Journal: Emperor/Rebirth

all I have so far is Emperor and Rebirth. No more funds until mid- to end-October unless I change something drastic before then in my life.


I’ll look more at Rebirth at beginning of sleep and first part of the morning stack like you talked about.
That could work


I want to make sure not so much that I get healed…but if healing is necessary for becoming the best version of me (which I suspect is probably the case for everyone) I’ll do whatever it takes.
I use Faster EFT currently to work on releasing anything that comes up as it comes up when I am able to do so. i.e. when not working.

I’ll get Regeneration when funds are available again to work that in.

Thanks for keeping me grounded :slight_smile:


Emperor has more than enough healing for you then.

I agree with the idea of running 1-2 loops of Rebirth just as you wake up, in that groggy state, and when waking up.

It can make a big difference.

And honestly @Palpatine, you’re doing great. Just remember to never ever give up.

I personally only saw strong results from subs after about 500 hours of my first sub. Before that, all I had is faith and true desire to never ever ever be weak and in a shitty situation ever again. I said “NO MORE” and was determined to go all the way.

Not everyone sees fast results. I was seeing people reporting amazing results within a week. I never had that. I had okay results in the first 2-3 months. And the real amazing stuff happened after that. After I cleared out the shit and has enough programming foundation to be able to thrive.

Each is starting at a different place. I was starting at a place that is particularly bad outside and weak inside. So a lot of stuff needed to be cleaned out, replaced and re-worked before my outside word started to show signs of change.

Maybe for you you’ll see results very fast. I hope that for you. I saw results much slower than most, but because I stayed focused in my playlist and listening as much as possible every day, I believe I am right now showing the benefits more than people who keep switching subs every couple of weeks.


I actually made a mistake above; I meant to say I have Rebirth timed so it’s running already when I wake up, not after I’d already woken up.


Day 4 (Part 2)…heading to bed soon
So I had Emperor running most of today. I’ll call it 10 hours total (I paused it if I had to leave the office for a few minutes), but if I was in the office, it was on.

After the comments earlier from @AMASHand @throwthekitchensink, I decided here’s how I’ll handle listening to Rebirth:

Emperor on loop as much as possible when awake or asleep (No change there). I’ll have Rebirth as the first sub in both though (2X)
The Rebirth 2X that starts during my workday in the office, will help as far any reconciliation from Emperor when sleeping.
When I go to sleep, I’ll have 2X rebirth to help with any reconciliation from the day.

Yes it will make it take a bit longer to hit 500 hours with Emperor (since @AMASH pointed me in the direction of that being a more realistic goal as this is my first sub), but will be worth it to make sure whatever benefits I get from The Emperor’s programming will be locked in “Deeper”.

One thing I forgot to mention about last night’s sleep is it was shitty. My right leg kept hurting (No idea why) and my left left to a much lesser degree. Just a general ache and so I found myself kept waking up with restless legs and moving around trying to get comfortable.

As for today: Right leg still aches on and off. Could be related to Emperor and/or Reconciliation. If so, minor bump in the road to get through.

I was on a vid chat earlier with a friend who wants me to teach her NLP and how to use it. So I was giving her little “homework” things to do (noticing the words people use, etc)…besides the point here I guess.

After we hung up, I was sitting at the desk . Had Emperor V3 playing all day, I was zoning out after my call with her. Not thinking of anything in particular…suddenly my head seemed to move by itself, turned to the right, and my gaze settled instantly on my copy of “The 12-Week Year”

I took that as a “sign” or whatever to re-read that and see how i can implement it in my day-to-day personal goals to become a true Wealth Creator.

Headed to sleep now to Rebirth twice and then become The Emperor even more :slight_smile:


Great insights and progress man! I look forward to continue reading about your journey.


Does Emperor help with stress healing?


Random aches and pains are pretty common. According to the Chinese (acupuncture/Chi Kung), emotional traumas/traumas cause energy blockages. According to Reichian/Bioenergetics, negative emotions/traumas cause armoring, which is basically chronic muscle tension. The most exaggerated example was when I ran Ecstasy of Gold ST1. I was walking and suddenly got a really sharp pain in my right hip flexor muscle that stopped me in my tracks. It took a couple minutes to subside, even with me using energy healing techniques on it. Once it was gone, I found out my wealth ceiling was gone.


Wealth ceiling being gone…that sounds awesome.


Do you feel that you have a wealth ceiling, @Palpatine?


Day 5 (Part 1)
sleep stack:
2X Rebirth (1 hour total)
9X Emperor (6:45 total)
1X Rebirth (30 mins. This got me where Rebirth was playing as I got near waking up as suggested by @throwthekitchensink)
No weird leg pains while sleeping this time.
2 weird dream though.

To set up the 2nd dream, I usually wake up at 6:30 am for work at 7. But yesterday I wasn’t working until 9 am, so I set my alarm (on my cell phone) for 8:30 instead.

Last night as I went to bed, I realized my phone wasn’t as charged as I usually charge it. So I also set my alarm on my FitBit for 6:31 in case my phone died in the middle of the night. Which was weird as I NEVER use the FitBit for morning alarms

1st dream, I’m sitting in a room with a coworker/friend/work bestie from work…and we’re talking and she suddenly whispers something in my ear and I get what I assume to be a massive ASMR response (funny because ASMR doesn’t do anything to me IRL). She then said to someone else in the room “HAH! I KNEW it could affect him!”

It felt amazing in the dream, and I found myself suddenly wanting her to keep whispering in my her but she said “NEWP! Just wanted to see if it works.”

2nd dream, I dreamed I woke up half-hour late and afraid I’d get fired.

After the 2nd dream, I woke up and adjusted in bed. Looked at my watch, 6:00 am. I’ve got 30 more minutes to just veg out and sleep more if I can.

It took me a few minutes but I got back to sleep, but it was more of a state of “I’m half awake/asleep and will get up when the alarm on my phones goes off at 6:30”

Next thing I know, my FitBit alarm I’d set for 6:31 am is buzzing on my arm. I’d totally forgotten to change my phone alarm BACK to 6:30 from the day before!

I think my SubC mind must have been watching out for me on some level last night when I got that thought of “Better set the FitBit alarm in case the phone loses power”.

I’m sure the similar stuff guided the dream about being late for work.

I woke up, felt great. Felt well-rested. Went to bed at 10:09 PM and woke up at 6:31…so 8.5 there, but FitBit shows total actual sleep time was 7 hours and 34…so that’s roughly 5 full sleep cycles.

Definitely intrigued to see where the next few hundred hours of this Stack will take me.

My plan is to just adjust how many loops of Emperor are stacked in between the 2X and 1X rebirth “bookends” so its’ close to my wake up time. Thanks for that idea @throwthekitchensink and @AMASH.


You are welcome @Palpatine!

She is being a tease here. Is there anything you really want in life that you’ve been trying to get but each time, it slips out of your hands, somewhat “teasing” you? And how do you think that relates to this dream?


I’d have to think about that. But yes probably so.


Day 5 (Part 2) Night

So on top of the 6.7 hours worth of Emperor during sleep this morning before work, I did 1X of Rebirth at start of work shift and then got a full 10 hours roughly of Emperor throughout my shift. Brings daily Emperor total to 16.7 for today…41.7 hours total over 5 days.

Today sucked at work most of the time. Drudgery as usual, so nothing new there. The one thing I DID notice is time seemed to drag ass even more than usual though. where I got into an in-depth case and it seemed like it took forever…but was only 10-15 mins tops haha.

I felt myself wavering somewhat today between “UGH” and feeling optimistic about life. Mostly the Ugh, but when I felt the optimism, however brief it was, it was fairly intense.

I really wish I could have this playing more while I’m spending time with the wife. I know Emperor isn’t gender-neutral so not risking that. Just looking for ways to safely (for HER) get as much squeezed in as I can each day.

I’m nowhere near giving up, since I think AMASH is right and I need to just push through to see what’s on the other side of all this. BOOM!


Day 6(Part 1)
I realized I screwed up a bit on which day I recorded the 16.7 hours…basically missed a day where I had “only” 10 hours of Emperor listened to. That’s a surprise on the same level as finding extra fries in the bottom of the bag! :smiley:

Had a bit of a hard time falling asleep, so I front-loaded the stack in bed with the “Sleep MP3” I made back in 2008 to originally sell online. It’s still one of my favourites from the ones I’ve made. that took 74 mins out of my stack time though…but it got me sleeping so I would have been mid-Delta on the way back up when Rebirth kicked in.

Sleep MP3 74 min
Rebirth 1X
Emperor 5X
Rebirth 1X (it had only a minute left when my wakeup happened for today)

Dream: I’m married to someone who I think looks exactly like Taylor Swift. It isn’t actually Taylor, but I think she she looks like her. My work bestie from the dream the nigh before is in the dream. Not whispering at me this time, but is more like IRL where we’re just good friends . She said “Dude, she does NOT look like Taylor!”
and I said to her “Whatever. I get to hit that EVERY DAY!”

Funny thing is in the dream, my “wife” had a sister who kept hitting on me and I said “I’m married! And you know that! I’m married to your SISTER!”

I’m assuming that part of the dream has something to do with the sex programming in Emperor.
I also see the fact of the “Wife’s” sister hitting on me and me telling her I’m married…maybe that’s my brain’s inner values shifting or adjusting the sex programming to make sure I stay faithful? Not 100% sure on that, but that “feels” right to me as an explanation.

(Side note: I’ve tested a few times where if I tell the dream to conjure up a certain person, it works…but if I tell the dream in a more open-ended fashion to conjure up a “beautiful woman for me to have sex with”…it’s my IRL wife that shows up :slight_smile: )

The “setting” for that dream is a convenience store I used to go to daily with my mom and stepdad when I was a kid. We’d go there to drink soda for an hour or so and chat with their friends.

In that, my “wife” was there with me and my mom. Mom and I were reminiscing about my stepdad a bit (he passed away in 2001).

The place appeared to have been heavily remodeled where you could see the core of the original layout if you know what to look at, but overall it was a whole new look.

Symbolically, I take this to mean something about old ways/habits being revamped or upgraded but still something perhaps lingering.

Thanks again to @throwthekitchensink and @amash for the Rebirth “bookends” idea…total game-changer for me.

Hardly any reconciliation “pain” that i’m aware of.

My right leg still hurts that low-level constant ache lately. Not sure what’s up with that honestly.

More to come later! Headed out to a few errands about town.


Awesome report! You writing style seems to be getting more and more flowing, I like it!

In your honest opinion, do you consider your wife right now to be very beautiful compared to any other woman in the world?


She is beautiful to me, because I love her.

She’s not a 10 in terms of supermodel type physical hotness. But to be fair, I’d consider myself a 6 or 7 tops right not also. We both let ourselves go over the years slowly and gradually. That’s why we’ve started going to the gym once a week together to go through our take on the Body By Science protocol.

I think I’m at 12-15 lb lost since July, my Pecs are more defined…I can actually flex them more. Nowhere near how Terry Crew can yet, but that may be a far-out-there-in-the-future goal anyway.

She’s also lost quite a bit in that same timeframe. And we’re both not winded near as soon when walking or something as before.

I do find her hot since she’s my chosen life mate though.


Day 5 (Part 2)
Well I went to my appointments today.

First one was the “therapist” lady that my employer covers 8 free sessions with. This was my 2nd appointment. Going mainly to talk with someone about different perspectives that might make me tolerate the job better, or possibly even learn to like it while I’m here. Before I get my empire built.

My main complaint lately is customers who don’t follow instructions.
She gave me the usual advice of “Remember you don’t know always quite where they’re coming from”.
She said she thinks maybe I have a very mild form of what she calls a “control issue” where I don’t always remember that people don’t share the experiences and knowledge that I take for granted.

So she thinks if I work on that, where I try to be more flexible and “compassionate” with customers, then that could go a long way toward job satisfaction.

I haven’t gotten a ton of subs in today, since most of the journey today I was walking so didn’t want earbuds in or headphones on while walking. I did listen to Emperor V3 for the very first stretch of the journey, since it’s a 45 min walk from my house to the therapy office.

As I was walking, I was getting winded after a while, and in my mind was like “Am I F******** THERE yet?”

I knew I was only 4-5 mins from getting according to the Walking Directions from Google Maps.
Funny thing is, in my mind after I asked “AM I there yet?” I realized that just trusting my senses…what i could see was just a bunch of houses and the small office buildings here…it’d be easy to get discouraged and stop walking and take a break.

But knowing that I only had 4-5 mins left to be where I was going, and knowing that even though I couldn’t see my destination, didn’t mean it isn’t there where it should be.

A minute or 2 after that, I rounded a corner and saw the buildings where the office is, and I thought to myself “Well HELLO. There it is!”

I couldn’t help but note that I was listening to Emperor V3 that whole time…and wondered if the scripting had anything to do with that realization I had, or just “coincidence”.

That’s the only listening I got in so far today.

As for later in the day, when I was out and about, I went to Walgreen’s (drug/grocery store) to get a jug of the sweet tea my wife enjoys. As I was leaving, a cute girl was coming up to the building to go in and do some shopping.

We happened to catch each other’s eye contact, and I seemed to instinctually smile at her, and she smiled back…and in that brief interaction, I swear I saw her eyes moving up and down like she was checking me out. Of COURSE It could have been the funny Krusty the Clown shirt I’m wearing today.

It was very brief but seemed like a genuine nonverbal connection with her. Was over in 5 seconds and I kept walking toward the bus stop. Didn’t look back once.

I’d be interested in anyone’s take on how the Scripting could have influenced that.

Another thing that happened which seemed out of the ordinary: This morning before I left, I said something to the wife. My voice was physically DEEPER. I noticed but she didn’t seem to.

When I got back home with her tea and my library books, I was sitting in my recliner. Exhausted from all the walking…said something and my voice was deeper yet again. She noticed that time. Did a double-take looking at me and said “What?”

And I said “My voice is deeper there”…she said “Uh…YEAH”

Last bit to report from the day…as I was walking from one appointment to the other, I suddenly felt the urge to start singing…so did…not something I usually do in public.

Once I was done singing, I started thinking about-reinstating my Hypnotherapist’s license here in my state and finding ways to take on clients. Not sure if that’s a legit desire on my part or not. Always been on the fence about doing a full-time practice since I’m still not in charge of my schedule with that. I figured I’ll take note of that and see if that desire is still around later on or if it’s just a reconciliation type thing or the SubC mind coming up with ways to distract me.



Actually, one other thing came up today regarding hypnosis. I used to record my own sessions. Like I’d talk as if hypnotizing someone ELSE named Bill…but using Jeff Stephens’ 10-Step hypnosis protocol, I’d do sessions that could get me in deep enough when I listen to do the Golden Box changework process.

I got to thinking about doing that stuff again in regards to job performance goals I’ve set for myself. To make that easier and more automatic for getting there.

It’s been since last year when I did that sort of thing most recently, and haven’t thought about it much since then. So I figure Emperor must be nudging me in that direction. Or possible reconciliation/SubC mind trying to distract me. So as above, I’ll give it some time to see if that idea sticks with me.