I've been wondering

Don’t get me started on the booty pics :rofl::rofl::rofl:

650 ≠ 2236

@NatureDad don’t ever wonder on things you can create yourself. You can ask @7empest what title/s she’s listening with.

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U are the prize my friend no reason to chase :slightly_smiling_face:

You have my like!

The number is nothing to worry about. The content is the important factor.

As some said above, is it an professional account? As in content creator? Is she earning money with it? Then the number is just an indicator for her drive to run a successful business.

Or is it a private one?
Then it’s the content that matters.
Is she just documenting her life? Then it’s more than OK. In our modern world, many companies want to see what you stand for, who you are when hiring for than above average position.

Or is it just she posing for likes?
Then its a redflag. If she needs constant reaffirmation from other men, it’s not a thing you want in a relationship.

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