I've been wondering

What does everyone here think about a woman with 650 instagram posts? The one I’m chasing rn has more than that and I’m curious what’s the general consensus, coming from a person with only 1 post, it feels super unnatural to me.

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Instagram is unnatural, so your good.

Just go for it.

Nothing but an AW plain and simple

Damn I must be old… when did we start measuring our attraction for someone beased on their IG posts… :thinking: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


It requires dedication and drive. Good for her.


I would not judge her for this personally. It means nothing. (I think in general we would all be better with doing a little less with the instinctual need to judge/label/box people.)

Utterly meaningless metric without context… what are the posts of? content creators need to create content to create their brand… is she an influencer, or does she just like posting random pics? either way, who cares? If you like her, what does it matter?

p.s. I personally don’t use any social media whatsoever, so take my comments on its worth with a grain of salt. :wink:

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You have more things to worry bout than the number of her instagram posts

Like the fact she breaths, eats, thinks of things, has a unique backstory, among other things.

Also cmon how is that any more of a red flag than you frequenting this forum or someone having 650 hours on an online game…


How long is the timeframe?
Are the posts interesting to you according to the storyline?
How are selfies of herself? Tasteful and you feel ok with her continuing if she was with you or would you start dictating her how she “from now on” has to do it?
Are you ok with a woman with a lot of followers and attention?


What do you think about a woman with 3 cars?


I have 2,236 posts on IG :sweat_smile:


jesus christ, what are you like? what do you post about? at this point I already made up my mind that the posts don’t matter, but it would still be interesting to hear your experience.

I create content based off various things relating to my coaching and healing business.

I also share photos and/or videos of my food, family, concerts and travel.

I love taking photos.

I’ve had Instagram for over a decade!


It’s a lot. If lots of selfies I wouldn’t be to interested.

If they travel a lot or have a close family that would make sense.



Seems exhausting, but it’s great for your marketing. My business associates always get annoyed that I don’t have Instagram and don’t post.:joy:

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It’s easy :slight_smile:

I also have other platforms I use too.

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Yeah, for me, I prefer to live in the present moment. When I feel the need to think, “Oh, I should take a picture of this,” it takes me out of the moment. I just don’t enjoy living in a way that constantly requires me to think about documenting my life and capturing it on camera.

But I suppose this is just a difference in personality, neither good nor bad. I guess having that kind of personality is good for marketing :wink: If it gives you joy and peace, all is good.

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I don’t even think to do it eh :sweat_smile:

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It all depends on what you are looking for and the type of posts.

If it’s mostly booty pics she has 10s of thosands of followers she’s prolly red stage spiral dynamics or atleast has a big part that is.

But if it’s a mix of her looking cute sexy, A picture of art or food or dogs. That is sign of a more healthy woman.

But this goes way deeper than this. And there can be healthy red stage as well.