Khan - Discovering who I am

Point taken.


Being an alpha has nothing to do with being disrespectful to others. Sorry, but what you are writing and how you behave to our moderators @RVconsultant and @DarkPhilosopher (who are always friendly, respectful and helpful to others) just shows how immature you are, thinking that you are an alpha and stand above the rest.

This is no alpha behavior in any way. You should start with some self reflection and start treating people with respect even if they are just “peasants” in your eyes.

Overruled. Do not come lecturing me. It is not your place.

Our friend is just another example on how much an advanced program Khan is and that it requires of you a lot of previous personal development before stepping on that path. Playing an “alpha” that way will make you enemies of some people and there will be always someone who will fuck you up for that.


Sorry, “friend”, but I thought we were comrades in banter, yet you are here betraying me?
Aiming the most snarkiest of comments at me, implying I was some twit that stumbled across subliminals, – and mind you, even if I was, so what? But I am not, I am more mature than you are.

Your rudeness has disgusted me. This is merely the real me. I’ve always talked with an air of authority, even at 14, waaay before subliminals.

“Fuck me up” Lol… I am from northern Pakistan, friend. I don’t think you, or anyone here can “fuck me up”.

And again, if I wet some panties from just merely talking, calmly, then yes, allow me to reaffirm. I said that calmly.

Either way, I will be reporting your comment, and I hope our dear moderators do side with me, because this is just stupid. @DarkPhilosopher

Definitely agree with you on Ultimas.

I recommend you the title “Love Bomb Ultima”


Yeah, he should start with something basic like Ascension and Regeneration to deal with his issues and build 'the real masculine". I think Rebirth could help too. I’m using it. It’s AMAZING!


@SaintSovereign They (@Sub.Zero @infinite) are directly being passive aggressive towards me, despite my sincere, albeit harsh seeming to some, admonition. I leave this in your hands.

@Sub.Zero Yes. My results are quiet real. I even got a 40 year old baldy like you rolling.

@Sub.Zero Tell me. How did that sentence feel, old man?

@Sub.Zero You cannot best me. Although I am 18 years younger than you. Fufufufufufu.

As of right now, no one is going to be penalized.

@infinite I think you said what you wanted and I’m guessing you have decided to focus on other things. If so, thank you and please continue to do so.

@Sub.Zero I think you have said what you wanted. Since you haven’t replied further, I’m thinking you decided to focus on other things. If so, thank you and please continue to do so.

@DarkPrince as passive-aggressive other people might have been towards you, please stop saying or doing things that might escalate. Please stop addressing what might be passive-aggressiveness with hostility, anger, or negativity.


Though I understand where your coming from as a result of your position. But please do understand that I am very joking & on friendly terms with, literally whoever I come across that isn’t rude with me.

So if I do respond back, its not from a place of anger. My religion teaches me to control my anger. I’m just protecting my honor lol, and letting them know they can’t do as they please.

If anything, I very smoothly let all the ones that think they’re smart, that I see right through them. And that their feeble attempts to anger me will always fail.

I will always try to act justly, and within right. Never outside it. You can trust me on that one. @RVconsultant

PS:ITU genuinely raises my temperature. I think I’mma throw up for some reason. Maybe its because of a lack of energy to support the aura that’s struggling to stay.

But yeah… for it to raise my temperature, so vividly, to make me question if I’m sick or not…

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I feel the body heat on KhAn


likewise, when I listen to khan I sometimes get a warm feeling and a little dizzy when I have to turn off suddenly. But the results are there.


I assume it’s the aura

That’s likely the libertine aura in PS:ITU

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Well yeah.

The aura part of IT:U kicked in at 20 minutes. I’m gonna exclusively start using only half a loop now.

Unless I really want to listen for the whole duration.