KG Journal - Khlassified Ultimate

New Beginnings and Blue Skies inside your customs or inside DR?

I notice this too, itā€™s a bit weird after a living life so intensely for better and for worse for so long.


Probably both ey


Alchemist and QL is pretty good. GG SC

I have just added PCC to my stack.

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I feel a huge urge to appreciate little things in life

not an urge but like,ā€¦ a part of me is like egging me on about this - not in a ā€˜negative, blaming wayā€™ although at first it felt like it, but this is more like a gentle guiding voice that is coming from a. very deep and yet high place, in a way that I feel I gotta respect it and do this for my own good.

So I am going to do that more

treat things with respect and the value they deserve

Man PCC is amazing.

What a great addition to my stack

was missing out

works SO well.

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Iā€™m able to be sure of myself an what I say and do

before I had all these doubts about things cuz Iā€™m doing some business and work entrepreneurial stuff but still don have a lot of experience, I KNOW this stuff works I know Iā€™m good at it and I can help but Iā€™m not fully bought in and that was a huge sticking point - and I was very reactive to other pplā€™s doubts and ā€˜yeah rightā€™ type of looks and demeanour

now I can be sure of myself, and really grounded and in my power

dope shit.

Edit: probably itā€™s rest of the subs too but thatā€™s always the case with my things, I listen to multiple programs soā€¦

still I think itā€™s pcc


Please share more information related to Power Can Corrupt.

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Yeah Azrielā€™s experience convinced me to appreciate that sub as well. I had some inhibitions about the book, but I understand the sub has a different purpose, and I respect that.

To my understanding, if EQ is making me too serious, or aloof, I think PCC would make more empathic, diplomatic and tactful with my words because Iā€™d be more interested in others perspectives, while at the same time see through those who aim to cause harm. I dig it.

Iā€™ll be running PCC as well after I am done with DR.


PCC is amazing.

are you saying this is from PCC, or PCC really sealed this for you?

So what is your stack currently DR, PCC, two customs? whats the listening sched?


PCC is amazing

yes I think this is PCC

And yes, also sealed it for me but this part I really think is PCC

I listen to all daily 2x each custom 4x pcc 4x d

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I am very busy atm, but ya when I can I will

just run this baby and experience for yourself esp if you are running other titles that fit together with it like khan, EOG, emperor, etc

this baby is lovely

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4 titles- 12 loops -very nice
love to hear your updated experience on what is happening, what your up to, and how the subs are effecting you when you get time :slight_smile:

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Agreed, please do share more with us. Iā€™m looking at adding this into my custom and have never used the main title so Iā€™m currently doing my research but Iā€™ve heard great things in regards to it.

In your own time of course :pray:t4:

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I am starting to feel more on track!

Itā€™s going great, just what I said. itā€™s like, a lot to talk about. Tbh

But today after first day of listening to DR3 I am now feeling back on the ball 100%. Arranged everything to really give my life more structure and discipline, really going all in. Letā€™s do this shit.

Hope you all succeed also and kill it.

Thereā€™s not much to say because thereā€™s simply too much to say if I start talking, and Iā€™m still kinda in the middle of things. I need to move past it then I can someday maybe talk about it. Thereā€™s just TOO MUCH going on, Iā€™m not listening to just 1-2 titles, itā€™s like 8 titles in a way so I hope thatā€™s understandable

but Iā€™m really loving this shit. Esp now. Recovered massively. DRST1 and ST2 were both VERY intense. Iā€™m sure ST3 will be too, in its own way, and I saw that today already But itā€™s like things are now being built up again which I enjoy (even though sometimes itā€™s still tough, you have to go through some small shitty thing and feel it all the way, but thatā€™s life , and I find myself living it better and better).

Hope yā€™all enjoy your days and kill it and all the best to you!

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I just got my third custom, and hopefully last for a while. Iā€™ll stick with these 3 because it allows me to go deeper into the things I want, while limiting listening time. Plan is to stick with this for a while.

(Please NO releasing Q+ suddenly and making my terminus build irrelevant :|)

Contains Emperor, DR ST4, and PCC.


PCC was awesome when running with Emperor. Am thinking of running it with Khan next. Or maybe with Renaissance Man if it releases sooner


Hey Raphael

Thanks for your response

Yeahs man, it is. Has helped me massively also

I feel like personally I should stick with this stack for some time and see how it goes.

I just hope Khan Emperor Stark can work together in a unified way. Whole programs in the past didnā€™t work out so well but I think/hope with the customs and the name embed plus since itā€™s the cores of the programs, itā€™ll work better.


Want to see what renaissance man is all about want a excuse to put it in a custom for next year lol

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