Khan compared to primal seduction

Subs+ go out and talk to people-= end of game


I was not offended at all. I do understand there are many people using online and social media for meeting people.

What did you think went too far?

Would you be willing to share with me your sources for your information?

I think your comment is quite apropos.

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well i talk about this topic a lot and it seems it’s that everyone is fixed in their ways about it and talking about it with people who dont see it through your eyes is asking for a very long pointless convo

ignore me though, debate all you want.

well, I read the red pill and I develop my game through my subliminals and looking at the world through that scope, and my own self interest

I like you RV, you’re a very cool guy

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@Meng123 can you please guide me to the best things relating to the module ARES?

I’m not interested in debating right now. I sincerely would like your input if you are willing to give it. I also apologize for hijacking your thread, as well as not remembering about this:

I’m sorry. I may have missed this. When I read posts, I read a lot. I remember certain things and not others.

Please present your views. Remember you are one of the people who inspired me to add Khan back in, so that must mean I value what you think.

I understand the feeling. Please feel free to present your view and if someone is doing something that you think is disrespectful you are always welcome to tag me or flag it.


Thanks. I think I understand better now.

TBH I think a person can get the best courses for PU or relationships or dating, and if the subconscious is conflicted about it then it will be unsuccessful.

If I had to tell someone to get subliminals or PU, I’d encourage them to get subliminals here. Get the subconscious on board and moving in the direction I want and success is much more likely, and probably inevitable. The PUA materials (whoever’s you might want), might work well once the subconscious is working for your dreams.


Subliminals are one of the most powerful tools I have ever used and I still feel like I’m dreaming

Pua things are real finally and they come naturally to me and I find that amazing

I have noticed this too. I think the inner conflict in my own mind is greatly reduced so it’s easier for me to talk and know what to do next.

Alpha is freedom, standing out truly and willing to grab reins

Thanks for clarifying mate!

Im going back go sleep so will just give you a couple.ill see if theres anything more in the morning

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Hi @Meng123 and @Yazooneh, you guys should check out Furious Ascent and verify which one fits better for your goals :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Ares is more some sort of emotionnal healing, and Furious Ascent is specificaly for the fear of risk!


Hello friend

I actually have planned for both of those

It’s already in my schematic


I read about your experience with new beginnings and I liked it

Is it good for self esteem and striking forward with my goals and action taking?

I think furious ascent is better for that, getting out of your comfort zone and Machine action.

New beginnings will, reframe your life to make you feel like the person you are now. It’s actually aligning your self-story with how you acted in the past compared to now. It will be easier to accept the change. It’s more of a healing process.

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Agree first of all Kezia Noble i have met her in person 7 years back, she is a horrible person constantly patronizing men other instructors and her clients.

Her products are nothing but rehashes of previous products created by other companies.

The only reason guys use to book one to ones with her is because she was hot and constantly showed of het boobs in her youtube videos.

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