Khan - A path less travelled

Are you a Norsemen?

Si :grin:

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Had a interesting thought experiment yesterday. What if you could picture yourself and your beliefs from your life lived up to this point in two different scenarios. In the first scenario is just you that you are today, but in the second scenario is you without any influence that has ever arrived through a screen of some kind. So that means no messages from the TV, computer, smartphone, electronic billboard and so on.

You would of course have newpapers, but they are much less graphic and immersive than a TV show, movie, or news report with video showing all the fear propaganda. And how would you have spent all those hours that you would have just been lying in the sofa watching junk? I remember every day after school I would join my family in that big sofa in front of the TV for hours on end until I fell asleep.

It kind of dawns on me these days just how programmed my mind became through this endless repetition of watching the TV. I mean, we all know how much effort it takes to form a new lasting habit, it takes discipline and repetition. So just imagine how easy it would be for someone who controls the flow of information to program a person that is put into a daily trance in front of a screen, rinse and repeat, and that person won’t know what happened.

I said in an earlier post that I checked my AD-blocker statistics on my computer. In 2 years it had blocked around half a million ads! That is almost 700 per day…

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Hey mister Tobyone,
It seemed khan was working out for you, what made you decide to switch?

Hola senor Lovage,

I’m just doing a changeup stack to let my regular stack bloom a bit. I’m still in Khan for the long run but plan to do these small jumps at times. I have realized though that I need to spend a lot more time on Total Reprogramming, I usually get too excited and move past it too fast.

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Played a full loop of Wanted ZP today and the sexual energy is insane on this sub. I remember Saint saying that Wanted has one of the most extensive sexual scripting of the alpha subs, and I can concur. Except for a loop of EoG, I have not played an alpha sub since last friday so it was obvious that most of it came from Wanted.

What really struck me was the release of energy down in my crotch area, almost like my balls was resting on a radiator, and also a tingeling feeling. I get a lot of these flowing of energy through my body daily, but most of the time it’s usually up from my heart and chest area. The energy becomes so much more intense when it really starts from the bottom and shoots upwards, it’s like a river where all the dams are opened up.

This resultet of a very flowy and joyous mood today and I had a couple of hours where I totally lost track of time.


Today is a processing day and I can really feel Wanted hitting me hard today. I am a bit up in the blue, but still there’s a lot of energy in my body, it’s just that my head is in heavy processing mode. This recon shows up sometimes but not always, and I know that its a sign of major progress.

I do notice a lot of people looking at me almost a bit fascinated. It feels like I’m in a period of getting used to all the attention I’m getting. Not going to lie, but I’m still feeling the effects of the last year and a half where I just minimally interacted with other people and society.

Thinking about how I used to live my life just up until a couple of years back, I do believe this introduction of Wanted is a good choice. I used to be in complete denial since my teenage years that women was something for me, it was my way of coping from my childhood traumas, and I used that frustration in other aspects of my life, mostly sports.

Wanted I feel therefore is working on the layers of denial I still have sometimes in this regard. Of course its way better than it used to be, but I find bits of pieces of it now and then, but I’m becoming more aware of when it is happening and the emotions behind it is not as strong anymore but just more of a bad habit.

It’s funny how deep these scars go from decades of just reaffirming destructive patterns. And also the other way around, the things I effortlessly do because I just believed over the years that I’m good at it.

I belive this is something to keep in mind when reading and replying on this forum, that just because I can see someone’s destructive and negative behavior, that they can because it’s their blind spot. So instead of getting annoyed why not do all you can to support and lift that person up. Often we complain that our immediate surroundings don’t understand us or don’t want to work on themselves like we do… but in here, we have a whole platoon of driven people that want just that and are willing to put in the time.


Second processing day today. Wanted is doing it’s work, recon come and go but it’s not that bad. Also Wanted has started to grow back hair in my hair folds which is nice, maybe I’ll stop shaving and go for something else soon.

Tomorrow is the last week of this cycle and time for EoG, and also will try my first loop of Limitless Executive that I just aquired. I will start with just playing it for 3 minutes.

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Been having a couple of days of quite vivid dreams. They have mostly been about past people and situations I have been through but with a twist of me being quite helpless and not heard or seen.

Dreams never scare me anymore and when I wake up I find it quite amusing to try to remember them, and also to try to see patterns. Overall these last couple of days feels like something quite big has been processed through my dreams and are being released.

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Got hit pretty hard with recon so decided to take a day extra off making it three. Back tomorrow on EoG St1 and probably trying a loop of Limtless Executive on 3 minutes.

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I have noticed there’s been a lot of drama on the forum lately. Did they all get together to celebrate my recent reconciliation… :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Also seeing a lot of demanding and entitlement been thrown around left and right lately, especially towards Subclub itself. Maybe this is a sign for even more introspection and self-awareness and to stop shadow boxing, and lastly practice gratitude instead… What you put focus on grows.



Ok, so I tried my first loop of Limitless Executive today. I only run 3 minutes of it. I was feeling a bit off today before the loop and not really connected to my surroundings. The first thing I noticed after was better cognitive functioning and also the colors around me became brighter and more vivid.

I was sitting at a cafe at the time and I felt the desire to do something which sounds like the Executive. A couple of hours later I have done some paperwork that needed to be done, cleaned my little shack I live in, and also took a barefoot walk in the green grass, and now I’m practicing some dance moves I have been working on.

With that said, my first impression of LEZP is very positive. It feels like you get that excitment to do something and all you have to do is start somewhere and it just keeps on going. And all that paired with better brain functioning with ideas and overall clarity, so it’s a great mix of the two programs.


Just read a post from Luther24 where I picked up this gem of a sentence.

Anchor yourself to the inevitability of success related to your subliminal and propel forward.

In my mind I got a mental picture of an island way out there in the sea, an island that would be too exhausting to swim to. Through my binouculars I can see that the island is full of palmtrees, white sandy beaches, and hola hola dancing girls.

I decided to purchase a small boat and rations to last me a month, and I set out for the dreamy island. After having navigated the treacherous sea I finally arrived, and I dropped my big heavy anchor in the water. I don’t know anything about this paradise island yet, and it freightens me a bit, but I have food for a month, a place too sleep and rest at all while exploring this new paradise.


Played a loop of Primal seduction today during the day, it made me feel a bit tired. I decided to go out to sunbathe for 30 minutes because today is such a warm spring day here. I also hydrated a lot. It helped a lot and now I’m walking around in a small bliss.

I read Luther24’s post about PS, and how you just need to engage and say whatever and the sub will guide you and calibrate automatically.

This is exactly what happened when I came to the checkout girl in a store today. I just started rambling about some trivia that came up in my mind, and at the end of it, two more checkout person’s next to us chimed in even though they had customers. It was just then I realized that this process was going on under the surface. She was super excited an tuned into me at the same time I was keeping everyone engaged in it, and making me the central point.

On my way back to le grand capital of Schweden now to visit a friend…


This is very common for me since running WANTED and PS. So I’m thinking you might want to get accustomed to it.


Yeah, I guess this combo has that effect on people :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: The funny thing is that when I go out, this happens in the beginning a lot because of my high energy, but as people get more drunk I usually loose all interest in most people. It’s not all that enjoyable to me anymore to engage with people that are just forcefully living out their shadow sides under the influence of alcohol. Of course, this does not apply to everyone, but most in general.

When I drink, in the beginning I get a short boost, but after a while my energy plumets and I wonder why I am drinking at all :man_shrugging: But in a society where that is seen as what you do every weekend, or like in Sweden, from May to September when we are not walking around with bear pelts, it’s not that hard to figure out why I get tempted all the time. Being sober at a bar or nightclub I have no problems with, but after the clocks strike midnight, it’s no fun being sober anymore around very drunk people.

The same goes for women. I believe for maybe the first decade of me having sex, I was constantly under the influence of alcohol. Nowadays I find that not so sexy to meet someone and then walking ZigZag all drunk and waking up the day after in a daze and mighty confused.

Maybe all this is just my way of saying that I do always prefer to experience things together with others in an uplifting state and trajectory. Alcohol, nicotine and so on seem to have the opposite effect of putting the lid on, just coping and distracting.


Today is the first day of my 5-day washout after the last cycle. I really liked the combo of PS and Wanted. But I’ve decided to drop PS and go back to my Sacred Heart Custom. So EoG St1 and Wanted stays for the next cycle, and in comes Sacred Heart.

Sacred Heart Custom

Love Bomb
Blue Skies
Transcendental Connection
Chosen of Venus
Depths of Love
Love Without Attachment
Gratitude Embodiment
Emotions Unfettered
Mercy Protocol
The Wonder
The Flow
Ethereal Presence
Divine Self-Image
Harmonic Singularity
Intuition Enhancer
Deep Sleep

After the next cycle I want to get back on Khan. I have always liked the idea of Wanted together with Khan, and that’s why I’m on Wanted now for the long run. And in the end, no matter what Seduction sub I run, it never beats the sensation I get from a love subliminal, and Sacred Heart ZP is for sure the most powerful I have ever played.

One thing I regret when makin Sacred Heart was not putting in Current Invoker. I thought about it before ordering but felt lacy as I did not own that module yet. But overall I feel pleased with it, and in the future I can re-evaluate and upgrade it to version 2.0.

Today I have felt a bit of recon going on, but reconcilliation on ZP is so much more smooth than before. The cure today has been a lot of water and sunshine.


How was the combo of Khan and wanted for you?

I have yet to run them together in ZP. I did hower have them in a Qv2 custom last year, sadly I changed my mind and also did not live a particularly social life last year.

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Second processing day today out of 5. I feel a lot of processing going on in my head and a bit unfocused. Sweden decided to hide the sun again on my washout period… :sun_behind_large_cloud: damn you!

Heard that Mercury is in retrograde for the second time this year, so let’s see what shenanigans will happen this time.