Is Anyone Here Actually Getting Significant Results From The Seduction Products?

Did I sound angry? :thinking:

I was honestly laughing all the way. Especially at the last sentence (plebs). :joy:

“1M BTC” is also pure comedy for those who know what the limit of total Bitcoins is. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Theres also scientific standpoint that supports the vegan diets are actually the better in long term

Blue zone countries and etc

2 scientific standpoints both actually speak truth to whoever believes in,

Im even having a hard time believing this that everything can be shattered

A study can counter another study

Theres no

real truth and one god

Perception is conception

Choose your truth and your reality

Not at all. infact, I could hear the laughter. I go through a similar process when I am being sarcastic(which happens alot owing to immaturity)

Its the fact that we have seen so much of wholesome simon and so little of combative simon, its a refreshing sight.

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Don’t worry, I only light the cigar for special effects.
I have never smoked anything in my real life.



There’s been over 10+ studies bashing the vegan diet and 3 studies saying it’s good in long term. Overall if we’re talking about being healthy then short term being a vegan could be a good thing. Long term there’s been numerous studies done saying how it will cause negative side effects. Just because someone feels fine and healthy doesn’t mean they are. Yes there is a real truth, this is why science exist, you can’t say something is wrong if it’s a fact.

P.S: Sorry if I seem harsh, not mad or hating on you. It’s just my opinion on it and what science says about it. Also I’m speaking from the point of view that being vegan is not for everyone. What might work for you and your friends will probably be different for me or other people. This is why in general the studies that have been made promoting veganism are studies where people react well to being vegan.

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So are you really from Mirzapur, or were you being sarcastic?
That topic went silent for months after your post. I believe people were too scared to post after reading that.


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Hey, if you want to keep talking about this (I don’t mind, we could learn something from each other). Just send me a PM instead because I don’t want to bombard the topic with what we think of the diet:)

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Hey man, theres a lot of vegan studies as well im sure of that, Yin and yang , black and white, hot and cold

We agree to disagree my friend, i no longer love to debate :rofl: im actually really proud of that, that i dont want to prove myself right or prove someone is wrong ,

Ive come to a conclusion that everything can be disapproved and approved

I respect your point of view,

However if you want to hear my side you can search blue zone countries its really interesting to look at🙏🏼

There has never been an entirely vegan society in the history of mankind. That tells me all I need to know


Sorry everyone if this topic went sideaways and it drifted,



Obviously not :joy:
matter of fact, this whole profile was a manifestation of my (now incontrol) unhealthy trolling tendencies.

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I see. Thanks.

The Combative Simon was my default forum behavior till a few years ago.
ENTPs are natural Debaters.


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You do make some good points however everyone has their own goals. If someone wants to be a player or someone else just wants a relationship.Who are we to judge them ?.

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Everyone is right
Therefore everyone is wrong

Do what you want
Just please don’t hurt others that’s not cool

To have sex or not
that is the question

Truth is only in the eye of the beholder
Perception is unique to every single living things and their experience is not less valid for being different

The sun may not rise one day I just hope I won’t see that
Until then I visit this wonderfull life of mine

Water is life so please drink it just don’t over do it
Oxygen kills you slowly that’s a fact not even being humorous here so breath slowly with your belly to extend it

Love to all except if your allergic to it - Peace ! :v:t2:


But please don’t hold it you’ll just pass out or it might be lethal if you’re swimming
Use your braincells boys I count on you :wink:

Players are ok
Being virgin is ok
Be who and what you want to be

My response was to budewr who asked why guys wanted to do that.

If all you want to do is fuck 80000 women than that is up to you, but I don’t belief such an empty thing goes without an underlying issue.

To sarge or Raphael, if you want to have sex with whoever you desire thats up to you, cool, more power to you.

I have nothing against people sleeping with each other


And to me, anyone who doesn’t live in harmony with their nature has an underlying issue as well. Funny how it depends on your perspective :wink:

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Good for you then :+1:

if you have no empathy for other people then something is wrong.

not saying my truth is thee truth.

Not interested in long discussion

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Lol, you opened the door.

Yeah the 100 girls a day thing was more of a social anxiety challenge. Just something I did more for fun I would say very little of those were closed, but what it does do is make you extremely socially calibrated. Think about how many more social references an attractive women has compared to an average height, average looks male. They are going to be socially quicker, pick up on body language ques, etc that a guy just won’t pick up on unless you are going out very frequently. Excercises like this also build your confidence to a very high level, it’s more about the self development than the actual pick ups for me. If your not a 6’7 basketball player like your friend you probably can’t go out 2-3 times a week and pull every time unless you can go into a bar and just tear it up socially.

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