Is Anyone Here Actually Getting Significant Results From The Seduction Products?

I always assume this kind of talk comes from jealousy tbh. I myself aspire
To be a player. I like variety, and that’s all it is about for me. That and having options keeps you from being pigeon holed


He has no intention of doing anything, he’s a troll. :joy:

Where on the SC site does it say that you will “get laid like a rockstar” or “sleep with 27 new women in 6 months” ??? :man_shrugging:t2:

The whole thread is a strawman. :wink:


Yup. 27 girls in 26 weeks is the minimum standard to be called significant.
7 in 9 weeks is no good. @friday, you got to do better. And no, we don’t care that you were preparing for your medical college entrance exam at the same time, and didn’t do night game at all, or that you don’t identify as a seducer/player/whatever. :no_good_man:t2:

Sure, but if you have to approach a 100 of them on even one of those days, then your results don’t count. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Remember, fake007’s friends never have a bad day, week, or month. They never have any life or professional challenges that ever get in the way of fucking new chicks. Their score is 100% perfect, just like their basketball free throws. :kissing_heart:

Yay, let’s move the goal post.

We were Red Pill before. (Game trumps everything. PS, Khan, Libertine is the way.)
Now, we turn Black. (Looksmaxxing man, you need to be genetically gifted. Wanted is the sub to stack.)

My plan is to use EOG, become a multi-millionaire, and hire a new escort everyday.
You plebs can measure your dicks as much as you like.



Simon’s breakdown :joy:
I hope you’re enjoying your fat cigar in your armchair it smelled as far as my nose behind my pc screen




I am gonna light a Cigar after this savage smackdown.

Love it!

Have a good one @Simon


You know what, multi-millions is not significant enough actually. Multi-billions is the goal.

All my friends have at least 1 Million Bitcoins.

They’re all naturals, I need subliminals. I will add RICH Crypto to my EOG stack.



Actually yes, my old wouldnt listen to the reborn new me

I totally agree, he has to go through it all to learn

Sarge, i share the same point of view as @aaa

And it does not come from jealousy at all trust me, i have no wishes to sleep with wide variety of women

That doesn’t interest me, im more comfortable with a warm joyful relationship with a loving partner

I wanted to say in english but i couldnt frame it, thats why i didnt write it in the post

Which is : i dont think youre wrong or anything for choosing that, i dont claim truth anymore or the right way of living

Ive moved pass the right and wrong dilemma,
So i dont think theres a right way of living your life

All i know i have a right way to live my own life with my own rules that i set and believe in

Let me give you an example

I eat plant based food(vegan diet), and i think its the best diet! But that to you might not be true at all

I dont think everyone is wrong for eating meat lets say, I personally think that reducing the amount of meat would help people get healthier but thats just my points view

But in no way im claiming that i have the truth within my hands, or everyone else is wrong and my way is the only way

That is just ignorance in my book

So im sorry if you felt that way, much love and respect :pray:t3::white_heart:


Smoking is bad for your health :slight_smile:

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Meow :cat2:

Vegan diet has significant nutrient deficiency. Not opinion, just fact. My cousin went vegan a few years ago and now he’s losing his eyesight. Be careful my guy

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@SargeMaximus - I wouldn’t say it is jealousy exactly. @aaa and @Budewr genuinely believe they are right about their life choices.

But frankly, I believe the same thing as you (as in eating more meat and “kitties” lol). Nothing unhealthy about either.

Men’s mating strategy is to have sex with as much women as possible (just as a woman’s mating strategy is to find her best option in men). And am not going to feel ashamed for having such natural desires.


Bad nutrition can be achieved in any diet

Weather its a vegan diet or a carnivore diet

If you dont research well and dont have much info about food and nutrition you will face it in any diet.

Ive known lots of vegans that has been following this diet for more than 10 years and theyre doing great

Its matter of perspective , i dont have “facts” in my perception

Anything can be demolished every thought, every belief

Right and wrong is an old trick hahaha


Different opinions different perspectives in life

that is our nature

Were humans, were meant to be different

Love to all :white_heart:

Even If we dont share the same beliefs or point of views

I have so much respect to all🙏🏼

May love fulfills you



Yeah it’s not about right and wrong, it’s whatever works for the individual.


@Simon its an honour to watch our guy snap so hard for the first time :joy:


Sarge isn’t wrong tho. Vegan in the long term is quite a bad idea speaking from a scientific standpoint. Same thing with keto if you do long term it ruins your free testosterone but isn’t as bad long term as the vegan diet is.

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Did I sound angry? :thinking:

I was honestly laughing all the way. Especially at the last sentence (plebs). :joy:

“1M BTC” is also pure comedy for those who know what the limit of total Bitcoins is. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Theres also scientific standpoint that supports the vegan diets are actually the better in long term

Blue zone countries and etc

2 scientific standpoints both actually speak truth to whoever believes in,

Im even having a hard time believing this that everything can be shattered

A study can counter another study

Theres no

real truth and one god

Perception is conception

Choose your truth and your reality