Invictus Supreme (new customs shenanigans)

At this point, I feel like you could just take a look at any of my previous ones and get an idea of what’s in there haha

if y’all liking my writings so much, then just imagine how good it is at work :grin:

appreciate it boys :heart:


Yo @Invictus if you have time, would you be able to summarize Khan/Chosen vs Khan/Stark, or point me in the right direction in your journal(s)?

I know every result is unique to one’s self but I am just trying to figure out what combo would be best for me.

Edit: Actually nvm I am going to go with Stark.


Hahaha I was just about to link you to this

That somewhat sums up khan stark, however, to give you a bit more about how it feels, think about everything Khan offers (alpha mindset, high status, extreme sexual prowess, presence akin to royalty, desire to always be the best) and combine that with everything Stark offers (celebrity status, desire to always be interacting with others, intellectual boost, smarter choices of words, increased levels of productivity, nonchalance towards social norms), and that’s basically what you get with the blend.

As for Khan Chosen, this journal mainly was about those customs :sweat_smile: so you can get a general idea by checking my posts here.

If I had to choose, I’d probably say it’s highly dependent on how do you wanna express yourself to those around you, as Chosen does put you in a different kind of a spotlight, which can help you out at work, while as Stark’s spotlight is the kind that would help you out socially.


Thanks mi amigo you’re the real MVP. Yeah looking at this journal and the post you shared I think Khan Stark is the way to go for me especially since I want more focus on wealth and intelligence will greatly help.

Plus Khan adds a lot of class and a professional/gentleman like demeanor to me so maybe Chosen isn’t really needed for me (for now) with Khan.

Plus I just listened to Khan/Stark/LotS as you posted that and absolutely love this combo!

Btw since you’re getting over your fear of heights, I would give skydiving a try :wink: trust me it’s an unforgettable experience


Very good results. You’ve inspired me once again try my luck with Stark, but with Khan part of my stack. Last time I did the combo extensively was back in Q.

Congratulations man

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I feel like I’m so motivated to post everywhere on the forum except my own journal :rofl:

I guess in a way, I’m just extremely content with everything going on, that if I tried to journal, it would feel like I’m at a loss for words, simply because some things just can’t be described with words.

Let’s take the other sub in my stack as an example, which has been RoS since the day that sub came out, second cycle right now, first it was stacked with Elite (Khan Chosen EF), and now with SHAZAM (Khan Stark LoS IC), and in both cases, the sub has been expressing itself inwardly in a way that makes it manifest my ideal life externally.

What do I mean by this?

When you work with the spiritual side of yourself, you’re not developing an archetype, a skill, or an aura, but what happens is that you develop congruence with your spirit, getting intuitive nudges to become one with the deepest parts of your soul.

You don’t feel like you have to be a certain way, or do certain things, or have a certain amount of money in your bank account, in order to feel like you “made it”, instead, you just start feeling like you’re vibing with the frequency of life, breathing in the energy of creation, becoming one with it, and letting it transform you from within.

You become more grateful for everything in life, you become more appreciative for every life on this planet, more empathetic towards everyone and everything, and this even includes tiny things like bugs, as yesterday I saw this happening when I went to smoke and saw a beetle struggling while turned on its back, and I simply picked it up and put it on a tree.

And no, this isn’t “inspired action” or something that the sub “makes” you do, instead it’s the appreciation of life that makes you realize just how important everything is around you, which will inherently make you want to preserve all forms of life (depending on how much your core resonates with it).

Some of you reading this might be wondering: “how does this result in manifesting the ideal life?”, and the answer is simple:

When you’re filled with this compassion and appreciation for everything in creation, you will naturally start pushing that gratitude into your life in the form of contentment, and by that I mean that life itself is going to reform itself to “give back” to you the same kind of love, appreciation, and compassion as you are showing the world, and in a sense, it is what’s inside that gets reflected outside; As Above, So Below, As Within, So Without.

There are planes beyond our knowing, but when we apply the Principle of Correspondence to them we are able to understand much that would otherwise be unknowable to us .” - The Kybalion


On Khan have you experienced something about sleep like it is said in the description?

"Experience your voice, posture, thinking, beliefs, emotions, energy, relationships, sleep and even your inner voice rapidly changing and becoming akin to that of a true Khan. "

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Honestly, even if I did, I can’t really tell, because I’ve always used it in customs and Deep Sleep has been a permanent module since my first ever custom :sweat_smile:

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I remember when i used khan total breakdownmy fesr of height went away, just one day i noticed i just aint scared.

I will run khan again in the future.

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Did the fear come back after dropping it?

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maybe one day i’ll finally give Khan stage 1 a try.

seems like a good sub with all the hype I see from people about that specific stage.


I think you would like it. I think I gave ST1 3-4 listens, before I just went to ST4. My Primal Ascension and overall growth kinda helped with foundation so I felt I was good to proceed. Anyways:

  • Its a suuuuuper chill feeling to it, honestly it kinda reminds me of GLM but with a controlled wild side to it.

  • Made me come to terms with a few things about me and my life. Acceptance, removal of negativity etc.

  • Made me very positive.

  • Tbh while it did dig very deep into me, it was much easier to handle than most healing subs.

You are a pretty introspective person, so I feel if you ever decided to give TB a chance you would only need a few loops to get what you need. Tbh I might use it from time to time myself in the future.


That’s the thing

I’ve only ran it once before, and the result was that I instantly felt like it was a step back from my baseline, but then I read things about how st1 can solidify more of st4, so the curiosity shoots up :sweat_smile:

I’m actually thinking that it might be time to finally step my game up in terms of wealth, because I haven’t really ever given it direct focus, so I wonder what could be possible if I actually did :eyes:

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Yeah I could see where it would do that, healing titles tend to make me drop a bit too but after its done processing or I figure out/heal from what the sub is trying to get at I come back stronger.

Now hold up, this has me very curious as well! Haha now I kinda wanna give that a try myself on my next listening day next week haha it does seem very interesting in a stack

I mean you have been pretty successful so far as I have read through your journals, shit you could probabaly just end up buying Qatar in a few years if you tried :joy:

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Yes, but its way less the before.

But when i ran stage 1 there was no fear at all, i could sit on the fence of my balcony, legs hanging, if i let go i fall and die, and no fear.

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How long did you run it?

2 cycles

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All the best my friend

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Same to you bro

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Hahaha ngl after reading this and meditating last night, I’ve cooked up a new custom :eyes:

Haven’t ordered it yet, but I think I’m gonna jump on EOG :call_me_hand:t4:

What I’m thinking about is that since I already got a new car last month (lemme know if you wanna see :eyes:), and my new job is already paying much higher, then maybe the next best thing to do for me is to focus on starting a business and see how I do there :eyes: