Invictus Supreme (new customs shenanigans)

Can you define “God”? Do you know the definition? I mean, do you believe it is the father, the almighty? And do you know what image means?

I ask this in good nature, not to argue(disclaimer) because while this statement is true, it’s also incorrect/misleading if taken literally and at face value.

Because you follow a different faith than I do, I am curious how this is defined in your faith.

Normally I pass by these statements but sometimes I just can’t lol

If this post causes any tension or offense, I will gladly delete and move on.


Awesome written bro. And thanks for the advice.

Oh also, why do you recommend GMX? I mean I was thinking for aiming for entertaining/funny/cool personality streamer rather than gaming expert. What do you think of this @Invictus

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I believe that this is something that everyone has to find and figure out themselves, as getting a “definition” and comparing faiths won’t really amount to anything.

However, this is something that I can expand on;

Now, whether you follow an Abrahamic religion, or any other, the idea of being created in the most “perfect” way possible is a common belief that is shared by them all.

What the word “image” stands for here is the uniqueness of our design, as it doesn’t literally mean that we were created to look like God himself, but what it means is that we are created to look and be unique in our own way, in a divinely “perfect” way.

Now, I’ve been asked before: “if you think God created you in the most perfect way possible, then why use something like WANTED for over a year, or workout?”

My answer is:

Even when we are created to be perfect in the eyes of the Divine, we are still given a choice everyday to be better, to wish for better, to strive for the best.
If it wasn’t something we should strive for, then we wouldn’t have had the free will, or the ability, to do so.

Take science for example, we have reached an era where our technological and scientific capabilities have become so advanced, that if we were to even talk about our achievements with our ancestors, then they’d think we have divine knowledge, right?

If an advancement wasn’t meant to happen, then we wouldn’t have been blessed with the ability to think and create.

Just because we are considered “perfect” in the eyes of God, doesn’t mean we can’t strive to maintain that perfection and reach the peak of what we can achieve.

Don’t worry about it haha, I usually avoid discussions on this topic due to it being a gateway for heated debates that I’m not really bothered to partake in haha

It’s because what I’ve noticed throughout the last few years is that while charisma alone can get you on the path of fame and success, it’s not enough within a saturated market.

If you used Porter’s 5 forces model in order to evaluate and come up with a plan, you’d find that having exceptional gaming skill ON TOP of the charisma would actually set you apart, as nowadays, most of the streamers aren’t really that good with their gaming content as much as their “casual” streams.

If you want to reach a stage where you can do whatever in your streams, then you gotta attract people with your own unique selling point, by setting your content apart, so if you have GMX to take care of your gaming, and True sell to take care of your charm, then you would only have to take care of your archetype and that would set you up perfectly.

So in that case, check how the new GMX affects you, if it’s good, then make a custom with it + True Sell + True Social, which are all skill based cores, meaning that you can use it as your main “streamer mode” sub, and then you have free slots to experiment with what Archetype sub helps bring out the best content out of you (alongside the gaming that you’re gonna present).

Remember, a gamer without personality, is just as boring as a streamer with no skills.


I like the idea and tips about porter. I’ve been only focusing on charisma and creating content, not so much about attacking it from different angles.

But right now, realistically I can only play 6-12 hours a week, that is little to be exceptional in any game. Perhaps above average in most games, but not exceptional I think. That’s what I try to focus on the charisma and becoming better at the art of content creation and being an entertainer. But perhaps GMX will take me higher. And perhaps it’s enough to stand out. So I will give it a try brother.

By the way, your writing has become insanely different and good. It’s always been entertaining and good, but now it’s like you’re a real writer/journalist. I just love reading it. :ok_hand:


Thank you brother, I appreciate the comment.

Quick question though: in what way do you think it has changed the most?

I was thinking about that, but it just feels very confident, but your writing has always felt confident to me, but it’s subtly more powerful, like very congruent and coherent. I am not a writing expert but it’s just a feeling I got.


Monday: started feeling sick, didn’t think much of it, went to workout, took some meds, and then went to an event, thinking I’d be fine.

Tuesday: went to work, felt like I only had a tiny cold, took a couple more meds, and went with my day, yet I ended up more sick than ever before.
Ended up in ER, with my body temperature being 39.5, and my whole body in so much pain that I could barely walk without support.

Listened to 1x Paragon.

Wednesday (today): woke up feeling a little bit better, less body pain, but the headaches were killing me, and my body was sweating profusely, so I decided to try having some soup, and listened to a loop of paragon (+ meds), and now I feel brand new.

Never really cared that much about Paragon, but I must say, I would have been in bed for far too long if there was no Paragon available :pray:t3:


Get well soon!


Thanks man :pray:t3:


Be well dude


Hope you get well soon man!!


Get well bro :pray:


Thanks guys :pray:t3:
Appreciate all the love :heart:

I’m all better already haha
Paragon is pretty good, but I felt better yesterday so I went back to my stack (Elite ZP + RoS).

Here’s something I was telling my friends just now:

If RoM puts your mind into a state of enlightenment, then RoS puts your soul on the frequency of the universe.


Hey @RVconsultant
Can you help me out please?

I have a support ticket, #14370, which kinda needs to be seen quickly, cause it involves a module change in a custom.

I’d appreciate it if you can just ping staff about it, thank you :pray:t3:

I just notified staff.

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What cores you got this time?

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I’m pretty sure it’s either emp fitness or the new legacy of the spartan :joy::muscle:t2:

Just for the sub to be his ‘’ Shazam’’


Haha just these

  • Ascension Chamber core
  • Legacy of Spartan core
  • Stark core
  • Khan St4 core
  • Inner circle core

I wanted to take some time to reflect on my experience with Khan so far.

It’s been what, 5-6 months in total on Khan for me, and generally these are the things that really stand out to me:

  • Much, much higher status; I’m not talking just internal self-worth feelings, I’m talking about the external display of pure class and high value.
    This includes, but isn’t limited to, a new job, a new car, a refreshed wardrobe, heck even the places I go to eat at are what people consider as “boujie” :rofl:, guess that’s to be expected when I’ve basically gone from an average guy to now being among the top 10% in my country.

  • No more anxiety or fear; this was not something I expected, simply because it didn’t seem like it was a feature of khan, but like, I don’t get scared of heights or high ceilings anymore, and it was something terrifying to me, to the point where I used to avoid amusement parks in general due to the possibility of others dragging me to high rides, and now I have actually gone to the world’s tallest indoor roller coaster twice with more excitement than ever.
    It isn’t just limited to phobias however, as I have this inner peace and contentment with everything I’ve done with my life so far, that I have ZERO fear about things going “wrong”.
    If I lost my job today, I can easily get another one. If I lost my girl today, I can easily get another one (or more). If I die today, I’d be fine, cause I got to live through a lot in my life, and every single experience has been worth the life I’ve lived.

  • Social adaptability; now, I know I ran Stark for long, and that it already made me popular and liked by many, however, before Khan, I always had one issue: socializing with older guys (45+ years old), mainly due to the differences that we have, as well as the generational gap, which always made it harder for me to be able to properly socialize with them and build relationships, because I’d just come off as an immature kid (like talking about new tech pieces, comics, movies, etc.), and due to that, I used to avoid being around older circles, except Khan has changed that, and now not only can I easily calibrate myself socially when interacting with such circles, but I also get invited to sit with them.
    Not to mention that this was also another reason for me making connections with some people from the royal family of Qatar :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Now for the big one:

I don’t think any other sub (or core) from the store has done this at the same level, which is basically me making points of references for how I was and used to be, and constantly reminding myself about them while working towards my goals. While this is a good practice that is preached by self-improvement enthusiasts everywhere, it’s not practiced as often, and that’s mainly due to the inherent greed within people that blinds them from the self reflection, evaluation, and gratitude, as to them, all that matters are results, yet they don’t notice or be grateful for how far they’ve already come.

For example:
a year and a half ago, I used to take pocket money from my dad, which was around 100$ per week, and I would try my best to somehow use that money for every expense I’d have, such as: fuel, food (I always eat out, never anything made at home), dates with my girl, things that I’d like to buy, and then on top of all that, I used to try save up some of that money every week, in order to be able to get myself a sub or 2 (believe it or not, when I first bought WANTED, the money used was what I saved up throughout the month of Ramadan, and was only possible due to me eating less per day as a result of fasting).

Compare that to now, and I went from 100$ a week to now having more than enough every month to give back to my parents, give monthly pocket money to my siblings, finance my new car, eat well everyday, buy anything that interests me without being worried about the price, have custom subs catered for me personally whenever I like, and even be able to afford luxuries that I could only wish for before.

All this happened due to me having the desire to never settle for less, and I’d say, I took more action towards building myself and my life in the last 6 months, than most of the year before it, and comparing my current lifestyle to the previous one only helped me stay more committed to getting where I wanna get, and surprisingly, Khan not only has kept me in check, but also makes me realize just how easy it really is to do, and get, everything I want in life.

Khan’s pretty good, I’d give it a solid 9 out of 10.