Interesting Trend

I received a job selling timeshares a couple years ago for a prestigious company. This job came with training in sales, communication, customer relationships and stuff like that.

The reason that I brought it up is this.

In the past week on this forum, I’ve noticed an increase in the amount of unnecessarily aggressive and insulting posts and replies to one another.

On one hand, it’s understandable. I have a feeling it can at least be loosely traced to the recent upgrades. I have a feeling that the top guys have already taken note of it.

I wanted to give a suggestion though, a tool that was given to me by my trainer at that particular company.

In customer service, attacking a client is not going to be conducive to a good relationship, present or future. So it was recommended that we do this when we receive an email from a problematic client.

Read the email through. Observe your reactions. If the client causes you to feel upset, angry, frustrated, etc, type out your response. Let all of it out in text form, really dig deep into it.

Finish up the draft, take a deep breath and read it through. You may find, as I have found EVERY SINGLE TIME I’ve used this in my personal relationships when texting people I consider… Frustrating, that you already feel better. If not, insult their mother as well and see how it fits.

The point of this exercise is to get it out, but then DELETE it

As I said, I use this in my personal life. I’m the type of person that gets along with the majority of people I encounter, but everyone gets tested at some point. And I respect the way that @SaintSovereign, @Fire, @DarkPhilosopher and @RVconsultant have been responding to certain posts, especially in the past couple of days

I think a good rule of thumb is to respond, not react, even online. Anonymity is not immunity.


I did this yesterday but in paper form. I did it more for the people who caused me distress the past couple months and not from messages or emails.

I wrote down everything I wanted to say and my God the amount of anger and hate(?) I had was horrendous. I ended up burning the letters and now I feel better. It eased the anger.


That’s hella healthy, my guy!

I don’t know if you knew this at the time, but you did exactly right by burning it :slight_smile:

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I forget the actual technical term my spiritual mentor taught me for what you did, but I think it’s freeform writing?

I think there’s two different kinds.

One, where you write down everything that comes into your heart without judgement or attempt to control it.

The other is more like you did :slight_smile:


Good points man! Thanks!

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Back when I did the church thing, each service prior to the new year, we wrote down stuff in a similar way. But we wrote it on magician’s flash paper.

wrote down goals for the new year, stuff that bugged us from the previous year, basically anything we wanted to get “out there”.

We never read each other’s stuff unless someone volunteered the info.

We then had a big ceremony where the minister would put the papers all wadded up into a big metal bowl (sometimes just her hand if she wanted to add a bit of flair and flourish) and we’d light them all and POOF.


Abraham Lincoln did something similar with one general. He wrote a scathing letter, but did not send it. I took note of that lesson years ago and try to do the same when possible.

When the intensity of the frustration is gone, specially if it’s for someone I care about, I’m almost always glad I stopped myself.


I didn’t spent that much time on the forum, so I haven’t really notice this agressive tendency. But I can tell from my own experience that my fuse is shorter.

Makes me feel like I am running emperor V2 back in the days! My current custom doesn’t have Emperor in it.


Emperor v2 anger. I’m staying the F away from you!


Are you talking Cybernetic Transposition? :slight_smile:

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@lovage @GoldenTiger

I’m guessing you are listening to Qv2. Would you please consider listening to 1 loop of each program in your playlist only 2 or 3 times a week and notice what happens?

No man, we were talking about V2, not QV2. I think the anger with that one is legendary :smiley:

Maybe a not so popular thing to write, but sometimes I feel the community is too eager to help. And I understand why (previous experiences, desire to help out etc), but in the end we’re all different and with different backgrounds, so assuming everyone would react the same it’s just not realistic.
And if someone is aggressive, leave him be (that’s why we have moderators here), instead of trying to educate him. It’s patronizing and it can’t lead to anything good.
My 2 cents.


You can help in whatever capacity you wish, as true with everyone.

I get that, I’m just playing devils advocate: people will get triggered when getting unsolicited advice, that’s my only point.
I understand this is an online community, but think for 2 seconds how you would react in real life if you’re telling a story and a bunch of people offer their advice. There is no way a sane person would embrace that advice; I feel like we’re forgetting sometimes how a thread like this would translate into a real life interaction. This would keep everyone grounded, helpful when needed etc. Because I do believe that most people here are beautiful, helpful people.


I do understand. I even agree. Even though I agree, I’ve chosen to take a different approach and accept the risks, just as I do IRL. If at any point I say something or do something you dislike, you are welcome to respectfully post about it just as you did here.

PS I want to make this clear, although I’ve not seen all your posts, I have noticed input I’ve appreciated that you’ve offered to others. Thank you for that and please keep posting.


You better not, buddy :angry:

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Personally I’m listening to QV2, my custom :point_left:


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When you put it this way, I see what you mean.

But. Posting on here isn’t quite the same as having a private, one on one conversation with some person in public and then people butt in.

I would say it’s more like you’re talking to a room of people, maybe you know some but a lot are strangers, and you’re also being broadcast to an audience you have no control over.

I do agree with what you said about unsolicited advice, for sure! I usually will start off with telling people that this is my input and it’s unsolicited so if it resonates, great, if not, then awesome too :slight_smile:


If anyone (here or anywhere) think that I can improve his life by sharing my experience, I’ll always make time. I got the same treatment evolving, so it’s the least I can to as a decent person.