure who started what, but it ends now.

I will say this – we appreciate your patronage, @DarkPrince and the kind words you posted earlier, but unfortunately, the increased sense status you’re experiencing doesn’t out weigh the rules. @RVconsultant and @DarkPhilosopher are our trusted moderators – you cannot command them to stop something, and if they choose to take measures based off what you’re saying, neither @Fire nor myself will reverse their decision, since we have placed our trust in their judgment. They know what we expect and what we want from the forum.

It doesn’t make you any less status to abide by their calls. What people tend to forget about being alpha is that in a “primal” situation, the alphas actually follow the established rules to ascend to a position of leadership. Constantly breaking the rules destroys social cohesion and alphas who could not contain themselves were cast out. Take that into consideration.


Point taken.


Being an alpha has nothing to do with being disrespectful to others. Sorry, but what you are writing and how you behave to our moderators @RVconsultant and @DarkPhilosopher (who are always friendly, respectful and helpful to others) just shows how immature you are, thinking that you are an alpha and stand above the rest.

This is no alpha behavior in any way. You should start with some self reflection and start treating people with respect even if they are just “peasants” in your eyes.

Overruled. Do not come lecturing me. It is not your place.

Our friend is just another example on how much an advanced program Khan is and that it requires of you a lot of previous personal development before stepping on that path. Playing an “alpha” that way will make you enemies of some people and there will be always someone who will fuck you up for that.


Sorry, “friend”, but I thought we were comrades in banter, yet you are here betraying me?
Aiming the most snarkiest of comments at me, implying I was some twit that stumbled across subliminals, – and mind you, even if I was, so what? But I am not, I am more mature than you are.

Your rudeness has disgusted me. This is merely the real me. I’ve always talked with an air of authority, even at 14, waaay before subliminals.

“Fuck me up” Lol… I am from northern Pakistan, friend. I don’t think you, or anyone here can “fuck me up”.

And again, if I wet some panties from just merely talking, calmly, then yes, allow me to reaffirm. I said that calmly.

Either way, I will be reporting your comment, and I hope our dear moderators do side with me, because this is just stupid. @DarkPhilosopher